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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Edwin W. Stllwell, IS years of age, killed himself on the altar at Die Calvary Baptist church at Providence, R. I. According to a note left by the Miriam boy he was In love with Francies Gleason. aged 17, who had suicided a few days previous. Americans who have arrived at Ariz., from the interior and west coast of Mexico reported that although no violence had been shown thern they bad been harassed all the way to the border by petty rebel chiefs Three affidavits seeking to tix guilt for the murder of Mary Phagan upon James Center, negro factory sweeper. were submitted in superior court at Atlanta, Ga., by attorneys for Leo M Frank, under death sentence for the murder. Andrew (i. Campbell, charged with receiving deposits In the First Natch M bank after it was insolvent, was found guilty by a jury In elreut court at Natchez, Miss. William J. Anton, a jewelry salesman, was robbed of jewelry valued at A hotel porter 185,900 at Chicago. whom he had never seen before disappeared with sample cases contain ing the jewelry, Anton told the po- History of Past Week INTERMOU NTAIN. Colo. DOMESTIC. George F. Haer, president of the Reading Railway, died Sunday at Philadelphia. He was stricken Saturday looming while walking to the Heading Terminal. Because of his advanced age he was ft his system did not respond readily to treatment neces-aarIn acute cases of gastritis. Ruth Trafant, a musical comedy actress, known on the stage us "Malda Athens," died at a hospital in New ork from the effects of poison taken 1 a week ago. Two ambulances sent from Eagle Pass to bring American refugees from Alusquiz, Mexico, were stopped in Pled-raNegras by a mob, white tlagB were torn from cars and tramped on the ground and the drivers were ordered hack across the river. Officers in charge of army recruiting have called the attention of former soldiers to the army reserve act of i 9 12 which provides that men honorably discharged with a rating of "good" can enlist in the reserves If not over forty-fivyears old and physically capable. Governor Hunt of Arigoua has issued a proclamation, directed principally to Mexican citizens, stating that all state officials will afford protec tion to all alike, regardless of complexion. Million rounds of cartridges, consigned to the rebels, have been stopped in transit from the east. American of manufacturers cartridge have agreed for the present at least to fill no more orders from south of the Rio Grande. El Guarda Del Bravo, a Mexican paper published at Iaredo, in the interests of the Huerta government, has been suspended by order of District Judge Mullaly and Mayor McComb. Life insurance companies, with headquarters in New York, have begun to take cognizance of the hostilities in Mexico by Issuing war policies for the benefit of those about to leave to engage in naval and militia service in e Mexico. The city of Fond du has notified members of company K, Wisconsin National guard, that it would guaran tee none should suffer from want during the head of the family's absence on military service. Men for the army are being enlisted at the recruiting station la Chicago at the rate of seven an hour. Colons George v. Qoethale, governor of the Panama canal zone has issued orders placing the canal zone 04) strict war footing, Five hundred miners employed in tile mines of the Four States Coal Company at Dorothy. Wist Virginia, struck because the mine superlntend-dan- t did not attend the wage conference at Charleston. liUKh T llalbert, chairman of the stats Progressive party, unanlmousl) was nominated as candidate lor governor, a rull state ticket was named and a resolution adopted supporting President Wllseti and congress "in their efforts to uphold our national lienor in the present crisis." at the state conference of Progressives at St. Paul. Coffey, the Dublin giant, knockeout Jim Flynn. the Pueblo tinman In the fourth round of a mateli In New York A. II Lambert of St Louis, heaii o( the areo reserve corps of America, telegraphed Secretary Daniels, offering HI" skilled aviators for service in Mexico Ohio eoal opi raters and miners now will try to arrange wage scales by dis.Mm d) ten-roun- tricts following the complete disagree 101 of the two interests before the ai'journal) nt of their join! conference at Col8 lice. WASHINGTON. Foreign experts on child welfare will be the feature of this week'B session at Washington of the third international congress for the welfare of the child. Villa wants good will and ammunition. That is the key to all the negotiations with hlni that have taken up so much time of iSpecial Envoy Car others and caused so many messages to be sent to President Wilson and Secretary Bryan. President Wilson will send federal troops into Colorado to aid in composing the serious situation in the coal fields. The United States government has accepted from Argentina, Brazil and Chile a formal offer to act as intermediaries in the present situation. The nomination of Robert 11. Terrell, a negro, as municipal judge for the