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Show iiJffrstXSaO BATES nt- -, flrisdvwtirins Inch pr taue TAX 8,',,rSrt r P vertiaeru. mu an Inch per Issue. cent additional. No Un Volume 11, Number 2 AN INDEPENDENT NEW SP APES Less Than J rd eximrts which were nearly three times little change in those of the preceding week. Cargoes ! OJlNGTUN, One-Thi- C-- . My bero but i prevailing in 31-7- " the euft consigned to tud production apiwara mgs for the Week Ending June MARCUS ENS GO EAST WITH SUNDAY NIGHT BLAZE THROWS POLITICAL PARTY SCARE INTO WATCHERS Joining the party from up state on Burning of a small building last the wry i the republican national Sunday evening that lias long stood convent ut Cleidsnd, Ohio, Carl on the hack lot of the Mtllburu proper! ies on Maiu street exeiuplil ies the Production Slumps To gpjeSelSerilce. i New England and dump- - eV,!VM,,i Vl'-- ' f Kt.in ering the presence these little shacks iu the lire district. For some reason not clearly explained everybody who saw this tire mut have thought that someone bad tnrned in an alarm, and the flames had progressed to an extent that the whole central business n was lighted up before any signal was sounded. The fire detriment was on the scene very' shortly afterward, and a few moments work with a good stream of water wiiied out the fire. Alongside the building mentioned, and suffering along with it was .a small shed used by a butcher shop as a cook house. It is said that the fire iu the furnace of this place was communicated to the woodpile stacked outside, and this is given as the origin of the blaze. Being located closely behind Schranwi-Johmum- 's drug store, the fire was rapidly spreading to the roof of that establishment and could have shortly develoied into a conflagration of A little delay in large proportions. getting water after the hose was laid gave the watching crowd a had case of fidgets, but the effectiveness of the stream made a quick cure. Loss in the destruction of the sheds was small. No insurance was carried on this part of the Aiillburn l elubs. Thev will t Eastern citic- - mi a other coastwise trade ud pleasure remauied practically unchanged. trip. After helping to There was no improvement in lake1 !h,m.inult f""lid at Cleveland, and TJSUWO ,1' V sigLl of the naming Jjnated output in the week shipments m the week ended Mav Alt h, and dumpings declined slightlv "f McAdH' at NeW York. Murcusen now placed at jjU 24th is 124,-l- a to 5(i0y604 net tons. Tliis was but a will be able to tell the folks buck this increase of an tuns, more little than half the with producd inihipuients in way what is wbut with eouqwrison week a year the corresponding week of lJ4. Cum- formal ion. eorrespomling ts 1 be I tali delegation to tlie ulative dumpings of cargo roal during republivis a decrease of more than the present season to May 25th stand can convention is beaded by Gov. rcat The average daily rate at 2,706,969 tons. In romiiarison with diaries It. Malloy, and the hunch will at present is well below that the three preceding years, 1924 is now not be complete until they meet at responding date in previous 39 per cent behind 1923, 36 yeipt in W22. when the union tier cent Cleveland. Senator lteed Smoot, the ahead of 1922 and 42 ier cent behind two congressmen, E. O. atm ee strike, Preliminary 1921. and Don B. Colton, wilh Brigadier e reports show that loadings General Frank T. Hines, will start the on than hesvier y wen VERNAL 18 PEEVED AT PRICE from Ernest Bamliergcr Washington. recent week, of any day ing FOR DIVERTING AUTOS the national committeeman, E. O. reason, not yet apparent, Howard, Mrs. Jeanette A. Hyde and sharp decline on Tuesday Scraps between neighboring vil- W. J. Lowe are since record that for day beest lages and cities used to be over which Mra. W. Mont already in the East Ferry of Salt Lake Utk The total loadings for the had the best Fourth of July celebra- City and Thomas Coddington of in vis practically the same as tion or as to whose citizens raised the American Fork, unable to make the mk before. or largest hogs, something else equal- trip, will send in proxies. From Ogia Utah slumped off in ly worth while. But nowdays the den Arthur Woolley delegate at large, from about u third thing that our friendly enemy to the together with Mrs. Woolley, who will ;iM output to 31.2 per cent, north hits us for is that we divert b an usher as-convention, Mrs. ti whole is losses almost the traffic and arbitrarily change Alice Collins at theMra. tourist