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Show ? The Sentinel, l.ll lillll.M' Sentinel Co. ar.ss.raxi ,. Jtnttnd Mo the 101 L", Offive .ill I1 e- nil! li.ei: !v i.. w ;i ii'iii.le l ut. , I p. i. j'UU bi r b amend-cnr.si.i) I tl.cri'bl.cr lire b.l bud red without .it: ii.ciiU will bj uiul ti.r-- ulLtr I hive Lour the ol guiieml oil c lull finu1 vole upon the hill will be i W .1 tin t li.f.i'Uii I JVji'l..!: lit! O.i il-- Ji fci-l- t: d tiikeu. r gruui.d.--.' Hus Hi. iti, -t it i. lOuuri) lust ran-iida- il- u. ; he-ilv- s ' . I -- ll ' - The Co. Court dbaolvtd school i 13 (Gooseberry) and changed the boundrj Huh of district Na 10 (Saline) no that it w mid include the disolved diet. This MCliiui wsi on amount of tha report of t o. Snpt. of diet School, Victor B. Bean that no interest wea taken in school matters by tho people of said INHUMAN Kernis J - V 1 . c: :.LTY- - fr-i- v u Hero's a nisu w f ageut bring bu y il d i for further damly expea'i'i t i i .at plaiurd before .1 t- in ' i.-- Kj- -. moiid. and they ad,ol- totle uHertrg di r1 la net I ho u hi-- j befuTf it i ..i Li i! Ulnars least j tin- - ArrangFnt;-,!!wound-- 1 ' -- $ mi:, - hs eonl.1 bLak eltr. . i ' v. i " ; p '.j. :i it ' dstnlisof i" farther ms' ' ! ' the hui i. ry. ? um ?. r sM - n- o'lii ! i.i i g. 1 i .i tuff, i '.cf d. In? lfc. i w - :i- - iiori iEstoSware. FRICKS.. die-tri- SAVED I ROM STARVATION. New York, Aur. SU- .- Rut for the kind-ric- e ef an IrUli benevolent society hen Knurls Gillespie, an Oldman, and Ms o four lltlli'frebdablldren, whose parent live in Sen Franelaoo would Are starved lu this rity. Gilleapls arrived here on Wednesday on the steam-hl- p Majestic with his grandi-hlldro(iillbspln had bought tickets which entitled hj,u and his eturges to through ireiirpnrtatloD to Bin Fraueisea He expi. rte.' on landing here to take passage for bis d'ltiuatlon Immedtatoly. hnwev-- r, th steamer, City f Terie. toes not sail for San Franelseo until (iillepi had no means of Mupporttng himself and grandchildren. The stesniHliip people claimed they were not responsible. well-to-d- A BLOODTHIRSTY RUSSIAN, Rr. PmRMirBfiepL 2 -- At Kljnl a young man named Hlmt at Governor-Gsnera- l Baranof. Tt e bullet went wide ot Its mark how- v r, and the man was handed over to tha police. d. y, Viid-iiri-- COAU ff ot Tha Deseret Coal & Coke Compsny lsve been making improvements on the Cottonwood ten von Road and at tho iniue, and are now prepared to de-i- b . - rf I r. . .h t . I i - Hie y pared for nntil h r t.llBt Silt goodi VW VtoiV go o QJkBm SiOlE ProvO city, Utali, JAMES OUYTflK. Dry Goods, Confectionery, Groceries, Canned Goods, Glassware Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, and makes a Specialty of Hats, Caps, Boots and Gents Furnishing Shoes, Goods and cLOTBiira. Mount Floai Niels Hahsiv, Sac. ProeL 113DG, BSU He keeps a full line of anil Gas ntter. Stem Plumber, Well Pipe and Fitting, always in Stork, Batli Tubs, Wuj Houses Basins, Sinks, rumps. Lawn Sprinklers, Garden Ilose, Etc. Fitted up in the Most Approved Stylo, with Steam, Gas, jlot and Cold Water. Order Promptly Attended to. Give me n Call. Drive Box 16. Strckt, Fuovo Cifv, Utah. Ckxtkk C. S. RASMUSSEN, J F. Fucbib, Tree, Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller PROVO CITY, UTAH. Manufacturer of ami I Valcr coal to their customers in any quan' A Platfoim is built and so are i med that the wagons will be loaded bneigh a shoot and the delav necessi-- ; 'ed :n loadiug, as loiuierlv done, is ob v latt'd Manufactureren of tha Beet Grades ol . T iie Falrview Store will act as our agents iu selling road passes and coal, and their orders for coal