Show j 1139 USE hewlett bros amr CROWN baking powder alio and anderst THREE CROWN SPICES ARE BEST they ere are awill rid EXTRACTS FRESH 11 arc are Delic delicious iotis every uy DAY TRY THEM mEm A our good goods of this brand guaranteed guarante ed lo 10 bo ile tile equal of tile baat 01 the market or rL funded tea ivo to 15 ceata ceuta ier r I 1 et at mah lion or cuffee at 10 cent cents 1 tr package arbuckle or lion culaw at JOY 10 coate per lr package 1 ht tit district 70 what is it ask E C at company see tho the elegant line of if ring ani tool clothing that it i 11 at Lowns A few ino ago mr ur D hi a rou ever ot of woodstock ucb mich wee was badly afflicted aMic teil with ail right IN li g was swollen tie vie fall length cansibog aa him creat great sai ue he wa wai advised advis eil to try chamb chamberlain fraind j pain balm balin the 11 lint r t lot bottle leot of it helita lim con ly aej d the sochu I 1 bottle eff acted a cure the 23 8 and acot crat elz six 9 are for eale sale by all ine dicine dealers I 1 bare have given bough 1 remedy a fair tut and co con niJer it one of wit leui ieni edice edles for croup hat I 1 have evar found one loee de lia has alway ai ways ben blen suM clent I 1 use it freely aey cold my hildren contract yields verr readily to till this medline idne I 1 can con it for croup an ani I 1 co calil ids in children geo V wolff clerk cler k cf c f the coort court fern an dim fla sou ly alf ine dicina deale dealers a 1 HOTEL harel CLARKE I 1 A class hotel only a few steps aa from the depot the building buird ing has recently been avci hauled and newly furnished throughout an ali elegant and roomy dining room the culinary N 5 department V is the best sample r rooms I 1 in the building I 1 I 1 as I 1 bood good stables ili in connection H G CLARK proprietor ericc utah AN OPEN LETTER you can get more and better GOODS for your CASH or PRODUCE at t L LOWEN STEINS than at any other store this side of salt lake my aly big stock of W elegant aprin sprin A 0 9 fili FW I 1 as soma aa 1 LA fience n c fd I 1 arrive L see my iny very ver y low prices before purchasing elsewhere L lowenstein 11 price hae you oil seen district J Ai strict 76 7 no trouble to show it emery co mer ater what is district 76 ak AA E emery m e ry county mercantile company etca tea is ig better fresh if it i ent ali what doci doch the grocer grofer grof er j an by telling you yott that lie w some tea just jus conic conle rom abroad incan just liick 1 ed it means just roasted schillings best is is it i as fast as 1 o 0 cw cr isan is an U it no tel 1 in san francisco IB AN T Y tile tg lr tac LOCK 01 gradde jr bl N vr it isiac Ds 4 UP old sold on ajl after Fb aary ajl for iwen pa assze over all tho jl ig 0 j IV C tar n 0 r C 1 CL V 31 T and nd n G 4 public lie the enhanced 1 60 raude Wet byj of aho fact abu bliem tir be a M E M hows we carer one hundred dollar dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not li cured by dialls Co baith Ca larrit iTh core cure F J 1 caf 0 prope toledo 0 IV W th the 5 under undersigner sIgned have V bieve J T 1 lierley for the last IS 13 year years and ad believe him honorable in all br 1 aam transactions and financially 1 alile able to carry out any a obligations made by their firm writ tat A X wholesale druggists Drug giste toledo 0 KNAS whole ale sale druggists toledo ohio dialls catarrh care f Is taken internal I 1 acting directly upon be the blood aad ara surfaces of tb the system price IZ ac bottle bold by all druggists testimonials free bialle a jolls are be the best un vio account of tb the birthday la in honor of preuitt Tt wilfurd wilford woodruff oa on sunday february 20 a rate of on one ilin glo fro fare for the round rip trip la is authorized from all cm on the it Q G W to salt lako litko arom all ail point east of spring tiie this tickets will bu old sold on 17 7 limited to march 3 1 for new DALE A BRANDON faines 1 11 in connection with wom 1 alto urcal us a ebil CAST LEDALE MAU FORTIFY YOUR tb the poll harapat caa ear apat pair Is rr ever out but the tb winter ea alfa is on tou you must array yourself your against jim k 04 ana ml snow N form I 1 Is good ant goods at i ery ajr low pricita caal can I 1 serve couf you a T A boo it ithol coL POTTER houte first clasa class per jr day mra alm POTTER blatt THE CUU EN v U SALT LAKIC CITY centrally located RATES RA TESa 52 and 2 so per da 5 C EWING prop P christensen O watchmaker amo DENTIST gold work a specialty tetu fullone fill fUl loi loge crown and bridge work teeth extract ea without pain aia repair work may be eat sent by mail prompt attention a lured LE JOSEPH DEALER IN SL hardware ware harness gay horse clothing rheet 7 M lifes DO YOU WAN WANT your kettl s or any thing else in this line bally and quickly repaired if so 0 o bilag bilo it ft to me I 1 do all kloda kinds of rr r pairing and tin work airs va a trial I 1 can you r JOHN J MARTIN F cm UTAH BEING EQUIPPED for work 1 in a berr importing Import int ft fast or wen antolic ant first olic class work Is 14 tra tr 4 I 1 bai 0 the experience and am abw wet equipped for or my work 1 will doall TIN WOK WORK cheaply and with dispatch I 1 baur the manufacture of un 11 hony noney can a specialty a as fo boors ors a L 5 callon llonch cans LOO 0 5 g cans CM 8 33 rc r volt h experience COUNTS FOR MUCH whon it oom i 6 to satisfactory VIAN 4 r ing I 1 barabad twenty leacola this hi line of or work wo and ji guarantee first claw c work at vart low prices chrz you are r ready t to planer plaster i 3 our bou house let we fleir with you I 1 lean can laake it an object THOMAS clif terryn |