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Show 7 TO ARBITRATE. ROOSEVELT 1LUU row KM DEIIKI VRKtlDBMT TO SBTTLB VEKEZrBLAR SQUABBLE. Uia Pnildfil la A at aa AiWtralw Waa M.la After Caasal-lalla- a Balwaaa Ciaal Bitlala iitUUM la Aad Caraaaf. President Roosevelt haa proposed to the Allied powers thnt the Venezuelan dispute be submitted to the arbitration sf The Hague tribunal. The powers bare replied with a counter proposal that President Roosevelt himself arstatebitrate the issues. A ment made in Berlin says: The invitation to President Roosevelt to act as arbitrator was made after a thorough consultation between Germany and Great Britain. An understanding has been reached by the two powers on the reservations attached to the offer and the German note will agree with the English note on all essential points." It Is believed in Washington that President Roosevelt's answer to the proposal made by the allied powers that he arbitrate the Venezuelan issues, has been received in London. The strictest secrecy with regard to every phase of the negotiations is preserved, however, and it is impossible to make a definite stnement, but such indie tions as are obtainable point to President Roosevelt's acceptance of the office of arbitrator. semi-offici- Mm4a al Mas Kalla Hu Hoad la M llMtltBt. It is announced that Arthur Jennings of Florence, Colo., aged 27, has negotiated with an eastern medical institute for the purchase of his head. Jennings Is a freak of nature, having a head twice the normal size. The price is fl.OOO down and an additional 1 1,000 to be paid to his relatives at the 'me of his death. When Jennings was years of age be had an attack of brain fever. His head at that time began to grow abnormally, and now inches in cirit measures thirty-si- x cumference. Jenningss spine is also affected, and be is forced to walk with a cane. Medical authorities claim the case to be without a parallel. Tn RIIImI In ib Tntiu Wreck. Ten persons were killed and twenty-leve- n injured in a collision at Byron, Cal., between the southbound Los Angeles owl train and the Stockton collision, the flyer. It was a rear-enlocal ploughing its way engine of coach on the owl, through,Jr d Vt 1 whicbr with Fresno people, who escaped death rfffWWTrrarrthe fork part of the coach, crushed in between the mass of debris, their sufferings and dangers intensified a hundredfold by the clouds of scalding steam that poured out on them from the shattered boiler of the Stockton engine. Marraul Hootm Another Knrrma. The following dispatch from Marconi, dated Glace Bay, N, S., December 21, has been received by the Associated Press: I beg to inform you for circulation that I have established wireless telegraph communication between Cape Breton, Canada, and Cornwall, England, with complete success. Inauguratory messages, including one from the governor general of Canada to King Edward VII, have already been transmitted and forwarded to the 'kings of England and Italy. A message to the London Times haa also been transmitted in the presence of its special correspondent, D. Parkin, M. P. aa Plrrca tha Heart. After a scries of experiments covering a period of more than fifty yevrs. W. Pyron Coakley, a well known of Chicago, has Just discovered that to administer local treatment to the heart is not the impossibility the worlds scientists have ala-ay- s held it to be. By means of a fine, hollow golden needle, seven to eight inches long, which he terms organotone, Dr. Coakley not only has been able to pierce the heart without causing death, but to inject Into it various fluids with( out subjecting the patient to the est danger. Hrhoolffi tn slight- Porto Riro. The annual report of the commissioner of education for Porto Rico, Samuel McCune Lindsay, says that the poorest schools there are as good as, and, in some respects, better, than the poorest in the same grade in very many parts of the United States, aloutput of the elethough the every-damentary school cannot be compared with the best city schools of the same grade in the states. An American free public school now exists in every municipality in Porto Rico. y Paulina la Flndlnnd. The Russian government has drawn np n comprehensive plan for feeding the Finlanders who are in n state of ns n reult of crop and generally relieving the distress, which is widespread throughout ten governments of European Rue-siand some districts of Siberia. The semi-starvatio- fall-nre- s, n ' hits already been ex pended in the relief work, but further great sums will bo necessary to support the populace of the afflicted districts and enable them to resume fanning in the spring. i.i.i SNUB FOR MONROE DOCTRINE tbvi af a Vilvemltj rraoldoal m th VmudM BHuiluu. In an interview published in Denver, Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, president of the Nebraska university, who lectured in that city on Socialism," crit-cise-d the course of the admlr'vtratkm