can he for the same figures at which the coal is sold at the uuue, (I1.75 per ton,' cash or wheat: store orders will bo taken at leu per cent, discount. The coal will b extracted 1S0 feet Straight Grsda, Family Pride, XX Family, Farina Grits, Chop (loin the suitace, and will he entire!)' lice froth 'ihiic and slack. The roail Feed, Bran and Shorta, wdl be kept iu good condition. Bv promptness and attention to the business we hope to merit the good will MT. PLEASANT, UTAH. and patronage ol Ihe coal consuming public in this county We invite all to cane end see the improvements and to give us their orders DJLMciLuani, J.LPxkkis, JoeARmaw, D.W.AG.SJfcmjm which will receive our best attention. these ret Coal A Coke Co., H Carutin, Co, SupL a in- - P. 8. d 'hit u-- r Ve are offering for sail 25( fortuna'a fr e graded French Merino rama t( explain the ot price that defy competition. c.'l i."inuict Icl They sre daisies young and bmLyu. fit. For particulai call 01. address ro H. PEMBROKE:) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL eooV 78 progreea in thowoikof legislation can ba looked for in the vacation season, yet Congress keep stubbornly at work. The House last week m Aug. passed the Compound Lard bill and the bill making tight hours a days work for laborers and mechanics employed by or in behalf of the the government and contractors doing work or famishing msteriala for it. The Senate is making progress slowly with the Tariff bill. This week it transferred crude nickel to the free list, made a slight reductiou on tine in blocks, reduced the rate on awed hardwoods from Sj to 10 per cent, in. rested the duty on cigar from t2 to 14 per pound, reduetd the rate on ateei rails from 610 of a cent to 5-- of scent per pound, and reduced the rate on garden and agricultural seda not otherwise provided for from 40 to 20 ier The RleGrandeWcstem In the South cent Several paragraphs in the That th Rio Granit Ws tern will bill have ben passed over temporoon make its entrance Into haup-tIs now an aeaured fact. Tha city council arily at the request of eeinitur of AIL npanaiit were called tognther In from states esiecially interested. lately 10 eonuMoT tbei It is now certain that tho Federal special prnpeslttfu of carrying Into effect their Elections bill will not come up for previous promUe of giving a light of action at the present cession of way and flrpot groamre to the company. Mr. Uandfurd, who repreneated the comCongress. Regarding the Tariff stated that tt meant business, that bill, it has been agreed that gene- - pany. U was no paper railroad, and that tha Bargains SLW2 IKEL liLO CK, mi-idl- RVY.'V,iva &tOO., Bout Shoemakers fioo Wholesale Prod nee and I FIRST-CLAS- S ACC03IM0I)ATI0S lloo m LW 1 ffU J Fleldinjf Prop. MANTI, - r UTAH Comnii-wio- u Herrhanfa, SPECIALTIES c. Safer by PmntalmU P.ateei. BANK OF COMMERCE. PROVO CITY, UTAH. Yckucu c. MAIN BS., SALT LAKE CITJT, fwzs-ssssi- Udiea' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Wall paper, Etc. ?airt, Wholaaalo and Retail Dealero la Staple and Green Groceries. , GUlAXMr, rOTTIjTOl.-Sr- ' if iw oavt nn.nui foxsali bt.toux hexchaittv wxxn HOWELL & CO., mm & - MAxteindTliib I'o-op- ., From Temple. Correspondence Solicited. mfo: oo., ? .3 Blks , INDIANAPOLIS. IND. e FISLDI83 HOUSE MY T.ARGR STOCK. Fillr-d- Successor to Gko. Kkhi:. - Ot d Bro? r'lts TTritsry for .'4 i reiiHble auNephi Utah . Only 250.0.0 flpjndi. . oT.u r E' L. Tarry . . are i t used e, ihirteen pounds A W, HawaiL and thro q our Ur miiiions of pounds ! being ant kn 1 1.) b. . turned In manufactured artieb a. It U xrgund that if For good Huai ties locations in the omsnioro inti