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Show m ..... . ( ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .. PAGE FOUR THE BULLETIN, BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH . OUR DEMOCRACY byKU I I THE PRINTED WORD IV JTT-n- r - M 11 5lNCE THE 1760 WHEN VWyVJ FU; M THE COLONIES ALftEAOy V V V , V'AJSJBS M HAD 25 PUBLIC LIBRARIES it'R'ni AMERICA HAS TOPPED C&&Wfmt J THE WORLD WITH THEM- .- 'T!l.-"8Jt- . SOME 112. MILLION VfT-2i.-'-- ji'l ' h THE LARGES-T- LIBRARV Or CONGRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. ' OVER, HERE wr read all sides of questions ? AN MA" UP " WE SCAN AND LEARN. ' OVEK. THERE - mmmn im'v.v , i....m.-.h.iI..- .l..i. ... THEY BAN AND BURN. "Thb mere reading of a book or newspaper not dictatator-approve- d means swift and cruel punishment. Mrs. Marie Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Oliver returned Monday from Ely, Ncv., after spending Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Max M. DuBois and daughter, Ann, were guests at a dinner last evening at the home of Mr. and Mr?. Fred Linke. Lark Notes i ---r-j Mrs. Clara Turpin returned Sunday evening from Pocatello, Idaho, where she has been guest of her son and daughter-in-law- , Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Turpin. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Brady and daughter, Pamella, of Nephi, were Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs. Lulu Coombs. After visiting Friday and Sat-urday at the Lark hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clarke left for their home in Ely, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bowen celebrated Thanksgiving Novem-ber 27 at a dinner at their home. Covers were placed for four. Utuglfmn SuUrtin Iftuod Every Friday ai Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah. Entered ai Second Class Matter, at the Pott Office at Bingham Canyon, Utah, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. -.- ,.,,v-v3-r-. NATIONAL EDITORIAL. LKLAND C. BURRHSS, Editor and Publisher Subscription Kate, per year in advance $2.00 Advertising Kates Furnished on Application Mr. and Mrs. Pat O Mallcy vis-ited Thanksgiving day in Ogden with Mrs. D. J. Sullivan and daughter, Carmel. Dob Steele, U. of U. student, the Thanksgiving holidays tfith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Steele. n Mrs. Harry Steele, Mw. Robert Sonne and children, of Lark, spent Friday visiting in Salt Lake City. Mrs George Kampros of Lead Mine 'entertained at luncheon Wednesday and the afternoon en-joyed sewing by Mrs. Mike Ne- - uohs Mrs. Gunnar Olson, Mrs. Alger Baum, Mrs. Adrian Jen-sen and Mrs. Nick P. Floros. Mr and Mrs. Don Stuart and daughters' of Fillmore were here over the week-en- d with Mrs. Stu-art's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer A Berg, and were Thanksgiv-ing guests of Mrs. Rose Stuart ot' Sandy. Mrs. Elvira Hone of Sprinr?-vill- e arrived Sunday to visit m- - definitely with her son and d ghter-in-la- Mr. and Mra gene Jenkins. Mrs. Ruby Banes of Ca Oakh if, and Mrs. Harry and son, Donald, of San Fnm co, arrived in Salt Lake f Tuesday to visit Mrs. Martha r tis. The Californians will with Mr. and Mrs. Carl A Cu and daughter, Patricia Anne week-en- d. ' Miss Frances Quinn, studem St. the holidays with her 'paw Mr. and Mrs. Francis J Qu The three were guests of Mr Mrs. Francis W. Quinn 0f' LakcCity Thanksgiving day' The Fraternal Order of Eai aerie No. 659, will meet at 1 m. Monday, December 1, at H les hall. All members are quested to attend, H. R. q ecrctary, announces. Eagies their wives have received an vitation to attend the visital of state officers to the To aerie the evening of Decembe LOCALNOTES I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morley en-tertained yesterday at a Thanks-giving dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hall and family, Mrs. E. G. Ball, Mrs. W. G. Thom-as and grandson, Gene Thomas. C. A. Morley completed eigh-teen degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free-masonry at the Stilt Lake Ma-sonic Temple Tuesday and Wed-nesday. Mrs. Agnes Householder of American Fork, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Maude Deakin, left Tuesday for home. Miss June Householder and Miss Helen Bartell are staying with Mrs. Householder at American Fork until Christmas. Mrs. George Kancll, Mrs. Louis Strike and Angelo Chipian. all of Salt Lake City, visited Sun-day with Mr. and Mrs- - Charles