Show JOtt lUEft IMMENSE aale of remnants at the 8 S jonea company t goto the new york cash store everything 50 cents on the dollar BB on hand tomorrow and secure conr bargains at the saturday sala at taft S 8 jonea company HIGHEST market once paid for eggs batter and all kinds of girden pro duce at J W mcadam co GJ to the grand sale at S S jonea company tomorrow speeches at the parker school house this evening go to Fl einera caad for ice cream roade of pure cream try it aad be convinced chop house is the place exactly to get a good square meal open dav sod night basement of block center street win IT will you to go to the gates furniture gos store and examine their faue line of carpets and javanese Jao anese and matting for floora LADIES trimmed hats from 75 cents cowards no wards you should call and see them they are beauties S S jonea company T in need of raen end fancy groceries call on J W mcadie co who will give the heat 0 goods for the lowest prices LET all members of the lincoln club meet promptly at ahe parker school housa FOR RENT one five cottage tin J street half block couth of brigham young academy west aids of street apply to D P eo on premises tant forget that barney ia belling out of clothine yon can bay pant for fine blacic satin finished worsteds worst eds for 2 25 PARKS improved farming lands houses and lots all chei and on reasonable terms one good house in first class Ir cation cash balanca in earv pay meats inquire of D L daan cr M J barratt am ds you heard of tho az reduction in lace curtains genuine nottingham lace new styles and selling at half price at 8 ti jones co fence netting 4 5 and 6 feet wibb just arrived at L D waters hardware store yoo can get a wrap at the 8 9 jones company irom up to 23 00 carry ah he leading brands of flour at lowest officers are working hard on the murder mystery aa pelican point sheriff brown says be ia not iu any way discouraged but rather feels en cour aeed go to tha provo city lumber co for your combination fence we eoanu factura four diffrient kinds it hard time prices BABY carriages Carri agea and iota of them at the gates furniture etore caroe and see them they will euit you as to style and price THE oison fire the other day wag cans ed oy a defective sue had one of Henrich sans earthenware flues bean in use the fire would not have occurred taa grand opening of graves gardena advertised for tomorrow ha been postponed until thursday MB ath on account of the inclement weather THE time of the banquet gibau by tap ladies of the woman bugi ape cause in honor of the workers for ban been changed from 4 p m to p m on wednesday escapes the vigilance of our of ficera they were today looking over advertisements of betrays and boet loet ro in they donld not say whether or not they had a clew TUB storm is ft and anil do this valley much good if cot followed by a frost which latter would destroy taft chances of much fruit 1 he or are in fall bloom fourth ward republican league j club hold a this evening at the j chcon house to elect VB delegates to attend the territorial league convention to be held on ma at salt lake alty which will elec tu the national convention ALL kinda of produce wanted in es e s chanze for woolen gooda PROVO MILLS 00 BARGAINS for young harriod and old ones tio in bed room suite and other at the gates arni ure co give us a tal A FULL line of winea liquore and all bisida of bottled beers at smoot drug co paint ain I 1 ready at ward 1 per gallon can ABRAHAM gudmundsen aged 34 aad and L atie S buthwick aged 26 both of lehi have obtained a license excelsior drag ft paint co are doing a rushing ande in wall pap r paints etc aba leopla of provo arr learning that it doa not pay to send east for wall paper when they can bay for the prices tor which thia firm is selling iw do you want a spring cape now is the time to buy they are at a at barneis barneys Bar PERSONS having hay grain or other produce for aale will find it to thir interest to have the undersigner undersigned under signed dispose of the aarao on commission they will ept the cash aad better figures thin th in they can obtain elfa where for I 1 shall charge only the smallest possible mar gin aa commission give me your or dera and yoi will find it profitable oata by carload lota thos W crag io utah awde you can buy an indigo wrapper for 1 or a wash wrapper nicely trimmed tor at barneis barneys Bar 25 acts per at P P Hindma baa been considerable complaint thia year to tab of the condition of the canyon roada belonging to this county taft attention of the county officers 18 directed to the latter of M murdock relative to the provo banyon road which appear in thia issue A few days ago a gentleman made complaint to ns conc eroine a bad bridge in fork canyon page of the farat infantry baa an order to corn landerd man derd directing then to duly certified rosters of their companies to the proper civil officer in kneir respective spec tive localities BO that the civil authorities may know who are exempt from poll tax in with alution military code territory tax ladiao of utah county to celebrate taft insertion in the constitution of the clause eibing equal righta to women the utah county delegates mr chidester Chi deater of garfield and mr of weber nd bome ten or a dozen delegates from other counties will be present the old time friends of baye not teen forgotten and a representation from each town will be present the specially invited guests will be received at the residence resi deace of mrs birilla daniella a banquet will be served at the first ward meeting house and all will adjourn to the opera houshi immediately after the delegated dele gateB and others will address the public who ara cordially invited to attend the are being appropriately decorated and a fine program will be rendered |