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Show ? THE PAGE TWO JOURNAL THE -P- UBLISHED BY 4ARLANDJENGLAND-PUB- M e every Tuesday, Entered at the at Logan, Utah. Thursday and Saturday, matter. s second-das- s EDITOR iUGUSTUS GORDON, EDITOR CITY J. MARSHALL, Post-Offic- r, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By Carrier. 90c $1.75 Months Months 12 Month 1910. Saturday, December 3, JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH TRI-WEEKL- Y in that region a new worlda new civilization, will spring in life. It is the region wherein the expansion of the human raee began; it held the stage for no one knows how long; but it waH, under the old fierce Asiatic rule, which progressed into such tyranny that it finally had to perish. Now it has been generations of men yiug still while seventy-fiv- e The Is Jested; modern died. land have lived and methods will reawaken its former fertility; the I1EN I was avejry little schoolhouse wilj appear; possibly before many years hoy, said daddy one even- 1 the' of world. it will again become the concernment 'ing, much smaller than Salt Lake Telegram. - Jack hereI lived near an old lady who was very fond of xme. I If there js not one law for the rich and another used to visit her quite often. She for the poor, there are at least some methods of ad- gave me cakeh and frpit, and 1 ministering it that are so, widely divergent as to liked to go to her "house, but I make it appear so. The poor man sent to jail for liked best to play with a cat a year does not expect to get or to revel in luxury, as will W. G. Comstock, Bart- very playful cat and a ley Richards, Charles Jamison and Aquila Triplet, mouser.- But she had one bad cattlemen of Nebraska, recently sentenced' tot ftne habit, and no matter how hard years imprisonment Jn the eounty jail as a penalty the old lady tried she could not for fencing in government land. 'Which eounty jail cure her of if. stems to have been .optional; so after .spending a ".What was that, daddy? askmonth in visiting the various county jails in the ed Evelyn. Why, answered daddy, Kit statehey decided upon the Adams County jail,-iwhich they reserved commodious quarters- which was the cats name with furnish the used to to latch luxury little birds and eat greatest they proceeded and A been has installed and elegance. them. The old lady was fond of library subscribed for and magazines many newspapers birds,, and it' grieved her to ree cook chef installed to a have evert. Japanese They Kitty try tq cateh them. She ownfor them and there will be no restriction as to their ed a pretty little yellow canary food purchases., To complete the farce they will no bird which she .kept in a cage doubt be permitted ,to roam out at intervals in high up out of Kittys reach. charge of a guard, provided they pay the guard. Many times Kitty tried, to climb Many a laboring man would consider1 such nunish ment a. rich reward. but it was. no use. The old lady took too good cae of the little When the question of an improved water supply singer to let the pussy cat make for Logan City is under discussion, the spring lo- a meal of its Tittle body, cated in Spring Hollow, about rix miles up Logan Qne day Kittys mistress deconsidered cided to try to cure the cat of her banyan, is very generally spoken of and as an ideal source of supply, but there is one great Ippetite for birdsKitty-was4- y reason, in our belief, why it is not. True ' the water ing in a big armchair when the the bldlady went into the room with is beautifully' clear, almotTiceJoIdTlinirT.n who it strikes jrpon a little yellow bird in her hand. weary tramper over the hills, a midsummer day, seems fit nectar for the gods. It When Kitty was looking at her looks good and tastes good. Apparently there is she placed the bird on the man- at Ricks spring, which is too far up to be considered; CONSTIPATION but a noticeable fact is that etery pebble in the FOR stream is heavily coated with what seems to be and doubtless is, a lime formation and put to the test of A Medicine That Does Not Cost bathing or laundry work the water is undeniably Anything Unless it Cures. hard. The reservoir, plan and site proposed .under the Mayor Edwards administration, would doubtThe active medicine ingrediless afford a safer and more healthful supply ents of Rexall Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorOf course Logan stores are at no time so crowded less, is an entirely new discovery. as are the big department stores in large cities at Combined with other extremely Christmas time, by holiday buyers; and jet, for a valuable ingredients, it forms a week or so some of them are pretty well packed at perfect bowel regulator, intesti-- , about that tame, so, not only for the sake of overnal invigorator and strengthener. worked clerks, but for convenience, and that greatRexall Orderlies are eaten like er consideration, a wider choice from stocksTasyet and are notable for their for holiday buy- candy comparatively unbroken, it is well to the palate and For agreeableness ers to purchase early and "avoid 'the rush of action. gentleness They donot those who must wait to raise the purchase price, cause griping or any disagreemerchants are always willing to accept a compara- able effect or inconvenience. tively small guarantee deposit and set. an article Unlike other preparations for aside to be called for later, when it will take but a minute or two to complete the transaction. Buy