Dimas and family and Mr. and Mrs. Anast J. Chipian and family. Senior Epworth league of the Bingham Methodist church will meet at 7 p.m. Saturday at the home of Miss Aspacia Chipian. John Robertson attended meet-ings of the seventy-eight- h reun-ion of the Utah Scottish Rite bo-dies Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-day and Thursday at the Salt Lake Masonic temple. Max M. DuBois, Bert Thomas and Arth-ur Smith, all of Lark, attended Wednesday. Mr. Smith and Mr. Thomas were also present for Thursday. Danny Caulfield of the Twenty-Nint- h Engineering corps, Fort Richardson, Alaska, has been transferred to Yuma, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonne and children, Shirley and Bob, of Lark, were guests Thanksgiv-- j ing of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele. Mrs. Rose Vengich left Wed-nesday for Grass Valley. Calif., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Clar-ence Roth. Edo Rottini of Taylorsville was a Thanksgiving week-en- d visitor at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Azzelio. Lyle Demmic of American Fork was a dinner guest Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merl G leaves. Miss Marjorie Brimhnll was home to spend Thanksgiving week-en- d with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biimhall of Highland Boy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and small son spent Thanksgiving in Tooele with relatives. Highland Boy Leslie Cleaves Mrs. Nick Patrick has been very ill and is now reported re-covering. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Nesby and daughters, Helen and Mary Jane, and son, John, of Portland, Ore., were Thanksgiving week-end visitors of the Vernon Jef-fcott family. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Tregaskis of Tooele were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jeffcott Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Duke and family moved to Riverton Satur-day to make their home. Mrs, Tony Azzelio and Mrs. George Smiljinich were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday. Mike Gcrbich and Marko Yen-Ric- h were visitors in Salt Lake City Friday. They also saw the game between Bingham and Park City. Duchin Tomas of Los Angeles is home visiting his sister, Milka, and brothers, Eli and Mike. He arrived in Highland Boy Wed-nesday. Mr. Tomas is a student at the Los Angeles City college and an employee at the Lock-heed Aircraft corporation. He left Sunday evening to return to the coast. Pete Gerbich and Jack Sakich attended the Park City-Bingha- m game Friday. Walter Bolic of Salt Lake was a visitor at the home of his par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bolic, Thursday. Forty-fiv- e children attended the "Christmas For Others" party sponsored by the Quester group of the Highland Boy Community House Tuesday afternoon for those of kindergarten and pri-mary age. The committee in charge of the former group in-cluded Annie Gerbich, Barbara Cleaves and Helen Jeffcott; the primary group was under lead- - ership of Mildred Muhar, Bertha Gerbich and Rosie Arko. Refresh-ments were arranged by Katie Rubalcava and Annie Uzelac. Barbara Cleaves and Helen Jeff-cott arranged decorations. Offer-ings will be spent for gifts for children of the Community church at Pavillion, Wyo., a gov-ernment reclamation project cen-ter. John Bolic and Nick Chanak went to Salt Lake Saturday to hear Eddie Arcoro, one of the world's greatest accordion play-ers, in his appearance at the Newhouse hotel. . --J Put your drinks on the J 9T. CODE NO. 1?1 PT. CODE NO. 192 tPS&WN tt0Q V, PT. CODE NO. 193 M-M- ' National Distillers Products Corporation, New York QyU cw$le v .) nDaaaaniinnnDnnnnniiDnnaanannaaE GOOD SERVICE! SHIPMENTS ROUTED VIA THE B & (I RECEIVE CAREFUL HANDLING AND PROMPT MOVEMENT. FAST DAILY MERCHANDISE CARS FROM SALT LAKE CITY IN CONNECTION WITH UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. BINGHAM & GARFIELD RAILWAY CO. T. H. PERLEYWITS J. H. CULLETON General Freight & Pass. Agt. Agent Kearns Building, Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utah Utah A Copper Roof Is Not Only Best But Cheapest In The Long Run. ' TRADITIONALLY. FINE . . , THRIFTY IN PRICE i SJV By 1750 the fame of England's beauties u ai second only to 'J0' I " ' Nv!T England's love of fine tea.Without either, no court function ril) T Km was complete. fF l J "Sl Now Canterbury gives you tin. old-uot- lJ luxury For ' XQ&s Canterbury is no timid tea .T. but a btout-heart- ed blend ' 5 you'll admire for its rich flavor and excellent quality'. ffS, 'XSSJ Best-o- f all, you'll like the lov, price. lor, by ordering ,S7Whf :TS direct from the importer, your grocer saves )ou many a fJ5$Sffa ?S' I penny on every pound. A splendid buy, this Canterbury I jf jfohfjt K " And notice the new rigid carton. So J JkJ 7 much easier to open and handier to use. vTSlW w "jV.