District of Columbia, has been confirmed by the senate. The nomitwo nation had been held up for BtonthS, being vigorously opposed by Senators Vardaman, Smith of South Carolina and other southerners. The senate, without debate, passed the volunteer army bill as agreed to by the conferees of the house and senate. There are 4, Odd trained nurses in the Red Cross association, and all are available for duty at the front should they be needed. FOREIGN. The Vatican on Sunday instructed the papal nuncios In Argentina, Brazil and Chile to support any action of the government to which they are accredited looking to a peaceful solution of the Mexican crisis. The new Hamburg-Americaliner Vaterland, the largest steamship In the world, started from Hamburg on its first trial trip Sunday evening, making a short cruise near the mouth of the Elbe, Thousands of spectators lined the shore as the great liner left her pier. Confirmation has been received that the authorities at I guidon are preparing to move troops into lister, and it is rumored that martial law will be proclaimed. Thousands of American visitors are expected at Christiana, Norway during the summer to witness the celebration of the oentential of the hide peudence of Norway from Denmark. The celebration will also commenior ate a hundred years of peace on the Scandinavian peninsula. The Japanese premier has authorized the statement that Japan has no intention whatsoever of utilizing the present trouble between the United States and Mexico to secure from tin United States a satisfactory settle meat of the California difficulty, All the Argentine newspapers are loud In their praise of the acceptance by President Wilson of the good offices of Argentina. Brazil and Chile Mexican lor a settlement of the trouble. Circulars enumerating American business houses are being distributed In the streets of Mexico City. The handbills call on the populace to destroy the concerns listed Count Charles K huen-- l ledervary de lleilervar. former Hungarian premier, He was died at Budapest, aged prominent In the organization of the politlcul parties of Hungary. The captain of the steamer Vpiranga at Vera Cruz lias been ordered by his company to return to Hamburg with he cargo of war munitions meant for the Huerta government. livery telegraph wire out of Mexi railroad or CSbl eo City la now watched over by a censor chosen from among the most reliablt and intelligent men In the govern Bant telegraph service. Paul Hudson, editor of the Mexican Herald at Mexico City, for whose safe ty fears had been expressed, left the Mexican capital on one of the refugee tin Ins and Is now at Vera Cruz. The leading newspapers of Spain have adopted a well balanced and even frlendlv attitude toward the Unit eil States in commenting on the Mexican situation. Seven hundred tons of ammunition are lying at Antwerp awaiting Iblp meni to Mexico, conilgnnx d) oi BOS tons of cartridges lift Au'wer? fur (hat destination last wee d . I KING WILL NOT TRY TO AID THE PRESIDENT HUERTA READY TO END CONTROVERSY 10 BE MEDIATORS John D Controls Who Rocke'eller, Coal Property Affected by Colorado Miners Strike Refuses to No-gale- The News Happenings of Seven Days Paragraphed "In the name of religion and humanity" President Wilson is urged to end jrhat are termed "the present terrible Conditions existing" In the southern Colorado coal fields in a telegram sent to Washington by a committee named 0'-- a mass meeting held In Colorado Springs. The force of mine guards at the Chandler mine, near Canon City, Colo., After the death of at least four of their number, Bed late Sunday before an attacking mob of strikers. Three men, employees of the steel tnlll at Pueblo, were shot by strikers near town. They were members of a party of twenty men on their w ay to Williamsburg In automobiles. Toots Gard, star catcher for the Boise baseball team, broke his leg Sliding to second base in the third Inning of a game at Welser, Idaho, rtt will be out of the game for weeks. The Hanna, Wyo.. miners union has voted $4,000 to the Colorado striking miners. The United States grand jury at Pueblo returned indictments against eight striking miners on charges of attacking the postofflce at Higgings, Oil SOUTH AMERICANS PRESIDENT ACCPETS OFFER OF FROM BRAZIL, ARGENTINA AND CHILE. Elimination of Huerta Said to Be Part of Plan Submitted by Southern Neighbors in Proffer of Good Offices to Prevent War. W ar with Mexico will Washington In all probability be averted. on Saturday diplomacy made its first attempt to solve the Mexican crisis by peaceful negotiation. The i'nited States government acBrazil and cepted from Argentina, Chile a formal offer to act as intermediaries in the present situation, but reservedly pointed out that an act i t aggression by the military forces or hostil demonstrations toward Americans might upset hopes of immediate peace. The Brazilian. Argentina and Chilean envoys transmitted Uae United States acceptance of their proposal to the Spanish ambassador, who immediately sent it by cable to the Spanish legation at Mexico City for presentation to General Huerta. Genera! Carranza, head