and Mary Watson luk of market, this item be-- a the route of the national highways. have started. Quite s few Utah peoh account2.1ing for 66.7 per The .Vernal Express mmpluins that ple algo go along as visitors. irigg only per cent which The people of the Uintah Busin to mine due disability, would like to know from some good ALWAYS SPOTTED HOI FOR A is nines report working to the PRETTY GOOD SCOUT. authority who is resKmsilile for the of 46 5 per cent, while Wyom-th- e alteration of the Pikes Peak output at 36.S per cent Ocean to Ocean highway, 'Member that old tale about the through ion of soft roal daring the Utahf Until the state road commis- big rock in the middle of the roadT part of the highway that follows the working days of the calendar sion or iwrmits some one else And how the travelers all turned out old railroad grade over on the other 2 was 130,473,000 net tons, to mark another route the Uintah to get by without any thought of mov- side of Soldier Summit they picked six preceding years from the ing it out of the way I And how fin- up every old tie spike that was in Basin will still be on this highway. t of production, 1924 is 14 is understood that Price and ally when a helpfully disposed fellow sight It rhesd of the years of depres-1- 2 Grand Junction are routing tourists did roll it away and found a pit of Now that can quite easily be called per eent behind the on the Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean money nnder it as his reward T Well, a kindly act Yet there may be some of industrial activity. highway over the isolated desert, s we wouldnt exactly say that Ed" who will even at that say that WatMil production of anthracite road between Price and Grand Junc- Watson was hopeful of a repeat on son had a somewhat personal interest nek ended May 24th is esti-- i tion, which should not be recommend- the ancient story, but the other day ia getting those iron peace destroyk ed 10,000 net tons. In for travel by anyone. Why the on a trip in to Salt Lake City this er! out of the way, because on a rethe output in the precedPrice and Grand Junction business same Watson the geological guy for cent trip after putting on his spare es a decrease of 48,000 men take such the Utah Oil Refining company you to replace a leaking tire he picked stand, and try each know the corresponding week of carrying a couple of passen- up" one of these same spikes and had rob to Basin the Uintah of the year prodaction totaled 1,956,000 one out on each running a heck of a time making the hill to a gers, put 5 summer tourist travel which they i figures are based on the know is the best and shortest route, ia board and driving slowly along the service station. by the nine principal more than our citizens ean underand include allow-Bin- s stand. K"KJ fuel, local sales and If it is a case of a pure boycotting is LOCATION SEEPS of dredges and wash- - scheme then the people of the Basin irijTI should get in oq the job good and ndra Rports for the week ended PARKDALE PARED ALE coDki .. strong," 4 mealed but little change fa at the soft coal mines. TARGET SHOOTERS AT HELPER START PRACTICING production vkofa twpoint of increases than ndtka sd the output for tire week With a practice shoot every SunI slightly. There was day morning at 8:30 o'clock the reto indicate that mar-- cently organized rifle club at Helper had changed AT definitely is planning to send five men averag' All of Blocks 1 and 1 between production could be counted ing highest in these local coirrptitions if double line and Psrkdsle for Shoot-er-a 24th. meet to on the state upward. No less than HOSPITAL SITE July districts for which fig-from all parts of the county are a a own reported losses of taking part Qualifications are along s the lines as planned by the National I Per cent of fulltime R no market". ft Rifle association. In the contest last the dullness in the Sunday M. H. Lrute who is known as . reflected in the an expert shot from Helper was high m fields that out of ship to man with a score of eighty-on- e normal season it is a poesible hundred. The tabulated reids suffer through sult ia given: yud,ut whereas, at present M. H. Leute .... the lower lake ports Charles Lexer 71j ..... Lee Tatton 7S R. Van m through no Fleet E. market" Ike Davie i a temporary lord at treek. The tons I Tfand FROM June 5. Theater tnuu who attend (lerfonnaneea on mrnneemcnts. The Bun. Coal REMOVED Washington! P "JSn cPted tor ,th fcSSTFlrrt pore ryndem P1 BE THEATER TICKETS tour it'inchV th month Tran- cents