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Show THE osMOttttttttt-tt- t riMES-lJEVV- mmowm The Times-New- t" j An Account With TTs Hives Prestisre! NEPHI, UTAH S, s Salt Lake Miss Ina Hawking EDITOR City spent Sunday in this city the MANAGER guest of relatives. of DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON Mrs. Alvin Udall of Los Subscription is visiting her father Rate 11.00 $2.00 safe-guar- oped Mr. and Mrs. Hershall of Hickman. Fly-To- Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Chrtatison mot- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Morris of Well" 1 TO BUILD WELL USE ti i i do what THIS? HOW'S h rlTinnll ML'lliriVl? wtll we claim tor it rid your system or vai&rrn Catarrh. or uy - HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Nalaral Depoatt of Gypsam In. The World CXIMPAHT vuuseu Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and acts through the Blood on the 'MucousSurfaces, thus restoring: normal conaiuons. Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. OHU- Nephi Plaster NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. ueametss f Prize Ear t i Lar- the leading household insecticide, develthe Mellon Institute, the only Institute in the at Bottles .50 Pint Bottles Quart Bottles Gallon Bottles $1.25 Hand Sprayer 50 75 $4.00 A Trial Sprayer with each small bottle" at no extra charge. Log- an, Utah, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ockey this week, having been called here on account of the accident of Miss Thelma Ockey. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Downs motored to Provo Wednesday where they met Mr. and Mrs. George Downs et Los Angeles, wbe accompanied them to this city, where they will visit for two weeks. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in whloh this actIn the District Court of Juab Coun ion is brought, otherwise within thirty days after such service, and ty, State of ytafc. A COMMUNITY K. Hoagland Plaintiff vs Thom- - defend the above entitled action; H, HOME a 0- Ctegg and Rachel A, Clegg and and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against t, J, L. Davis, Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID you according to the demands of the A community home in the canyon complaint which has been filed with DEFENDANTS: is one of the things that are needed, especially on such occasions as that of Tuesday night when refreshments have to be served to a large crowd. In view of the fact that the local I club is engaged in providing seats pt the scout grounds for the SUMMONS (? He Builds Wisely Who Build X is x Half-Pi- nt Mrs. Enoch Burton of Glendale. California, la spending a few days here this week looking after the harvesting of her wheat crop. Wilford Warr was down from Salt Lake City the latter part of the week visiting with relatives and friends for a couple of days. X world operated without profit. Having been developed at Mellon Institute, the quality, effectiveness and is absolutely assured. uniformity of FLY-TO- X ored to Eureka Sunday wherer they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Leone Cbrlstleon, These two streets carry a great deal of travel 'and at the present time are danger zones in which the proper ob servance of traffic rules are not be ing lived up to. Excessive speeding along the bus iness district should be stopped reason in all things, and the Tfeefa driver who U constantly menacing the lives of citizens by reckless driv ing should certainly be made an example of. The laws that we have should be enforced and if these don't cover the ground enact some that Will. Protection of human life is the tjal of good government. firt First National Bank Price Salt Lake City were down to Nephi Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. against accidents d Rids the home of insects Easily and Pleasantly. Miss Ida Brough left Saturday for a two weeks trip through Yellow stone Park. The auto accident which happened here Friday afternoon in which a young lady came very near losing her life, brings forcibly to our attention the need of traffic regulations and the enforcement of same by those charged with this duty. Prevention of accidents is far better than taking action after some person has paid with hlg or her life, what may have been prevented by proper observance of traffic laws. Traffic signs at the Intersection of 1st South and Main street, and also at 1st North and Main, are needed as a Mr. Kills Flies and Mosquitos, Moths and Moth vae, Bed Bugs, House Ants, Roaches and Bugs. out. The handling of that banking connection is the "Bradstreet and once started Dunn" of your business future Today's the day. Angeles, Charles TOX: Mr. Lonnle Price of Burley, Idaho, spent the week end ta this city visit ing with friends and relatives. Mrs. Emma Hickman was over from Eureka Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Hickman. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The proper banking connection has been the turning point in many a successful man's career. :FLY -- Haynes this week. Six Months One Year To be able to say, "I have an account in THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEPHI" gives you an identity in business that you cannot afford to be with- Local Happenings Published every Friday by The Time News Publishing C ompany - i the Clerk of the Court. This action is brought for the purpose of foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage upon the land described in said complaint. MORGAN, COLEMAN & TUCKER. Attorneys for Plaintiff P. O. Address: Provo, Commercial Bank Building, Provo City, Utah. First pub. July 10th, 1925. Last pub. Aug. 7th, 1925. "p. is I 11111"" I I general pufelio, this paper suggests that the club go a little farther and erect a community home, which a real public ser A dramatic critic would constitute The vice. together in a comgetting la a feller that as the gathering on such way munity failed to make UX Tuesday night is one of the best at a playwright I thins that can come to any city. In order to haudU aucl) picnic parties properly, the convenience of a Jiuse is needed, which could be used tor all public affairs of this nature. T. s M A L L E A H. H. RICE B SI U E rd ) V 1 m! who has Deel IL 11. Rice, of Lr-Wdeli named chairman of the r.oad gatlao to the .congress, to be held at Buenos Aires 4 October J'tie congress hopes to spread Che gosH4 Mf good roads over both thy , Awny-Jca- Pn-Amerl- SWIM AT ARROWHEAD where the water is 9S per cent pure and 90 degrees temperature. Bring your parties and picnics lots of shade and best accomodations. Just a nice drive from Nephi on all paved highway. Special rates to WE CHANGE THE WATER DAILY. Yes the lines and general appearance are fine. And all thia has been accomplished without effecting the efficiency of the range We use malleable iron it is in the least! from that of grey iron mixture different a and has a distinct character. .After casting This makes it tough and it is annuealed. unbreakable. It enables us to make the top less thick and heavy, at the same time giving it greater durability- - 1 n c Axuerlcus. XOTH large parties. A Monarch Range Is Pleasing to the Eye! r K VOtt i'lmUCATION (PKblMwr) DEPARTMENT OF TilK INTERIQl U. S. LAND OFFICE ul Salt Laje City, Utah, July 13, 19(5 NOTICE is hereby given that WJ liam E. Broadhead, of NpH Vt who on April. 29th. 120, mm Hometead entry, additional, OBVIOUSLY A THIN TOP HEATS QUICKER la 01SV". for SW4SW4, Sec W,4N .!i. SE'NWV,, W Mi E Section tt. Township 14 So(h, Range 1 tWt., .tfalt Lake Meriilin, has filed no0) v uptention to take r PrHf, (to ,etabllsh c irn to the land aleve .domribed, bT Mtrict Court.i at the Clerk of lh Nephi. Utah, on th 28th day, of August. 1925. .Claimant nanif as wities 4?mul D. Hroadha4. Urum Br(lhead. Clyde Shaw, Losls'pnes all of Nephi, Utah. thr-ypa- ELI F. TAYLOR. RAUter First pub. July 17th, 1925. Last pub. Aug. 14. 1925. '.' to saving both time and fuel. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY THE VERY LOWEST PRICE Dixon - Taylor - Russell Co. "THE ONE PRICE HOUSE" SPR1NGVILLE NEPHI PROVO 3EI 3E PAYSON S3 |