of the constitutionalists, was informed of It through his representatives here. the offer made by the Although ' three south American countries did not reveal their plans it was learned '.hat they contemplate a nroad settlement of the Mexican problem through the elimination of Huerta, upon which the United States has insisted from the beginning. Notification of the offer of intermediation was sent not only to the diplomatic representatives of Argentina, Brazil and Chile in Mexico City, but to General Carranza and the constitution- n alists in northern Mexico. President Wilson summoned Senators stone, Shlvely and Lodge of the Senate foreign relations committee and Chalrmon Flood and Rpresenta-tivCooper of the House committee on foreign affairs to discuss the new turn in events the first ray of hope after a day of worry and anxiety over the scores of Americans held up in their fight from the Mexican capitol. From those at the White House conference it was learned that while the president was not sanguine of the success of the intermediation plan, he teli it to be the duty of the American government to avail itself of the offer of the three great South American countries. It was suggested that the negotiations, even though they and might might he unsuccessful, serve to repress outbursts and offered an opporto depart tunity for Americans from Mexico The president had under consideration the subject most of the day with Secretary Bryan and other members of the cabinet. The matter had been informally discussed by the three diplomats among themselves and the joint note was presented in person to Mr. Bryan early Saturday, e n 1 MljaJH M ROMULO .Bsl BSSSSSSSl S. NAON. Minister From Argentina. The fact that Argentine, Brazil and Chile have stood with the United States in refusing to recognize the Huerta government is an element In tlie situation w hich rose conspicuously t the front, as discussion of the n w tttUStton turned official circles, for the moment at least, from thoughts of war to those of peace. , Feeling in Chili Bitter. Chili. Public opinion Valparaiso. the United hero Is bitter against States, as a result of the Mexican crisis. ACCEPTS DICTATOR OFFER OF DIPLOMATS TO GET HIM OUT OF TROUBLE. MEXICAN Arbitrate. MEDIATION John D Rockefeller, New York Jr., rejected the efforts of President Wilson's personal representative. Con gressman Martin D. Foster, on Mon of day to effect a peaceful settlement the Colorado mine strike. As a result federal troops in all probability will be ordered into the strike region to end the civil war which is raging. Mr. Rockefeller told Congressman Foster, in effect that the standard Oil Interests have nothing to mediate or arbitrate. our mines, We are ready to rnj) we have the men to operate them, it order is restored," Mr. Rockefeller sad. "The only suggestion I can offer Is that peace be restored." ''Mr. Foster came on from Washington in consequence of the president's appeal to John D. Rockfeller as the dominant financial interest in Colorado TTfend the struggle there. The senior Rockefeller replied that he had never taken an active part in the managa-men- t of the Colorado Fuel At Iron company, but would be glad to have his son confer with anyone whom the president might name. JTwo stories are told with regard to the conference. One is that Mr. Foster camj with a proposition from the president that the questions at issue between the striking coal miners and the mine owners be submitted to arbitration and that Mr. Rockefeller declined to consider it. The other story, which emanates from Standard Oil circles, is that Mr. Foster merely asked Mr. Rockefeller if he could offer any suggestions as to how the strike could be ended without recourse to federal troops. Mr. Rockefeller's; reply to this is said to have been that he had no suggestions of any kind to offer. While it Was Believed Huerta Would Accept Good Offices of South Americans, His Acceptance Causes Feeling of Reli if. Washington. Formal acceptance by the Huerta government of the offer of Argentina. Brazil and Chile to use their good offices to bring about an amicable settlement of the difficulty between the Lnited States and Mexico was cabled to Spanish Embassador Riano here Monday night by Portillo y Rojas, foreign minister in the Huerta cabinet. Senior Rojas's note was transmitted at once to the three South American diplomates, who began a conference which lasted far into the night, discussing the next move in their peace plan. Neither Embassador Riano nor the peace envoys would make public the text of the Huerta acceptance. H was said, however, that Senor Rojas replied briefly, accepting the offer and thanking the South American plenipotentiaries and the Spanish embassador for their good offices, with a reference to the "real spirit of solidarity between peoples of a same race." No condition are imposed in an offer of good offices, consequently tne reply from Mexico City was not expected to deal with conditions. That stage will be reached when the peaceformulate their plans and makers make known how they propose to use the good offices