TO j 7,-- sec-lio- iiM-ban- j iron-cover- pro-ilighU- y, ed aver-tkeyc- an com-vit- tu an-wn- en than heretofore. KEEPS WATER AHD UGHT DEPARTHENTS JUHPtKG ' TO KEEP UP WITH CIITC Regulation of dances at Oily llall action in putthrough lheei)iuu-i- r ting a floor manager in charge lias brought on a boycott ' ot these functions, was the story told bv Hairy K. Keene, eeaking for the American Legion at the meeting of l'riee city council last t Thursday) evening, in connection with the statement that his organization wished to give a dance to raise funds to iay olT an indebtedness incurred through handling the boys baseball league. No Recifie charges were made as to actions by the floor tuan, liut Keene said that he had been told that this functionary exceeded hie authority." In answer it was stated that such could not be iHwsible as the authority lying with him was all as is." The princital kick seems to eouie from hangers on who want to crowd into the lobby of the hall and stick around without haying a ticket. The spirit of the council seems to be that as it was found necessary to establish this regulation, it would he a peculiar action to discontinue it after reports have shown that much better order has resulted, and the sentiment was fur deeent dances or uone." Would Dole Out Water. Ml ing May. Five electric range customers were also taken on during the mouth. A carload of isdes received Monday will lie used iu putting up iues street, for an extension at Fit ill and L, to get some much needed lighting up around the high school, to complete the work on Ninth, and taenH-lon- r tmles are n ceiled to put a line along K street. All this will take sixty of the ninety that made up the carload. Others will bs needed a little later for a liue to the site of the new hospital as soon as building operations are begun. onE Extension of the baseball ground fence as nude last summer only partly served the imriMwe of giving control of gate collections. Some peopl are so insistent on beating their way in that they will drive around a mile to get by the ticket teller. Arthur J, Lee asked that some new arrangement be figured out. The park committee it up. 8oft drink arlors at the Cu'bon will look resort and a new one in the basement of the Tavern building were granted licenses. J. Tom Nichols is named as the proprietor of the first, while Luke crate the other. Cornmni will Twenty-si- x dogs were added to (U Watennasler, with authority to dis- dead list during May. Morg King gets tribute and eontrol the irrigation a dollar a dog for this weeding ont streams on the city streets after it ia of unlicensed canines. released from the ranul, is the job sought by Henry Fiaek. Whether or BUSINESS WOMEN WILL PICNIC FOR CLOSING SESSION not the municipality was to lie asked to attach a salary to the position did Meeting last Wednesday evening not develop. Fiaek told the council and lrot'essiunal Wothat a coart decree of many years the Business club Price held their last of mens do tibia standing required the city to distribution. In late years the custom business session for the season. Only has been forgotten. Grabbing the one more meeeting to come off ia water at all times by Some even by two weeks remains and that will those who have no rights in the ditch take the form of a picnic supper to be overflow of lots and streets,' no served at City Park. The Ladies Aid water available at the lower entf of society will prepare the meal, just as the ditches end numerous other dif- though it was to be served at the Comficulties and abuses were cited. The munity ehureh dining room. One of whole matter was referred to the city the accomplishments of the meeting this week was the naming of delegates attorney, who will look np just' what to the state convention to be held in the obligations of the municipality Four regular delegate are before any further move is made. September. will attend from the Price elub. These Several questions involving appli- are Mrs. Jessie F. Sanford, Mias A. cation of the new building ordinance H. Mrs. A. D. Sutton and Mrs. Baker, were before the couneiL A west side Grace Cornier. Alternates as named lumber yard is putting np a shed are Mra. L. A. McGee, Mra. Ora B. which will be looked into by a comMrs. Viola Olsen Oberto and Harding, mittee to see whether or not it is Miss Alice Madsen. taboo. A little wheeled building, When this club was organized early daimed by its owner to be fireproof in the present year the officer! instalbecause it is covered