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Show wmm PROVO EVENING HERALD. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1928 PAGlf SLt. : PROVO VETERAN UNABLE TO i 'Iiflil,!! c Lehi Jlodpsten '" " CLASH FRIDAY RETURN AFTER CAPTURING, MFALVlTOll0rKCK, Six Spectators Kept In Turmoil By Slugging: Tactics; Knee Injury Forces Jones to Concede Match Teams la Two-da- y Tournament Here; 3 Games Frida Lahente Uumtet IS CONFIDENT Takes Unit Title JACKDELANEY: B.Y.H.S.Fach Thursday Night . The B, T. Wgh school Lehi hoop tussle, scheduled to take plaft Friday evening, has been advanced to Thursday at I p. m. ' In the gymnasium. It is announced, This game la attracting considerable interest In Provo, since If "Rapier Of the North- Says Ue T the survivor of approximately fifty "M" mens hoop aggregations, will meet ta competition here Friday and Saturday, to determine' the winner of the Provo division basketball. , The victor in the contests here will represent this division in the state "M s" anaa's tournament to be held In Bait Lake City soon. Deoeret and Gunnison, stake Champions, will meet Ja the first encounter Friday eveoirJnjtllng L03 ANGELAS, Feb. 2S Georg, at 7 o'clock. At I p. m. Pleasant Second ward, Alpine stake Grove Godfrey, giant negro battler, decte. toned Paulino UacRduBi". Spanish title holder, will clash with Spanish heavyweight.1 tn aalaahtgg UaW fF0TaS5ond waMrPeTmyTaTraisC Tha finale of the evening will find round bout here last night. was forcing the fighting through-- , the Utah, stake champion. Provo ward, opposing Mayf icld ward, out but Godfrey fought back sav- First Millard stake winner. agely, particularly in the latter Schedule Late stages of the bout, and the referee Saturday The. ... schedule-- - for SaturdayTOled Thirt" the Bfgro'i" terrifie -the punishing tames will be announced . later, blows outweighed . since the chamarrangement body attack of the European makes It rather difficult to handle. .; pion. to addition la tha opportunity Godfrey was slow to start Paul- men'sto compote ina annealao the firs three-rounthe winner of the coming tourwith ease. Godfrey was then stung title, Into action, although Paulino's beat nament her will receive a loving by a Salt Lake news rouxi were the sixth and seventh, eup, donated la now on display In whan he punished the black severe, paper. This thfefiehwab Clothing company win ly with body wallops Near the end or the bout Oodfref was Hammer- dow, a -Thrilling game are axpacted in rface ing Paulina; hard abwat-ththis tournament since all teams and head. , entered have displayed exceptional Forty thousand fans witnessed In winning their way to the bout, which was referred by strength this stage of the competition. Oeorge Blake. Godfrey weighed 23S, AH games, will be played in the and Paulino 191 X" Six teams, the greatly-Improve- By BOB MATH ERNE NEW YORK. Feb. 23 (NEAlTf Tom Heeney fights me the same open way he fought Jack Gharkey. I am bound to get htm before the seventh round. . - -If I tea to hha. it mean that I 34-2- 9 ' Callente won the L. A. A i, L. 'shot from the aide gave Milford lead, but Myers came baaketbeJl championship .Tuesday a ight by defeating the Milford Ath- through with a long shot and a letic club. M to 2 In a thrilling fouL B. Rennow tossed in another ' Charley Mason of Portland, Ore.. game which was decided by ths ringer to make the count 30 tn 28 Provo, attested Hnry Jones Milford died hard.' defease and fighting spirit for Calieate. f western superior welterweight wrestling am a failure as far a heavyweight of toe H E. boys. The title Correy scoring at close range and unable I champion, when Jones tilt took place in the "T" gym- converting one of two foul tries,' fighting goea." i after the first to return to tht but My era then scored a set up. Those few words, dear readers, nasium. to men. limit the for final the, the bout in n fan of Tuesday night and a long shot tu f've Cailente .are from the CaUeoto Fight Wins season. .Two of the game straight enough, Prow Armory. Strangely the a at the fin lab. Mllfords Ktetorias at the eieee-woudot first of thewho flKhts Heeney laelim wort by Janes, fail thf opening smeother-workin- g when they had The score Mwavyweigril te much me unaer the Wildcats fair , give kicked his who opponent inations llLFORDA7 Thursdajf.At, M4innl.tht ball, eadHwei-arTnBTTT'O- Tprestige for . the seajtin, and Square Cardan, chin for a-- knockout wallop auer of course, and for lihed aggregaUoa, was