Show CONGRESS 1 mr chandler diw gotico alit ho would tomorrow to morrow call op the house lilar mr daria called up alio resolution requesting usi lo 10 alii nicci of cwiok ila money 11 0 etc alic morning loar tapir abil the iehl aror oror lill to as bus incas r t aliu bill fur ilo of ibo wilnot lil not of ap nl mr morrill of muni explained it length r aff 1 sl mr moel tl lill be ika oyet till january I 1 etli mr lo 10 ilia for lmar tk lallor OCCUM ia tho bill TI a bill WM then ibid over cotil tomorrow mr a lill to kiil the and st loan railroad rail roid to eruct a narrow OURO road 1 rom tide anter tu st ital lii ogi Refo the chair a W L mcmillan Me Millan claiming to lo 10 a So from LouL jani toj aaning speedy action in hii caad on motion of mr the senata took up tha bill and fler being partially robil it was laid over acut into be aad tho judiciary to daiy on a civil ruelita loll 1011 galinn that last sear alic as a basis for it the boly mado ar abo omission of aoa abo insch of ora girat pirat pi rat clr and black aal fur ii all equal the appropriation lor school annia to ba pro between tho iacoi an alteration is also in the matter of punishment for violation of the h lo of tho pen aides being committee makes them civil or abo churman ot the cammi loo 11 au theorized zed to report abl bill ft a mip tins by mr last bondar reducing the ot the na lionil asilum fir tho r adopted tho on alian alnvine fuerl a dollars tor alio llio ocal hejl year clr from llie back tic bill 10 alio iu devenne davs haae went into alio 01 alie api burri bill A or of IMald goB acaba acapa lur ali da earlmont on a iu alio llio or alion 0 alo IoRO caaso up mr U V mr if luiere bad beed iny of abo account ol 01 the abolition of alio llio sir that ho ili Jot inow but alio dorcil wonlu have been kacur it tho hisil not been mr aloar assoil it ho jiddy know thi lial sir replied that ho jul oot but alio repeal libil iu the ot the no was however corn bellej to fay tho repell leirl bol in crois cl the so greatly ai ho at the linio it woula haill ho was in livor of kiting it a all brinl una years trial wai dot be tho pait year been a year of famine aoa lU alrena anil not a fair year to of tho effect ol 01 the reform mr killcy hoped tha iho bo truck out aej tho privilege olores ilo that lie had voted its repeal lavorel its the repeal hid loon by braad in getting up a memorial under the bordere of tho general and iu it waa an official hatate mant chit the repeal would eave UTO million annually akeo il has not sancil ODO thousand mr maynard condemned abo repeal ol 01 abo priTi logo M etting t cut off arco tion the people abil their the motion to strike oat abe paragraph pira graph wan rejected by 31 to 77 the committee rose mr butler 0 from ilo judiciary commil tco a op to be civil bill ordered printa aadil |