with iron, and led were to serve only until the end of used for a hot dog stand on Main the fiscal year, which is about to street seems to be up against running close. However, the list as originally the gauntlet on both building and elected has been again installed to plumbing irregularities. Operations serve for another year. Miss A. H. without making the required applica- Baker is president, Mrs, Grace Cooper tion for a permit are frequent, but ice president. Miss Alice Madsen seem to be more from lack of inforMrs. Viola Olsen Oberto. mation than an intention to violate secretary, corresponding secretary and Mrs. the law. sic F. Sanford is the treasurer. With a pleasant smile on his face The roster of the elub now sbr011 and his right hand fully extended J. thirty-eigmembers. However, so Perry Egan addressed the council on of these are teachers in the schoo-l- a the desirability of having the Fourth and are absent at least for the vaea of July celebration as attractive as tion period. possible, and making a special feature of a good display of fireworks, asked ROTARY PRESENTS MARGUSEN for the American Legion, which orSMALL MEMENTOES ganization will conduct the days doAt the weekly luncheon of the Roings for an appropriation to help out on the expense bilL One hundred tary elub Tuesday evening, Carl R. simoleons gracefully laid on the palm Marenaen was presented with a miua-tur- e mule and G. O. P. elephant as of Egan's outstretched member broad, ened his smile and hastened his de- souvenirs for his trip to both the naparture to bear the glad tidings to tional conventions. The presentation his awaiting comrades at their hall was made by W. E. Stoker. L A. Mcacross the street. Gee, eli airman of the golf committee, CITY PARK recommended joining the Glendale Water and Light Matters. elub of with links on Gordon BLOCK I Will finally be enlarged to take In That the growth of the eity keeps Creek. Helper, Miss Jane McGee rendered a Block I. the old Fair Ground and ahead of the water and light depart- some classical selections Dirt of Blocks I and 1. sauared 3 on the piano. i ud to the wave line. ments is evidenced by call for water O. K. 9 Clay and W. E. Anderson of the on South Tenth and over on North Kiawanis elub appeared in the interTwelfth streets. Five families in the est of 3 a welfare committee 8 first instance are dependent on a sup- and eachjoint boys their views as to the gave ply from a tap in a neighboring matter of as house, even this place being on a feed- well as controlling incorrigible making many suggestions er ran for a considerable distance. educational and recreational If the water committee ean figure out along lines. Others who discussed the suba way these people will be given serwere IL B. Goetman and Judge vice of their own at once. Otherwise ject Dill worth Woolley. Judge Woolley An old plan for park enlargement action will await construction of new emphasized the social control as th Changing the location for the to make the park limits take main in the neighborhood, in prospect most efficient plan and nrged all at planned consideration was given hospital in both Block 6 and the fair ground, before the close of the summer. In present to support the beneficient ortv the meeting of Price to square up the lines by tak- the northwest corner there is more ganizations, such as the schools and and Thursday evening. George M. aiiiier chance of tapping an adjacent water-mai- n churches. Corner Peacock presided ing in the south part of Blocks 1 and and Arthur J. Lee presented the prop- 2. and this neighborhood will be at the luncheon. in This Sun told of The was last which osition to exchange the plot as to week. That the same idea has been looked after. had previously been designated Installation of water meters has MACKNIGHTS YOUNG FOLKS this cherished by many citizens has befor be given by the municipality UNDER OPERATIONS most apparent during the past reached a point almost to completion, come further location another purpose for with a few remaining and new cuswhen council few and the was inboth days, Miss Helen MacKnighf, who went to the north. The gonad u subdi- asked to give up Block 1 and 2 in ex- tomers continually being added it is stances lies in the hirst in to Salt Lake City last Friday with 6 more a counter propo- necessary that fifty instruments change for Block vision ts platted about three jaw. her be mother, was subjected to an operTwo n made to carloads was of to purchased. sition that give intended only was