Show THE NEW mm AT A TO BE HELD THURS DAY NIGHT AT THE OFFICE OF T D JOHNSON THE FORMAL organization WILL BE MADE frank cannon editor in chief they will run one linotype machine and use the news association dispatches at the meeting held by the promoters of the new evening paper for ogden last night at T D johnsons John rons office the plans of those interested were brough tto a head T D johnann has been appointed to draw up article of incorporation and these will be prevented at another meeting to be held thursday night for the signatures of choso who will take stock in the venture the company is to be incorporated for and it la claimed that of that amount has been subscribed the paper is to be issued each evening except sunday and will bo six column eight pages frank cannon to be the ed tor in chief and the balance of the staff has not vet been chosen the paper will use the scripps news As dispatches from san francisco a branch of the scripps mcrae association which will give about a column of dispatches a day and mothr column by mail in advance it will also get what ia known as advance dispatches by mail thew are reports of conventions and other gatherings written in advance by corps of brilliant writers who being well informed are able to make some fairly accurate in this regard in time be company hopes ta get the associated press dispatches the standard welcomes the new paper to the field but regrets that the company did not decide 0 make it a morning paper and thus arnish ogden with two papers complete y covering the field and enabling the citizens to get all their reading matter without patronizing the salt lake pa ers the citizens of ogden certainly want a morning paper the new paper will have but one line ype machine to start with this has een ordered from san francisco and is expected to arrive here for use on or about october 20 the company has also made a deal whereby it has come into los session of the plant of the standard at winnemucca nevada and hat paper will cease publication and the plant be removed to ogden tho proprietors of the plant windle k brackett will both be connected with he new paper mr brackett eing a machinist operator and having hargo of the linotype machine r windle will also probably be employed in the mechanical of the paper the plant thatis that is brought from nevada ia simply a job and hand composition outfit alie above facia were given to a standard reporter this morning by members of the proposed company who have taken A leading part in the establishment of the proposed paper they were very willing to give ont information and readily i answered an questions asked by the reporter judge thomas D dec who was seen first stated that at the meeting last night arrangements were made for T U johnson to draw up papers of In corpora tion and that these would be presented at a meeting thursday night for the signatures of those taking stock and the company will be formally organized W W browning stated that he had taken stock in the hew paper but that he would have nothing to do with the management in any department lie denied the statement that was published sometime since that hia job office was to be combined in the new venture he simply acears in the part of a stockholder major A E confirmed all of the statements made in the introduce tion to this article and said the new paper will give more attento tl to diversified subjects I 1 have always believed that the beet newspaper is made by condensing the news and for that reason there will be less attention paid to dispatches and more to diversity we expect to get started about october 20 we have not yet definitely settled on our staff |