rpi Isi sere shown tha greater part ot ins clip could ba used hero by rstsblhi ing iLAOiifaetori-- s. As Xppl 10 Frll, oli .il a C'.l'rovo, It U, th wool p w liiiougli'a Lumber n of 1 t. Leu here Is no pivnii , center to collee1. the ein-- Adeslsrbuis P J Nin snv, Kviki CniiisTorriRHox. ouertLririet and biint--.i- i tusomsientir. whereby d.i-- .hs t. it toai.othrr deel-er- , who prulctuly :uis it to a broker who soil it 1 1 turn t . th msnnfeeturer. Th profits to all these togeiher with the rail rood ehargee, will bs saved In time by th.' establLiliiuwit of a wool & ,in fornituro. window kUadaJU eenter md fiieotii-H- . The snm argun L!8rTJn Minpl paper, Wagon Iron Eta, Part! dealing with ments apply to ; i: slieep. They have to be polleoUd her, ilu-r- and everywhere, gat as good prioeaaa any hanaa aoulh of Salt Lake. We Man i ms.!e to order. Repair' and no srrsngHinente na be made witii arad at oar I lening iniils to cnatom workon -: nnr. end on short notice. tho ahortaat aotma! tly the rebrand forth prow number of Ing One block sooth uf ears r sprcisl rates. The proposed 4&C2 FAIRY I W. VTAil . lorul stook y.ir.N will, u Is expeete.1. - - HAST! UTAH. oou allevisto tMs. as iue VA.N STREET, wilt eouipany have buyers mak all tbs necessary ar rongemeuts, whi.-'- i will be a benefit to both panic?. -- T- U use. P Orders by Mail Promptly ffia (Saaaaaaapa to NONCE. C. Andrews & Co will pay the highest cash ptice for vruin ol all kinds delivered at Chester. Mononi. or Nephi. We still handle all kinds of hides and wool. C. Andrews & Co. Nephi. EXAMINE CALI-AN- Duncan M. McAlister & u or .f who an UTAH'ri WOL CUP. Tin w.vit t, this year Is et thority at MU Special Attention Given to Southern Orders for Tools and Builders Supplies. M. G. ROLPHS J. IL 8mly, COALII wkiA 5 - : one from am- u ':( .; earsieisly di-msu will fake i( - Wbolesalo and Retail Orders FUled on Sbort Notlos th how.-..- , Hits, taken, as n.i This Inhuman eiu I y when w consid-- r tlm Is a Boh'inlan, and - c word of fbglish, r have thus far been i. , anythipg eonre-ri.r aceldent hap.-ot i k 8HOS8.00 BOTTOM J3 . m-i- u 6ff"BOOTS Co-op- p-- irs TERRITORY. AC5NT. iiv. ti niir;hiKMii a m iu w'um- - i I' i and brnLen ju-- t b I the train .'.r.ic d ' taken out of t'"-- i i . th warehons-- ' ut i ? vniee i.f th- - R.QJKKE n-- I in -, l' Lrtli s, . . at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. bl.li). m-'- right. But why the Judge should uy "we" ia rather hard to understand. Bis part of the program lias been auvfrHidsorivbi'ivfirs. Miner and on tha aide of the oppressors. The only fighting be has done has Iweu to fight against the voice of the people expressed through the ballot box. He baa done hie share of theSngbting for American prinni-ple- a by doing his best to make the people the subjects of a ring of political tricksters. The ten thousand dollar check weighs conridi in his estimation and causes him to see Americanism through a whole load of trickery, but for el that we agree with him this far The same struggle ia going on in Utah( that the patriots of the lie volution thought wae settled at the close of the war with England. pre-va- el-.- - Are Still LsmI werkayutib nxmid Ira Johnson about 11 or 111 years ut age was arrested and given a prelliunsry examination on a charge of rap Mledgi d to havo been commuted on a little girl between Ire and six years old. lie denird the eharge bat the child testimony wss direct cud plain. Johnson was lu Id on fib bonds. . i.- - lN)o General Merchandise-- -- Htyi-s- lhr i.