in the lead f. p. so much j ImSO minutes of the roughest totaling Tex Richard. . . . , . ,. , ,4 4 1 .' moat of the Bettrldge, rf " a tos'gtn alight by r in win their first a ., proved that Sharkey-RUk- o oyer here., Next time until the last few mimics ct Adams, If . .. supporters of the team are hopertenty-e- f If he wins, Dulaney will be the final uarterk but Cailente, Corry, Cough Staff ; V ...... a ful of favorable ' result matched with the winner of the Jones started slugging tactics I a aa ball, and Glenn, rg the hard. for. ejus. t... fii in.. . .. fighting Sharkey-Rlokbout of March 12. i arty In the bout opening a gash W .. their shots count at critical Ahem lg . . . . If he losos, perhaps It will mean makingovercame Mason's lis with a left hook. Maaon .. 0 MUford's lead and Stanley, If ... failure UajriU out ot tha pic- times, retaliated Immediately end Itefaroe to w'n y tnrt-ptJture, at least for the moment. . . pulled- away Dean Tucker cautioned both. men. Totals .18 11 1 2 Knowing he stands at the cross- c.argin. was the However, the grapplera were both factor deciding "Fight roads of colorful his to barred" the , M. career, E. G. . CALIENTE "nothing ring agreeable and Cailente showed Delaney Is training tn Bridgeport cf the game, method, and by mutual content G. T. F. P. in this large quantities quality rnark Urason Conn.; away from the" crowds of At the X S - Roberts. ;sf .... Stiir hopeful of Breaking the. per-- . New York winch he doesn't espec- wSHTTIHMMBer geaey eairwr If 1 IS gained a vicious headlockTand conMeyers, as to not Milford did good B. appear sistent jinx which has followed B. ially care for, and working for one tinued; to apply headloeks for sever e S 11 Ron now. did aa it T. U.'s basketball efforts In their great .effort to continue In the quest advantage last nifht ai minutes. Joaoa. appareatly grog-g1 tl Thornton, rg . a last five games, the Cougars are for a title ight with Champion against B., Y.' U . In backed off toward the ropes, 0 0 Evaavte games, ,whn ,v ; and as Maaon came in, obviouely preparing for thefca final series of Gene Tunney. ft Drxie aensation; was in the lineup. D. Konnow. .If Hia boxing oirrtyna-hat- r the eeesc with the champion Bob expecting to finish, hinv Jones Jjn Inch right-haB- d cats at forward,- - was -leashed a."drpB Weal whlclijent, punch. Are, what lift MyraXMenM Tdlair E. L. Roberts will "sake" tea) expects will whip Heeney. Twice the sensation of the game. This Maaon, to the mat unconscious a Referee, Wilson; Umpire, Holm-stea- d. I baakeeeers to the Bobcat lair, the before that right-han- d sock has atocky star, taken from the lineup aort of field goal from the , "1 team leavtag Prove placed him in position for better for a few minutes, returned In the Thursday for the Montana town.-- . things, but after each occasion he final minutes of the game and Jonas fen on Mason and pinned The Cats are safely established in was overshadowed by mediocre ex- tossed In four field goals and a big ehouldere to the mat for the Dean Tuckfirst place, and are expected to an- hibitions and placed In the cate- foul, proving the main cog In the first fajl, and Referee gymnasium.v to nex both games from the "T," but gory of the greatest "In and outer vtctorloua rally. . be entirely . er; declared Jonee . Fl'SSEIX IS FIND 4 w the Cougars are hopeful of catching in the game. wfthin hii rights. B . Ron now also did good work PASO ROBLE9 Fred FusselL the Uontanana ta an extremely con- Same Old riice Maaon returned for the second for the winners, with Roberts but . star'hurler from the Wichita Falls fident mood for one of the game Delaney Is much In the same sitfaj primed for a proving a feature. Roberta d eiub of the Texas league, loomed to- a mood which might mean a."Y" uation he was In before he lost to Jonee , reported that he had Lehi high school senthe former eevere Injury to his knee ;"'.