which have been accepted. It has been generally understood here that the peace envoys expect to deal directly wtlb the situation ere STRIKE DEYOND GONTROL; ated by the resentment by the United Tarn-picGOVERNOR WANTS TROOPS States government against the incident and other offenses against its honor and dignity, hoping Urgent Request for Aid in Quelling to bring about a peaceful settlement. in Administration officials here appearColorado Coal Disturbance ed to be much gratified at the prosFields Wired President. of having the proposals of the Denver, Colo. Governor Amnions pect South American republics listgreat wire requester by night, Saturday to ened by General Huerta. President Wilson "to send federa t into Colorado troops immediately Warn Seditious Speakers. compose the strike situation." American Consul Washington. tc Governor Amnions determined on Monday telegraphed the Hostetter foi President Wilson directly IqM from Hermosillo ftrTOps, rather than through the coil state department and Alvarado Generals that Obregon ari gresslonal channels, after session with women of the state, whe of the Mexican constitutionalists had notified their forces in the state of declared that they would not leav that any demonstration the statehouse until the governor ha Sonora Americans and seditious against with demands tha their complied federal troops oe asked for from th speeches yvould likely lead to president himself. Besides the call for federal troop Militia in Charge. the women demanded withdrawal o Canon City, Colo. Chandler, the the state militia and investigation o camp captured by the strikmining charges against Major P. J. Ham ers, was reoccupied peacefully on rock and Lieutenant Linderfelt. Monday by the militia. Not a shot Adjutant General John Chase ap was fired. The mine buildings and pointed a committee of three militar, houses were undamaged except for officers to investigate the cause o that by bullets. wrought the fatal clash between militia an strikers at Ludlow on April 20 which culminated in the destructioi by fire of the strikers' tent colony a that point. A protiaamtion calling the stat legislature of Colorado into specia session to consider matters pertain in th ing to the strike situation southern and northern portions of the state was signed by Governor Am n ions. i n all-da- y Peace Note Finds no Echo. Galveston, Texas - The note of peace sounded in the Mexican mediation negotiations on Monday brought no echo here, where the task of trans forming the freighter San Marcos into an army transport was pushed and the steamer loaded with supplies tnd made ready to sail Tuesday for 'era Cruz with a troop of the Sixth iavalry and several batteries of tin enth field artillery. Prisoners to Be Transferred. Washington -- Orders were issued by the war department on Monday traus-f'rrinthe Mexican prisoners herd at fort Bliss, near hi Paso, Tex to Kort Wingate, N. M. DOMICIO DA GAM A, . Shot at Mine. Denver. In a clash between strikers and mine guards at the McNally mine of the Colorado Fuel & iron company, near Wallenberg, in which the camp was taken by the strikers, one person Is known to have been shot. Ambassador From Brazil. Stop Shipment of Cartridges. Paso, Texas. Three million rounds of cartridges, consigned to the rebels, have been stopped in transit from the east. American manufacturers of cartridges have agreed for the present at least to fill no more orders from south of the Rio Grande El Seven Reported Killed. Walsenburg, Colo. Sheriff Jeff Farr Destroy American Business Houses. Vera Cruz. Circulars enumerating reported Tuesday morning that firing continued spasmodically at the Wei American business houses are being sen mine near here and that seven distributed In the streets of Mexico men had been killed In a clash be- City. The handbills call on the populace to destroy the concerns listed. tween strikers and mine guards. Spain Aiding Mexico. Washington -- It was announced on Saturday that the Interests of the Mexican embassy here and her consulates throughout the country would be looked after by the Spanish em bassay and consulates. Congratulations From Peace Bureau. Washington- - President Wilson on Monday night received from the International Peace bureau of llrusseli a cablegram congratulating the United States on accepting mediation In the Mexican dispute Rebels Annoy Americans. Nogales. Ariz Americans who have arrived from the interior and west coast of Mexico reported that although no violence had been shown them, they had been liarrassed all the way to the border by reiiel chiefs Leaves It Up to Officers. Garrison Washington Secretary innouueed Saturday lie bad Issued nn irders for any further troop move BSBtS and that army officers were ti ise their own discretion In pre ect'n International bridges cn thl Pay Tribute to Victim of War. Chicago This city will pay tribute 0 Samuel Me lean berg, a private ,,r iiarines. who was killed at Vera Cruz. he city council passed a resolution 4 On day providing that his body shall ie In stat" In the city ball Killed Self in Church. Edwin W Stll Providence. R. well, If years