-- o(DEALKR8 The examir aiion for (srherawu held here tl Is wei k. ti tki.i trarhera fur i xamlubi u.u. The board of examiners are Victor K. Bean, Co. Uupt. Brest. William II. tt- -i profiler and C.N. . WliCMt wen Although duty it was tosaercoiy 'uai J tin rlvsey to t and i of tbs ballot, and xp (, ei. i Immediately take stops u any violatin': of lu m fs rusts ia ths conduct of the bill. it ii,-- , in y ch red their mouths and wuiit they deemed wrong and string oriioiM to be perpetrated and t'.i I not 1m I foul: or re-mourtrate A elt'X'U win) s'suds l y and are rr notices anything Si.vtiiing .f fi iil or Ire I n egnlarlty In the ot. ucl f ..n and does not iiu aUia1.. ly ca.l oil. irion io tlis fact. Is no: s i vii-- of toe uttoii is franchise, and bin alt-r- e relation to such IhcissIiooM b- - vu vu J with suspicion. At l."LyU po utiiu in ward discrepancy bun iin; M. liiy 1 the conduct of Tic i l cui i m j i i. N . 1 Fourth pretiiicl. ti it. Jo . he i.i . h. . MVld. nee does disci the defoudsni i. one ... at lest sutlle eiH t i u t wads against i.u... , ,1 feet that hIUoL u i it: j ..,u- : - .1 . .u- gtrs,elie(.ktrsaii'l : .g t" sd that anyt'ilTc; w1;; i; . : warr-any remno-- !. -- e. .1 n i. seems com-lor . i; . ., i.u there were id ill , of law on the pnrs of -- I olid if t: i.liy r.. there wsr any in:--- n list and ills in.ii.tr c of '. t not agree, si I tie ji dg e.i 'i to I eareltussud r f. til I Is r fi r m II can I el i.im.e ' dnusoTomiti l w ;i. ii.t . f(di.. -OT Sllbwrt lltiW 'll f:',1 n;tiv .i Inal actfim wi.l lot h . ,.t tanned by civil .1 I o .a :( I'tli'V. ths CnhttaTil ii I he AflarglVIltg t e 1,1. I. i. . i y svldenee of ttr- p.r.ples. .1 c. i :wj uv i ting all lbs fu that the ryld: ..C" i:i n- ee.r." ' h.i : i i ,.u lug to the g( .M J.ii is discharged. s-- TUTTLE' & C0 - IlDll pra-lllin- L ihi-sue- d the .ng before Th esiit ra port of the settlement of Free.iuui', Rdioit vsll-- y will bn removed i: il. iicn tu.iii,ssBcoiife-queue- ws). rd i f t(.- lits'.iin btiLg damp and wti-u,(- - n ';. lie ,uii: s. u and Cl ku ImII pliotograpb Coarx tiding yiHui woik. R. Hr i r!rks Aral 'iuy oor.s lluuday hth. Aiii-- It. Cu.lrr w ill be the principal. d o .i.fo;J Tor A husl-nee- rr 11 ('! id RiahfialS Items elri-ilm- nt Uf; "af - Hir.-H.i- c l.t jiff In Manti. . o ori-euit- u ex tended uvi r asrsi aluajik tieoirt MmMOttt, day rendered the foiluwic d Hib-iWs have had In this case me riiilecre through Me ISO witnwHH, nni.l of wIimu ef Matter. n imply iti&t they vuted fur ivruin fur office, a hits some five nr mx wituiMM' gave evidsucs of wliat th deemed I j Lv Irregularity iu lire mariner of and doposi.iug billDiu Tuesday, Seftxmuku fi, 1890. r J.ily 1 1, by iLs defendant at ills lur school iructens. A large majurity of ths wldie- - .vrlitu queslimind.sdiuitted that thrir btiltia wars received and deposit'd ail riLL Wlir BAY WE. Tnry saw nothing wrung, while tie noticed wliat they t r;u someWhile presenting a flag in Kala- few who thing out ot ths usual ordi r of the Slstof on mazoo August, Judge admit that while they noilced thuso ai-l- , strange tliing.t,they did nut rm iiieiiatu Powers, among other thinqu say any thing about it. "In m.r home out in Utah, this flag or Much aaid about the evidt ne lias b is perhaps dearer to ns than to the of Mr. Yhoiubrrg who lest'.ied Hut Le people of the East. There we are iasuative Iruru citizen of the luitetl struggling for the supremacy of Btates. That heiioth-e- peculiar niofious lu luud-lin- g American principles. Democrats and aclioiiH of the his ballot or some aud dep isitiug and Republicans have put behind other ballot, yst made no reuioos'.ianes ty.m ll party feeling and have or Mid anything about it, mi-- l tic fact and are fighting again did uot seem to dawn on Ur ni.:m until