at Washington on the Venezuelan question. "I feel with most people, said Dr. Andrews, that the Monroe doctrine has received a fearful snub and our prestige has been lowered. Germany and England have been lying low for Just this opportunity. Of course these nations will say they do not want to acquire territory, and that is probably true. England did not want territory in India or Egypt, but she has succeeded, despite her careful nurturing of the small monarchies of those countries, and her control is absolute. Both England and Germany have secured footholds in Venezuela, and they have apparently come to stay. It is a little difficult, of course, to see what is best for us to do now, but our government ought to have kept its eyes open and the administration should have sent out a warning such as Grover Cleveland issued under circumstances similar to these which now humiliate us. The fact is, the upper clause of Great Britain have fawned on us and fooled us. They have given us after-dinne- r speeches bursting full of brotherly love and reciprocity and a mock sentiment touching the tics of consanguinity. But I tell you it was all humbug, and the British heart is as full of hate for us as ever It was, and the entire nation is ever watching for chances to snub us and humble us, and would crush us If it could." PEACE PLANS PROGRESSING- der in Widdin Citadel, Vienna, recently. As he was being led to the scaf, fold the condemned man, Zeco suddenly drew a poniard which he had concealed and wounded three of the warders and a soldier. He was overpowered, dragged to the scaffold and three successive attempts were made to hang him. In tha first tbs rope gave way. In the second he was cut down too soon, and the wretched criminals head was again put in the noose and held there till life was final- - Froaldsnt Castro Ilntlraa That Mlnlatar Sawn May Apt Wlthuat Kwlrletloi. Lopes Baralt, Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs, has transmitted to United States Minister Bowen a document, signed by President Castro as constitutional president of the republic, and countersigned by himself aa minister of foreign affairs, in which Mr. Bowen is recognized as the only representative of Venezuela in the matter of effecting a settlement of the present difficulty. According to the terms of this document, Mr. Bowes may act without restriction, add ha is to use all means posible to protect the interests of Venezuela. The state department at Washington has bees notified of the transmission of this in stmment to Mr. Bowen. Events al Caracas are dependent upon the re ceipt, through the state department, ol the answers of the governments of Great Britain, Germany and Italy to the proposal of arbitration advanced by Venezuela. Should they be favoi government able, the Venezuelan strongly desires that a conference ol the ambassadors of Great Britain, Germany and Italy to the Untied States be held in Washington, and that Mr. Bowen leave La Guayra December 23 for the United States on board the steamer Caracas, which is due to reach New York December 29. Mr. Bowen will meet the ambassadors in Washington. No meeting to discuss terms of settlement is to be held on Venezuelan soil. Many IJm The steamer Kame-now- ly extinct. Catarrh Coaaot Da Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, si they esnsot the oral of the disease. Catarrh is a iwk and in order to blood or constitutional Hall s Internnl cun it you nival take and acta Csurrh Cura ia taken intemnUy, mucoun area surf and blood on tha directly a quack mediclna. Halls Catarrh Cura Is sol of one bem the was prescribed by physicians It In this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It ia computed of the best too lea known, roaililnod with the best blood purittrra, aetinf directly on the mucous surfaces The of the two ingredients is perfect combination wonderful results in curing what produces such for testimonials, free. Catarrh. Send CHENEY A CO.. Props., Toledo, D Bold by druggists, price lie. UnU's Family Pills are U bust. diM-as- JJ. Mystery Which Agitated Swiss Canton Is Cleared Up For some time past ths inhabitants of Oron, la the Canton of Vnud, 8 have bten agitated by the nightly wandering of n ghost Soma few hava attempt t to solve ths mystery, but ths nijjority have, with Swiss superstition, accepted the ghostly visitor ss s token of pest crime or coming disaster. Two days ago a Me zlsres gendarme, while making his rounds, rams upon the supposed ghost in a secluded forest path. It proved to be n girl of about 16 years of age, dumb and partially an idiot She wore no clothes beyond n portion of old sacking, roughly tied across her body, which was covered with thick and tangled hair. She was taken to the village, where her appearance has crested n sensation. Her feet are covered with thick, horny skin. She Is nnnhle to walk In shoes, and can only go up and down stairs on nil fours. Whence she has come or