-'- ' What's more, that sturdy inner lining (fr ;X ft Jdl helps keep moisture out ... flavor in! PJ htSj&$ f ' I Why not try Canterbury Tea? It's fully Jj . J vENQ guaranteed, so unless you like it ... it W M tflC DCdt' Fj vsJ - costs --ou nothingi tadiUan Jf ;V mtefbury TEA FEATURED BY SAFEWAY WE SERVE GOOD EATS-GI- VE US A TRY PASTIME INN AND CAFE CHINESE DISHES A ' ' SPECIALTY CIGARS, CIGARETTES, BEER Joe Jaurequl Mm. Rose Lepore Proprietor! Bingham Mortuary Tele phono 17 iota SUmpfal. LJrawed jgmKaii Copperfield t Mrt. John Panialone. Ph. 106 J Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scroggin and son, Shirl, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirby. --The UG1G club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. L. E. Bar-ne- tt in Copperton. Those pres-ent were Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Eleanor McDonald, Mrs. R. L. Cunliffe, and Mrs. Ray Wat-son. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thurmond and family of Ogden were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Ross Falsetti Tuesday. .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson were dinner guests at the John Pantalone home Thanksgiving. Mrs. J. B. Thurmond Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pitts were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Crane in Salt Lake City Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke Sr. entertained at a family dinner Thanksgiving. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. Grey Tyson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burke and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke Jr. and daughter, Fred Neibion and the Burke family. Ladies Aid met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lois Taylor. The evening was spent sewing and completing plans for a bazaar to be held December 11. A delicious lunch was served to the Rev. and Mrs. Meredith Smith, Mrs. Bert Whetsel, Mrs. Thelma Barrett, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Ray Watson, Mrs. Eleanor McDonald, Mrs. Fay An-derson, Mrs. Lucille Chestnut and Mrs. Blanche Leatherwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Leather-woo- d and son of Midvale spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Leatherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chido and son of Salt Lake City were vis-itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs. Bill Jones and daughter, who have been visiting for the past week at the Nevers home, have left for Price to be guests of friends and relatives. Miss Connie Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brown', at-tended the Phi Alpha Pi chapter of Maids of Athens fall rush par-ty at the Newhouse hotel Novem-ber 24. Miss Brown will be one of the new members to be initiat-ed in December. Ladies auxiliary was held Mon-day, the hostess being Mrs. Pa-lom- a Moore. Cards were played, prizes going to Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Manilla Anderson, Mrs. Eva Wat-- 1 son and Mrs. Gladys Quinn. Also present were Mrs. Doris Swain and Mrs. L. E. Barnett. Mrs. Nick Golish was a Salt Lake visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardikas were Salt Lake visitors Wednes-day. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panta-lone of Chico, Calif., were din-ner guests at the John Pantalone home Friday. A Parent-Teach- er association social Wednesday evening at thp Copperfield school was attended by 50 members. Mrs. Thelma Bar-rett, president, wishes to thank the committees who made the party a success. W. J. Tierney is home from St. Mark's hospital. Mrs. Gladys Scroggin, Mrs. R. L. Cunliffe and Mrs. Pete Brown were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kanios in Salt Lake City Monday. Relief Society was held Tues-day evening at the home of Mrs. Gladys Scroggin. Mrs. Bernice Clinton gave the lesson. Eleven members attended, Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boren and daughter were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Watson Thursday. |