Joined hands he got ;o tin ituij -- bout the battle which their father's afterwards i ttut it and come ir tf.. co . fought. was tlilug For once we agree with the Tbs same Is true of all t'n wiruressa Judge. We are fighting over the who testified that the re w roii strange ns same ground that has been fought things at that poll over wh Utah, for irantportatUm Math ut Bernut Chun ever. The earns old battle that was fought by the founders of America is being fonght by the founders of Utah liberty against oppression. The history of tire people of Utah ia much the same as that of the Pilgrim fathers. They left their homes driven by the bigotry of religions fanatics and went out across the ocean, isolating them selvae from their kindred that they might enjoy their rights religious and civil liberty. The Mormons, driven from their homes by religoUs bigots crossed the desert and found Uiemselves homes far from the home of civilisation. The Colonists like the Pioneers suffered all kinds of hardships, but at length over came them and esttbliehed themselves in the land. The officers which the English government sent to rule over the colonists were very much like lire men sent to rule over Utah, they cared but little for the welfare of the people; their omu benefit was ell they thought of Bv varioue acta of oppression they roused the people until at length a war broke out and the struggle was that of a liberty-lovin- g people against tyranny. The Struggle in Utah is one against the illegal acts of officials. Tbeie are many other likenesses between the combatants and their principles. The Americana had no paiticuisr enmity against the English government In the first place, thir hatred was for the oiliceis who abused the conferred on lliem by Eng' Ewers The people ot Utah had n qualm with the government only what is forced upon them and that, as it well known is the wurk of ring that poses before the American people ae defenders of American principlea. It is the same old struggle which has beau going on for centuries, the struggle for religious freedom. The warfare is being carried on, not on the field of battle, but in the halls of Congress and the courts of law. The outcome will be the same, time will bnng about the victory . for the Oiothl llii.t it he i!:o of the hs rriir.eri.'.L.iU'S ut ibis city, tu.t toy fav.iiub.y rki.id the survey niw Iyh.ii in..dH by tun ioxp.ijiy. and t" ai.- willl-tiiut tl iha promkl nn-- i ise ij.,iv depot tli I'uiuuiiMtluM-- Bsl Stock ef - eoi.ki-il- (if WJ.AUm alleged Liberal ballot box rid! for, wnevt vxsu-inatiu- ii at 1 co'ii-rii- ALLAN GOES f REE. Is tlis Mss i lODtrnetors only lad two mouths to I ava ui iciauo uoi-h- -d iuio klauu, and were now Whiuns fur rlI.t of way. Ut. offered tine had ileashut light of way that the roa psiy would run provid-- d i heir lino along He lost r strict of tbs 1 i.ot i.WLientiy e:iy . While this ro be dime, yit ti.vy w- uld h the lust they rould, and ru:i:t few uds befow raid a rret. Tie d.pcl woul) te Lol.t at the a.et rdp ot lusll. Alter s.iiuHfirlbFrd s.- ie.Ln Tie IV by the p.Jt-: and vs. Gents' Boots Shoes and Slippers, CUSTOM MADE AND IMPORTED. 0 h 0 0 H 0 a MT. PLEASANT, UTAH. fl In Elegance and Style, combined with Strength, bility and at Prices that are Guaranteed. 8. R, Nislsks, E. J . Eduards. and Jielen .... Flrst-olas- Dura- s J33ar33 Blaclxsmithing, .... Horse Shoeing aSpecialty, of BTC. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Grain and Produce Correspondence Solicited. 28 E, Centre Street, UTAZZ oa ShortNotira and m AOCAXitl FRpVOy adX a,.,d Fust-cla- ss ,n 9lflRC Blackemithing Style at S.K. old s City, UtaH, done Stand i |