Show ID DEATHS M A av M 1 FENTON FEN TON in the sixth ward february 1888 of typhoid fever elizabeth cathrine catherine P daughter of thomas and adinie maria fenton aged 16 years 3 months and 25 dayo HODGES antlake at late town rich eich county utah feb bilth 1888 of pneumonia after an illness of one week hyrum son of elder N M X and louisa weston hodges deceased was born at lake town sept 1874 was baptized when eight years old and lived and died a good boy D at fremont piute county february 11 1888 eliza aliza wife of A J allred and daughter of thomas civic C ivic aged 32 s 2 months and 11 days deceased was born orn in provo city and left a husband two children and numerous relatives to mourn herloss her loss she lived the life of a latter alaster day saint COM JONES on the I ast 1st it of 0 january 1818 near chesterfield bingham county idaho from the effects of frozen feet harry jones son eon of if robert G and the late harriet A ann nn parker born september 13 IM 1872 tu in farmers ward salt lake labe county utah BECKSTEAD at AI south jordan salt lake county feb 20 1888 of measles ernest deroy son of 11 B and amnnda J bee becic k stead born july 11 asiu ALLRED at chester cheater sanpete the dinst of di diphtheria li theria edna flavile Flav Uli daughter of henry E b and edith M allred aged 4 years 4 months and 18 days I 1 HOWARTH at heber city wasatch county sunday fob feb ath 1888 of old age ae ellen howarth aged 80 years 5 months a and days 14 Sister howarth and her family imitated emita emigrated ted from the bolton branch in the mane manchester oner N I 1 conference in 1668 1868 she has been a mera mem ber of the church of jesus christ of f latter day Sain saints telfor for foi forty ty seven years dun donop which time she has been a faithful member of the church was one of the first who obeyed the gospel ir in the bolton Di district strick and died as she had alred a faithful latter day saint WING at the same place of childbed child bed bek martha wing wife of amuel J wing and daughter of ellen and john howarth axed aged 36 ih through eia 1 life the mother and daughter had lived to together ther in death they are not beep abed artey they both died as they had bad wed efte faithful latter day saints COM millennial star please copy on the of january 18 1888 near jar chesterfield bingham jaunty county idaho the effects of frozen feet Harry 1 son V frow of robert nobert J and the iet A parker Parl born or september irth 1873 1872 in farmers ward salt late lake county COOLBEAR at morgan city utah ter january IM 1888 of may daughter of david and Cath catheine Cathar wine lne dark clark coolbear aged 8 years 7 months and 11 days also feb 3 1888 of diphtheria george raymond son of the above parents aged 6 years 9 months and 2 days star please copy FORBS in bountiful davis co boutah utah february after a lingering illness 0 several weeks thomas forbs deceased was born jan 16 l ila in huntly aberdeen shire scotland land he barred in the baltish arm army 42 peari 21 in the regular army anny in and ay gordon highlanders High landers and 21 91 years vears in the militia he was baptized in gibraltar nov 15 ISM by edwarc stevenson emigrated to utah april 7 aw he held the office of high friest and died in fuu full faith of the gospel star please cy copy I 1 SMITH at al parowan carowan Pa rowan iron county utah feb ath 1888 susan fish smith wito wife ot of I 1 thomas P smith of parowan carowan Pa rowan iron co utah sister smith was born in norwich normah norfolk co england march esth in she ein embraced braced the gospel many years ago in her native land where she endured much peise persecution cution from some of her ber nearest kindred on ac aunt of tier her devotion to the cause and her generous aid to te the missionaries of the hurch she has been known in parowan carowan for a ions ionic series of years as aa a faitha al and sincere latter day saint ready read to aid in every borod good work but bat especially was she dev devoted evea in her heart to the build aisig of temples to which she was a liberal contributor she leaves oae son and three daughters of her own to bless ard and cherish tier her memory also a large family of her husbands to whom she has been a toad kind mother their own mother having died when they were quite young cox COM ESKLUND in scipio ward ou on january 4 1888 of asthma after ten years of buffering catherine esklund she laboured labour ed aa teacher in the relief society up to the fine ampe her disease rendered her unfit tor f or butr u ul she was born in astra bough july J 11 22 29 1822 and lived as she died a faithful latter day saint full of the hope bope of coming forth in the morning of ef the jerst flirt resurrection resurrect ron she leaves a host of friends and children and grandchildren to in purn mourn i her loss |