of SgS, killed himself on the altar at the Calvary Baptls-churcAccording to a note bit by the boy he was In love with Miriam France Cleosan. aged " 1 UTAH STATE NEWS William Ringelsen, alleged to have eloped several weeks ago from Tyro, Kan., with Lula Freel6, has been arrested In salt Lake. One of the attractions at Liberty park in Salt Lake during the cowing summer season is to be a motion pic tsre show of the open air variety. About 600 acres of state laud near Minersville, Beaver county, will bf sold at auction by the state land at on Saturday, April ijoard Beaver. the former members By of company B, the Ogden company of the national guard is to be brought up to the full war strength of 108 meu immediately. If war ensues with Mexico, Salt Lake will furnish more than 109 men to the navy the first day, says Lieut. S. W. Cake, in charge of the Salt Lake naval recruiting station. The excursions committee of the Salt Lake Commercial club has an nounced a big trade extension excursion to northern Utah and southern Idaho to be run early in June. At least 100 Utahns have agreed tu make and operate the King split-loroad drags as a result of the recent visit to Utah of D. Ward King, road expert and inventor of the drag. Governor Spry called upon President Wilson on April 22 and assured him the Utah militia was available for immediate service if it should be necessary to utilize state troops in connection with the troubles with Mexico. A report which has been compiled at the board of education offices hi Ogden on the work done by the school students on Arbor day shows that more than 11,000 trees, shrubs and Vines were planted throughout the city. Friday, May 15, has been selected as "Utah day" by the board of gov' ernors of the Utah Development league. Governor Spry will be asked to issue a proclamation calling upon the citizens of the state to properly observe the day. While watching the demonstration of the working of an automatic pistol in the hands of a countryman, George Borocis, a Greek laborer, was accidentally shot in a grocery store in Salt Lake, suffering severe wounds In his right hand and arm. snuffers A pair of brass candle used by Mrs. A. S. Gilbert in Kirtland, Ohio, in 1830 and later brought tc Utah and presented to Mrs. G. W. Rollins of Minersville, Utah, a niece of of Mrs. Gilbert, has been presented to the Deseret museum at Salt Lake. A total of $113.75 was collected in back pay for two girl employees in a single store at Mt. Pleasant by A. L. Toone, deputy state commissioner of Immigration, labor and statistics, who of viola made a rigid investigation tions of the minimum wage law. George I. Reeves, United States entomologist, believes he has a plan to eradicate the alfalfa weevil. It is a machine containing arsenical poisoning which may be placed on a wagon, the wagon being driven over the field, sprhying the ground with the poison. Investigatinon into the death at Salt Lake, on April 9, of the infant daughter of Lester and Florence Athey resulted in a coroner's jury rendering a verdict of death by accident from suffocation. It was at first thought the child had been strangled. A campaign of education for the creamery and dairymen of Utah, in which stereopticon views of actual conditions, both good and bad, will feature the lectures, is planned by the United States western dairy investigation division of the department of ag riculture. Colonel E. W. Tatlock. veteran of the civil war, retired colonel of the Utah national guard, and government statistician for the last seven years, with headquarters at Salt Lake, will endeavor to secure a commission as officer of volunteers in case of war with Mexico. It is predicted that the Piute dam, south of Marysvale, will be completed early in June. Good weather conditions are enabling the working force to proceed with the dam with unusual the rapidity. When it is completed Piute dam will store approximately; 110.000 acre feet of water. The commissioners of Box Elder county have decided to withdraw the bounty on jack rabbits, which at present is 5 cents for each rabbit killed This was made necessary on account of the numerous demands on the bounty funds. More than 121, (NX) has been paid in bounty on rabbits alone the past year. Steve Christ, T. A. Gallagher and Andrew Mophis, have been awarded $3,000 damages, the result of an action alleging that the Phoenix Con struction company, W. C. Illbbard and others, falsely effected their ar reBt at Grace, Idaho. October 1.'.. 1013, and held them prisoners more than twenty-fou- r hours without arraigning them before a committing magistrate A large relief map of the state of Utah, made students of the Agrieu! tnral collpge, will be one of the features of Utah's exhibit at the San The map will he luego exposition. twenty feet long and will show the principal physical features of the State in proper proportion. The fortieth annual grand lodge meetinr of the I'tah I. O. O. F. lodges was held In Ogden on Tuesday and At the same time the Wednesday. annual reunion of the Rebekuh lodges was held. Over 4(Ml delegates wer.' In Ogden during the two days. g |