how long she has existed in n wild state is unknown. Ths Most Precious Fur. Tha most precious of all furs, that of tha silver fox, Is of n dark sooty black, with tips of whits of n metallic luster. Ths silver fox is found only in Siberia sml Alaska. Tbs pelt of the sea otter, which is now nearly extinct, la of s rich dark velvety brown. The animal survives only in Kamchatka and Alaska. Last year $1,700 was paid for n single silver fox, and s sea otter pelt brought $760. Sea otter nets are sunk through a hols cut In the ice. A bell suspended above and connected by a string with ths net gives the trapper notice of n capture. Rtope ths trough and Works Off tbs Cold Laxative Bronio (Quinine Tablets. Price SSa Breve Engineer Saves Uvea r Lancashire miners owe their lives to an engineer's gallant devotion to duty while in the throes of death. The men were being lowered down the Tyldesley coal pit the other day, when the engineer, Scott, was seized with sudden dizziness. His whole thought, however, was for ths safety of the men in the descending cage. By n supreme effort he applied the brake and stopped the engine, thus saving the men from being dashed to the bottom of the shaft This accomplished be fell back and disd in n few minutes. Twenty-fou- Old Sofas, Bocks of Chairs, etc., can be dyed with PUTNAM FADEI.ESS DYES. Strange Walking Fish. The "walking fish of Santa Catalina channel, California, is a member of the pedlculati tribe, and has congeners among the gulf weed of the Mexican const. Its pectoral fins are shaped so as to serve for legs, and it can rest on them so ns to snap its prey. It builds n nest of seaweed. W I). S. MINISTER TO ENGLAND Commends Peruna Catarrh Sufferers. DID GOOD WITH STOLEN MONEY Proceeds of Swindles Given Over te Helpless Children. Gustave Rosclii was the greatest swindler Italy has ever known, though his many crimes were perpetrated purely in the Interests of children's charities. He was s cripple, and from his earliest days displayed unwonted interest in those of tender age similarly afflicted. Wnen only 23 bo set in motion n scheme of fraud on n gigantic scale which relieved the wealthy of thousands in fifteen years. With ths proceeds of his crime ha founded and endowed n cripples home in Rome, cleared off ths debts of three children's hospitals, and Instituted homes for waifs in many of the principal Italian cities, though hs lived in a dilapidated cottage and almost denied himself the bare necessities of life. When eventually the bubble hurst hs was sentenced to lifelong Imprisonment, but so popular had he become with the masses that frantic crowds cheered him ss he waa led from the courts. After fifteen years spent in n dungeon he was pardoned. Robbed 8enator Gorman. Senator Gorman of Maryland not keep house in Washington will tha coming winter, having decided to close his mansion at Laurel because of a recent experience with dishonest servants. Soma half dozen persons in his employ Joined in n conspiracy to steal money, silverware, bedclothes and other - articles, the agreement among them being that the plunder should go toward furnishing n house f6f one of ths number. One of the servants became alarmed when $450 In cash, some silver and a quantity of other things had been purloined. Confession was made to the senator, who refused to prosecute. Instead ha closed his home and took rooms In an apartment house. Hon. Louis E. Johnson is the son of the late Reverdy Johnson who was United States Senator from Maryland, also Attorney General under l'resident Johnson, and United States Minister to England, and who was regarded as the greatest constitutional lawyer that ever lived. In a recent letter from 1006 F. Street, N. W., Mr. Johnson says : No one should longer suffer from catarrh when Peruna fa ac To my knowledge it has caused relief to so many o my cesslble. friends and acquaintances, that It Is humanity to commend Its use to i all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the human system. Louis E. Johnson. Catarrh Poison, Catarrh is capable of changing all the secretions of the body into scalding fluid, which destroy and inflame every part they come in contact with. Applications to the places a flee ted by catarrh can do little good save tn soothe or quiet disagreeable symptoms. Hence it is that gargles, sprays, atomizers and inhalants only serve as temporary relicb So long as the irritating secretions of catarrh continue to be formed so long will the membranes continue to be inflamed, .no matter what treatment ia used. There ia but one remedy that haa the desirable effect, and that remedy is This remedy strike at ones to the routs of catarrh by restoring to tha capillary vessels their healthy elasticity. Pernna is not a temporary palliative, but radical cure. Send for Dr. Hartman's latest book, sent iree for a short time. Address The lcruna Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, writs