-Maloney several months ago. Three sation, v ho scored mere points In victory. day aa one of the finds of the v warm-up Donle Bush, manager of the The Cougars' preparations for the before the firat fall, and could not, v"Duke" Lanta, Steel Plant bowler, fights, all of which he he state high sc.'iool tournament I i jEpmplete the match. Which he con-- won the can prite lor- nigneat Plates, alkwedFujftc. a. aouth-- l Bosewan trip are greatly handicap. won by knockoutJaave fitted him than have eer been chalked up by Ilaaon. mum iWjJftJUiJBd Jix at. Ohaarmarj;, tiia talt pad by the dlatiauUve gym at the. wiU. for this comina acrap aad he a scholasUb star."" t' Crowd Favors Muci- nalleys last week. LenU's winning lasd he esublished himself as one "Y." The Montana) State college says there will be no stopping htm Scoring Honors Divided The result met with, popular fav- score was ais, Lawson or me or trie leading , candidates for floor Is mack larger than the De this time. Bettrtdje. .Adams and Corry or, Mason being the crowd's favor- Kaight Woolen- Mills warnecond, regular Job en. ie Pittsburgh staff. seret gyimtaaliun floork which, b) Perhaps he Is a bit optimistic. divided scoring honors for the los turn. Is much larger tha the Coo- Perhaps he la too enthusiastic, but ite In last nlght'l brawl Specta- with a high 0ame of 219. IctBS WOKKI.NG HARD er. Glenn was Important in, the he has reasons. r oovp. tors , were disappointed, is being continued however, Competition! ts He is regarded by many as the Milford at'&ck, but failed to keep AVALON, Calif., Feb. ZI. With ai Sanky Dixon and Lob Collins that Jones was unable to return for-- this week, with a cash prize again full sped In camp, the Chicago Cubs were the big guns of the "Y" team most prominent challenger seeking track of Myers on defense. the next fall, a real thriller feeing offered. The half closed with the count 11 i ; expected, began training in earnest Monday lit the disastrous .Logan series, and Tunney's crown today, and many f TT Preliminaries opened ytth an with morning and afternoon work- - this pair of scrappy performers are close students of the fight racket to 11, and the second half provided UP fait spirited basketball. Milford FORT MTFS. Fla., Feb. expected to be among the starters think hla boxing ability and punchfencing match between Connie alack expects to have Pqrter and Dixon, and was followed against the Cats Friday night. ing power will, carry him through took the lead at 0 at the endmatch between Ty Cobb back In the fold for the ttTIMATTM FOB ALD RIDGE Wright and Br in ley are fighting for these current eliminations Into a of the third quarter, scoring a sue- j by a two rmkle' who , were evidently 1028 season. The Athletics mana- - HOT SPRINGS, Ark, Feb. the other forward post with Inger-sol- l match with Tunney. cession of long snots. JB. Konnow 27. new at the game. . at center, and Rowe having the Delancy's. cauaer-whe- n ger has mati (W.b. what Is describ- Unless Vie Aldridge. veteran right analyzed. tied the count, shortly after the "SeV Archie Inside track for one guard position. can be punctured wiU reasons why last period opened with three foul ed as "a large offer" and Is awaiting banded pag Snew pitcher obtained In a trade Rubs Magelby Is sure to be In both he should not beat Heeney. The pitches, and CUlente took the lead lera, youths, ' then met Ty' reaction, Eighteen pitchers and from salthe Pittsburgh, accepts three-round for a scheduled boxing ..catchers have arrived here and will frays for a considerable portion of i letter's bout with P.isko is one icos- - hen" Myers intercepted a Milford offered the ...York New him, . . m bnnAltAur a I 4 t l ary Ke Qnnaai wlnnlnA on. Deianpy'sloss to iJif-kthe time. In riHVfJ lllPir III rV rf' I WIH RUUI tU y vwmv, smmw w tuuuifi wj m as-.-, a wiU i - GODFREY WINS tt u , tut FROM PAULINO u : "- 4 ' could upset the dope and topple Lehi, Provo high school would be almost sure of the Alpine runner-u- p position without a playoff with Lehi an event which is rather expected at the . v present time. Coach Biddulph la" drilling his , y, 25-ya- a , , French-Canadia- tSH!PPrf?t,y ld a a t. ed ps IB foittJuM- Thorough Work Plus tach foer J mtmuw. Plus , Fa!rJPiicfis .Eualaj, Many Patrons Join the Humbert . SERVICE GARAGE North 99 1 West II Y and RAY ., , o . Lentz Wins Prize in Week's Bowling, .SOI? 1 baU-rustli- sea-so- ni atuua. fi,wj!ii .. . . free-for-a- ll, . Service Speedy .. lr jJre-eeaso- - EmciENTcyi- Cats Friday .. ds 28-2- 3 - six-tea- ' r-- Milford A. C. Loses Title Game When Rivals Rally Late In Fray; Score, Wildcats d VU Kayo Tom CLEARWATER, Fla. With pansy Vance unsigned the Brookiya Robins took their first workout cf the training . season here Hon- - . r r. daft -- J2ea Q.U9I tyMa 1 Syru p " 1 . - . t, .. K rnvvir . iKX-IKrT- 29-(- , 23-2- - 0 tu-t- i Seller (Uhrinniitii and-Tou- mm d aiim-aMu- v , 1 I M: . fUaots ;ne rim canto, wiin ease, young holdout Jjww showed a mighty wallop. . fialle and T. Kettlg were in the d and gave a fine next en the program. Balls was far exhibition of boxing. Most fans bethe better man, and forced Hettig lieved Huliinger bad a shade on his to, resort to clinching throughout opponent, but the referee called the Balls won an easy decision at the ;bout a draw. Both boys were - i. close of three rounds. 