part ation ago, at which time it twelve-incin Thursday morning for goitre. line the size of the fair are at pipe lying north of sdl at least part for Castle Gate, and these constitute According to reports received np to seems This to the of south acceptable ground. Blocks 1 and 2, lying just of what will be put the time of closing the forms for The to be hospital representatives and the Ex- about and adjoining Tarkdale seem in summer along the Sun she was getting along all right the will be during completed likely quite change more desirable for hospital purposes on such basis. stretch of Colton the Springs line Her brother, Hal, an employe of The was originally than Block 6 which Recovery of Block 6 will open up where it follows the new road in Price Sun offire, and who drove the Crockbe the possibility of making the park Canyon, replacing the original wood etts in last week Thursday, had his That a full understanding may removed Monday morning, and large enough to take in a permanent and tile piping, nqndly being ren- tonsils bid The Sun presents a map of tnat auto camp ground, provide room for a dered unscrvieable by the changes he ia still in the city. made in the road grading. The laying the north of the fair ground which will soon be needed of some People who show an interest in the (ilv Park.old To mains on outlying streets, left for usual uses and space give park recen.ly fair ground, schools don't always want to public over from park is the the without and as construction playgrounds for big of cramping job how (heir money is being spent see reverted to the city in exchange last has been he a to summer, en finished. thing Carbon count was fast becoming other ground given to Seven recently built residences w,.cn countered when the city should grow tins of loss plat Betting now on the fall election is for to mollify were added to the electric service dur as just a little more. fair UbPB. good a way as any to lose money. it was abandoned for ID Wmtl K) 6, 1924 the uiglit of July 2d where the adinis iun is l'ilty rents or less will enjoy the fiist benefits of the tax reduction bilL' When they go to buy their tickets they will find the tax has been removed and their tickets will rust them less All -- MUD TFT no-Jjw- 1 ea-JJ- tJ r ms JP yr t M per eent production and l,. M per-tho- of the sente however, J?Mon that prevailed to u very low Mequacy of the supply WBunerg was accordingly Iffi no uccnrate total stocks and and while it option Uiat the supply is than in the spring of rec-Pwse- ? evidence nt that the has fallen nearly time. It seems dear now a?8 CjjPtom a Mhing heavy ajr?r Serves, (jJJR-uiUrednc- Jy S which e IweL if them In the past retted demand several for coal to uhicks which the hle to accommo-tJ?t through no market" u JJted into equally transportation 't,h,n,.t,lejProd',ction 5 ffi hdhiajy of Ben Twedell Joe Tatton Bob Henderson Tony Lexer - UTAHS DELEGATES WILL 5S GO WITH INSTRUCTIONS Delegates sent from the state democratic convention held in Ogden yesterday (Thursday) will go to the convention in New York City June 24th instructed for William O. McAdoo for president, to stick so long as there seems any hope in the opinion of the Californmajority of nominating the ian. James H. Moyle was nominated to succeed himself as national committeeman from Utah and Mrs. e8 ton Vernon was chosen to succeed herself as national eommitteewoman, James II. Waters, state chairman, successor gave in his resignation. Ilis will-bnamed later. WHAT WOULD YOU THINK OF A SEVEN STORY HOTEL or Having fifty thousand dollars amount whirl that of any portion hotel a you would like to invest in big in this city, be to up put proposition, the air third week of nd there was see Harry Duberstein. Up in week ended is better than along the ground in t Jaw1 "tPt is now So the idea w to ma e ton ,e-- many respects. the structure of seven floors vita moms. A Main eighty-fou- r ,aSwr!fortl,e or cation, a two hundred thousand dollar 8 .decrease h of thecot was project, with three-fourtlhl iylvania, Ohio and financed through Iwnding, Diitier-stciis said to lie a real need hem. V of the npta-elaboration enthusiastic in lhe such a await which ;1 and d,imr'ing prospects r tli are to lie listened to wilh interest ha T,,ors totnlorl time the Ihst convictions n, onH 0n in growing 1 tnni arrived to start in on such an 3 ns iJSft Kfc,a1blr tah llV or I aH Vr.no prr cent. Ptrea.1? 70.9S7 JJvcment lens in Weddlnx announcement The Sun. JerT ht - - east-iro- h one-four- th - , |