at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a lull statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Ths Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Church Attractions. Rev. Wilson Cnrlile, tha noted London minister, has Introduced moving pictures into his church services and furnishes all persona desiring it with n free rup of coffee as they leave ths church. CARBOLIC SALVE l4 y will prevent blood poisoning in Cuts wyvlu Wounds, Sores. life-givi- Peruna. vm I Braises, and heal them, too. 25 cents Would yon have n L TOOTHACHE for 15 cents? Our Jap- anese Tooth Ache Drops will rid yon of both. "R. jyr ..v : DeCOSTAS LIVER FILLS is Health Insurance1 for 25 cents a policy. What is yourne<h worth? THE CHILDREN ENJOY in Daasar. Modoc, WILD GIRL THE GHOST. Revolting Spectacle on Scaffold. A revolting hpectacle was witnessed at the execution of a peasant for mur- belonging to the Maritimes, collided with the French cruiser La Aouche Treville as she was leaving Toulon, France, in a storm. She grounded on the rocks at the Mourlllon arsenal, and now lies On board in a dangerous position. the Modoc are the mails. 223 passengers fur the East Indies and a number of sailors intended for the French war ships on the China station. Messagerles Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoyment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which ia given .to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such ss physicisna would sanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results e from the use of the cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be oought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.-- is printed on the front of every pack- - All Lung Diseases start with a cough. If yon will cough np a quarter for a bottle of Cough Balsam youll stop coughing Japanese Corn Core d, CPvi : rf-r'- old-tim- EARTHQUAKE IN RUSSIA. Town IHwIrojrsd aad Handrails Killed and Injured. A dispatch from T&alikend, Asiatic Russia, under date of December 18, says: Three officials, two soldiers and 130 natives, mostly children, were killed by the earthquake which destroyed the town of Andijan, Russian In addition, Central Asia, Tuesday. 300 natives and seventeen soldiers were injured, and 9.000 houses of native and 130 Russian residences were destroyed. yon dozen CORNS for a quarter. Which do yon love the best-co- rns or quarter? Dituaaisva or avoasa all OR DIRECT FROM I i I Z. C. M. I I I. SOUND ARGUMENT SANTA TERESA WANTS DIVORCE Kort-.Into Marriage at Point of a Rarnlvrr. Sants Teresa. the young woman believed by the Yaqul Indians and many Mexicans to possess divine powers. has sued her Indian husband, G. N. Rodriguez, in the courts at Los Angeles, Cal., for divorce. It Is alleged the marriage was forced upon the young woman at the point of a revolver by her Impetuous admirer at Clifton, Ariz., June 22, 1900. PnaaoMiala lna to Cool Shorts. A material increase in the number of cases of pneumonia and severe colds among the people of Washington, D. C.. Is atrtibuted to the coal famine, according to a number of physicians. They say that in most of the houses they visit only s few of the rooms are Even in the homes of wealthy resideuts fill naces bate had to be abandoned. The price of hard coal from lh! Indeimndent operators Is $12 a ton. Soft at retail has gone up to $1. and is hard to gut at that pries. aa Kha Waa d Tootine np the pralac of Three Crows Haktsf Powder. Extracts aud Spices. Aik few thaw. For solo everywhere. HEWLETT BROS. CO oimovirvi nDHDCV U V O I kw 1 quick relfc-- f i usd ceres cmo. Souk af iMitmonl.w tnd 10 DATS tmocnoat IUL Sr.KJLOkXU BSOAABeaE,AUaaU.ao UTAH JUNK Bslrg Mystery Cleared. hy the editor of Harper' magazine mav help to clear sway a cruel ii.ypiery that has greatly worried a good many woiild-h- s contributor to that popular periodical. Mr. Alden explain thr.f four c of every firs manuscript :i are and that rertaps on re In s twelve-montthe first offering of a rew writer is accepted. Yet why te ipairT Cleveland Plain Dealer. A remit i What Might Hava Been. Colonial Secretary Chamberlains ofi frr on the part of the government of Great Britain to favorably consider the representation of the colonies in one or the other of the two houses of the imports! parliament approaches a revolution of therolordsl system. Had Ee- -. lend made sneh a proposition to t:. 'nlrral American states, what a cl sepa world have been effected la I'.e colonial history of Ameilcs. G0..5& 22SXJSZA t. Boll Lake air. Utah. Better keep on the safe side. Dont use a llnimept youre not sure about. If yon have an Injury, an Ache a serlopa Cat or Braise, Lumbago, Neuralgia or anything that la curable by a liniment, better get MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. It cured aches and injuries of Man and Ben at before many of you were born. It wss found to be reliable by your sires and crsndslrest It will ba found so by yon. |