a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overearly, and reap all the advantages connected therecome the cause of habit acquired ' with. through' the use of ordinary laxaThe depth of Uncle Joes degradation and the tives, cathartics and harsh physic, full extent of his fall, may be realized from the fact and permanently remove thp that at thenext session of Congress his confreres cause of constipation or irregular n . s in a preliminary caucus or by bowel action.. and We will refund your money gome other means, have decided to deny him even the reduced prestige attaching to the post of minori- without argument if they do not do as we say they will. Two sizes, ' How have the mighty fallen. ty leader 25c and 10c. Bold only at our Aesthetic Boston tilts its nose at the gaucherie store The Rexall Store. The manners and shocking English of the Wqst; yet, it Rater Bros. DrugCo. 33 N. Main. has been found necessary in that center of culture apd beans to place notices reading, Women first, MINE ROBBERS please, at the various stations on the Boston eleOVERLOOKED THOUvated railroad. SANDS OF DOLLARS Daddys Bedtime 75c Months $1.50 . 6 Months $3.00 12 Months 50c year per When not paid in advance, additional. Furnished on Application. Rates javertising ,1 .... iit yj - n DAILWAY CONTROL. It ! ty-r-th- has been asserted as a fact easily sus-ceptib- le of proof, that by means of their stpck 'holdso many ings and membership uon the boards of finan-cia- l national banks and trust companies, in the big centers, that one little group of twenty men can at anytime produce a financial panic in the United States. Thus this little coterie possesses a power which it should be impossible to hold under the law, and one which is a constant menace to the welfare this group and other capitalists, Members of through intermembership in directorship and stock utilities ownership, control nearly all of the public in some sections, and there are other groups in con SU ljouia-pape- r trorin aH part8 ofdhe eountryi-says of one such railway group; Nine men control the Pennsylvania railroad sys- - t A tern. ' These nine, with four others, control also the directorates of the Baltimore & Ohio and the Norfolk & Western. ThesetTiTrteen7with"T;ixothersrhavtr-eoiitrol-o- f the New York Central & Hudson River and the Chesapeake & Ohio, These nineteen, with five .others, control also the Chicago & Northwestern. These twentydour, with one other, , control also the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis. with two others, control also These twenty-five- , the Reading system. These twenty-sevewith two others, control also the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis. -with three others, comro These twenty-ren- , also the Erie. These thirty, with five others, control also the , Southern. These thirty five, with two others, control also the Delaware. Lackawana & Western. These thirty-sevewith two others, control also 4 the Lehigh Valleys ' These thirty-ninwith four others, control also the Great Northern. : with five others,, control also These forty-threthe Northern Pacificc. ; w . with two others, control also These forty-eigh- t, the Union Pacific, These fifty, with one other, control also the Rock Island, , The above w based on data 'published by the im .testate commerce commission. .The peoples rail, roads are pot theirs "at '11. Instead those the roads serve are at the mercy of a fewswollenly rich profit hunters. Nothing ePe could happen so long as such public utilities are not publicly owned. n, -- n, e, e, fellow-partisan- INDIA BY BAIL. Now comes news that, Russia ; and Great Britain have come to an understanding and that India will be connected with 'iSufopex by railroad. Not from the Meriterranean east, but from Quittj a ui point near the Caspian, on Russias trans-Sibcroad, southeast across Persia and Baluchistan to a connection with the British roads in India. As we understand the agreement, Russia will build to the The papers relate the case ofS' one. J. Johnson, southern boundary of Persia, then the British will who induced the merchants of Hamilton. Ohio, to construct ti'o remaining link. In Persia the road cash a number of fraudulent checks, then faded. wlj pass through Teheran, the capital, and Kashan, There Is another J. Johnson who would probably Yeal ami Kinnan, great interior i markets willingly Jake his penalty if he. too, could fade; at and Russia and have are now least, as to color. Germany agreedupon constructing a, railroad from the .Mediterranean i northeast which will connect with the projected New Nationalism evidently didnt, think there road from the Caspian, to India. were so many buzz saws in the world. e These two roads Asia and make such a tramsformatiop as has seldom Every trade, bsuiuess or profession has it trade been seen The. work is surely the quickest way to or journal The business of bcfiin the redemption of that mighty region with Sts has its most valuable trade journal in tens of millions of well nigh barbarous ..peoples. the classified advertising columns. There is no other such a tamer of will beasts and f wild men as the Jocomotive. Neither ran under To become" a reader of the. classified ads, is, to stand the mystery of its mighty force; auainst ecomea,p answerer1 of sOmd ef them and - that scattered and they stand ap means to get into money-makinspears of wild merj-arcompany into the palled before the black monster, that faints iiot