'Clever. Tartan Hulllnger and Battling The card was staged by. the Pro- ' clashed vo unit of tfce National Guard. Rutherford, P-e- n, further, with him. i BRAVES LOOK GOOD DISCIPLINE FOB TAHPA. Fla., -- juage-tiatlon- HOLDOUT-- ; The holdout tac- tics of. "ad Sam" Jones, veteran Washington pitcher, have caused President Clark Griffith to withdraw a 110,000 contract Offered him and substitute another at a smaller j stUary. ."Great" PETERSBURG, Fla. was Manager Jack Slettery's comment after he saw In action the Infield with which the Boston Braves may start tha 1823 season. The lineup of the inner works la Eddie Brown at first; Rogers Hornaby at second; Eddie Farrell at short and "Doe "Oautreau at third. the fact that hi has failed in important bouts with heavyweights beforemake his sivere critics doubtful about bis ' chances this time, k Hut Delaney h not of that frame of mind. . "1 look for this ta end In a knockout for Heeney in either the ttilrd, fourth or seventh rounds. Those ' aro lucky ones for me. Good Rlicht Hand the present , "My right hand time, is tn perfect condition. I am not bothered with illness cr irjurici us I was In my fight with Jim Ma- loney,, and I know that if Heeney fights me aa wide open as he did against Sharkey I am bound to get him before the seventh. I also know that I will be a failure if I don't oome through this one." : Delaney, shunning the New York gymnasiums, is doing his training for the fight in private at Bridgeport. it . 'The little place made me- and my punch, and I'm not going to desert it now," he says. Perhaps he Is right iri.hU.ppHrrilv tic views. But Tom Heeney will say, if you just trouble to ask him, that he Is just as certain to take Delaney in this one as the has been taken before. - BUT A RIOT ONLY MOLD, ..'' CO GAROTTE - rapier-of-thc-ncrt- h, IMI1ILID ridgea foul pifchaEJ XaaOT"nat ROMNEY NAMES ALL-STA- rx with malt syrup. FIVE R ANHEUSER-BUSCThe first appearance of an basketball team has occurred, with selections rnpde by Coach E. L. Romnry of Utah Aggies for all-st- ar division teams. Romney twitched both Frank Ward and Lou Neeley from center positions to guard posts for his aggregation. Ingersoll and Brinlcy of B. Y. U. were given second team places in his rating. ' The teams chosen follow: " SECOND: FIRST: Couch Thompson .... ,.f TMAT A0IPDE! ,j , WholetaU DUtributor reason enough you'll find for CHESTERFIELD'S immense popularity aWvWr all-st- (MonU f Nielsen (U. A. C.) G. Worthlngton,,e... U. A. C.) Breed on (MonO F. Ward. (Monti ...v (Utahl Brinley (B. Y.U.I Ingersoll (B. Y. U.) (..........Smart U. A. C.) :...,...g. ......... Neeley (Utah) Most of the Mileage At Half the Cost ) , Y V tires thousands of tra-mile- ft - .- - . JUcurr A Mrw Tobacco ClH ETEDiFD CIGARETTES &mmmi Startling Values! 1926 Dodge'Sedan 1926 Star Sedan , The "Inside Arm'' if 1925 Buick Coupe Standard 2 door - 1926 Buick Sedan Standard 4 door 1927 Buick Sedan Master Six REPAIRS . Brimhall Bros. rnONE " Our Used Cars Are Guaranteed 30 Days! IlaOlor Co. 260 . Standard TEIL11RIDE 223 WEST CENTER, , Master Brougham ED-- D - , ' "T92T Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Chrysler Sedan 1925 Buick Coupe 1926 Buick Sedan GUARANTEED i' r.. Factory Methods, Expert Repair Men Modtrh Equipment x 1926 Ford Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Touring ex-- - make possible our Co. f for the slightest Ywssible -- and rwOntlitlonor;-paintc- d, ed. 7!re$totie Ssraawaseauaaaasawaai taken E VERYtradeusedis carexamined cleaned and polishStill another final in- spection is given it before you take it from the floor. 1 Put Jack into your' ' USEDCARS i ) REPAIRS STATE it aa our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield cigarettes of finer quality and hence of better iasto than in anj other cigarette at the price. Salt Lake City, Utah Coach Our Guaranteed , St. L6uU H, UTAH WHOLESALE CROCER CO. 1 local Pittributort l Z10NS WHOLESALE CROCER CO. Provo, Utah .A I TW. H. BINTZ CO. wauiairTeiSe'K.yrvau f J?ximj&ML ta rntft. because of what goes into it and the carfl with which it is made Plain and hop fcvoredi Strictly union made. Increase food'valuq Phone 279 ; M.a. "e si'i |