un- atmesphfre of opportunity. der an Indian sun uor grows cold under the breath of the glacier, and carries ruch burdens, that the Dont fall into the ruck of table monotony in camel driver is appalled. In those lands a new agri your home. Nine tenths of the grouches of your -.culiurt vvlir rotlow in i t r a iV newj ni i g h t e niff e nT home circle can be permanently cured bv introduc- tb, old ft.k-- s, rte old methods jWdl pa .wavTMj new Mcls i Jatablea. TO ri Pt-rri- a -- and wiR-pierc- hou"e-keepin- g, home-makin- it-t- e g - -- sj variation,. g, mWtt Vv.V :: fooliilr tlesbelf. The bird was just .about the size of the canary and looked very much .like that that pet. When Kitty saw her mistress said place it on the mantel she to herself, .Ah, .there, is a good mouthful "for me!, but she pretended that riie was asleep until her mistress went out of the rnnm But the old lady did not go far. She .remained standing rust outside of the door, where she eould see Kitty without being seen by the eat. As soon as Kitty saw her mistress leave the room she straight, ened up in the chair in which she bad been pretending to be asleep p on the mantel. and jumped-uShe got the little yellow bird in her claws and dragged it to the floor. But When she tried to bite it she was surprised to find that it was not a real bird at all, but one made of wax. Kitty looked very foolish When the old lady - - Drug Co. p v i fills your prescriptions-- , - you j j Accuracy can depend on , . Pure .Drugs 1 ; ; - Promptness j Price, of course, is la consideration generally our prices are less than any other store . town. ! I " THE PRESCRIPTIO- N-- ' ' STORE ' Decide to Live in Your Own home This Coming Winter j After that time she never tried to catch the old ladys canary. But it wa3 impossible to cure her of her habit of catching and eating- - little birds outside. That is part of the nature of v her. The Autumn days are with us, and Fight oh their, heels comes the family1- - WmlerTThatV I had many good times with that pussy , saiddaddy,smilingY and I was sorry when she became too old to play and wanted only to lie by the fire and sleep. whena cozy LIT- TLE HOME OF OUR YOUR w OWN is , mighty nice. We,have SOCIALISTS CAPTURE BUSINESS MENS MEETING several listed that ' are really . bar- - , Bellingham, Washn., Now 30. Socialists, who liave been active gains. Look, over in, Bellingham recently unexpect- our list.v edly captured a business mens mass meeting, palled last.pight to consider ways and means to meet a deficit of $60,000 it is expected the city will have to face in 1911 as a result of the voters having wiped out the saloons at the recent electionThe few busi- c, ; ; ness men who appeared in answer to the call of Acting Mayor John F. Miller found themselves outnumbered by the Socialists who promptly, declared in favor of lin W.J censing all nonproductive j busipera House Block ness enterprises and occupations. In spite of the fact that the t j state law prohibits such a plan, C a Socialist' member bf the meeting moved that bankers, lawyers, real estate men, .abstractors, contractors and men engaged in , similar occupations be taxed In , 2f : , t sums varying ffoin $25 to $2, 0(f) is thing of the past. a year. A , CONDENSED SMOKE; "When Acting Mayor Miller i chairman of the meeting hesitated now gives preserved C. to put the motion, II. . delightful Cupples meat u aimed the and the chair, usurped flavor and preserves protests of some of those present, called for a vote.' The motion with but1 slight exertio'h ry. V carried overwhelmingly, where-- , by upon Mr. Miller immediately declared the meeting adjourned. ( v The Old Smoke House . j. f 1 a H , - that it ror pale GY, E. NAPPER ' , C ' 1 , .- BE RECALLED FROM EUROPE - ers, Co-o- Kitty Looked Very GEN. BERNARDO REYES MAY Winnemucea, Nev., Nov. 30.Three masked men who broke into the tunnej) of a rich gold mine near here yesterday overlooked $8,000 - worth - of high grade ore. The robbers broke down four heavy doors at the entrance to the tunnel. Meeting they made them faee-thwall and while one of the intruders stood guard the other two searched for treasure. In their Mste they did not notice the rich ore that had already been packed in sacks and was standing in the rtope, and they departed empty handed. , The identity of the robbers is said to be known, and arrests are expected. Tlie same mine wlsJobbed four months ago of ore worth $3,000. The thieves escaped. take a look atthejroonJ WHEN THE Story atocbfhbgh'e By Mall ad lopks If the furnished room go to the address given, El Paso, Tex., Nov. x 30. correspondent of the El Paso llerald in Mexico City writes thatitis rumored "there that Gen.' Bernardo Reyes is to be recalled from Europe and made of Mexico and allowed by President Diaz to assume the reins .of government m a few months, as it is believed such a Course would satisfy the country.' Corral is Very sick and b expected to soon go to Europe for me3i- cal treatment. Finance Minister Limantour iwexpected to resign on his'return from Europe asJKe 1 and Reyes are enemies. -. The-speci- vic&-preide- e nt Vice-Preside- nt you , owri , Gunn-Queale- M.&L.Coal&Wood Company ayer4onhaiiitilw3 cess real estate want advertising, By Government test the hottest and best Coal Mined in Utah. We also have the Union Pacific and y Rock Springs, that good and dean Kemmerer Lupip, and Nut CoaL emember the sure place order from the old and reliable Coal Co. by PHONES 74 I |