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Show tomliw Qscar V roductL ble only a syndicate Salt Laka price which thft. at the time the wool-grower la V clip through the m Utah State JanaX Utah State VoolgroVN at aa Increase of (27 ins to Information receive Chlcsio headquartera of the. can Farm Bureau federation, tu compilation, which included resyltis of the wool pool also included those of tweuty-two other wool marketing pools which the farm bureau through-out through-out the nation assisted in organltlng-and organltlng-and which netted 45,000 wolgrowera a saving of approximately f 1,000,000, according to the national federation , figures, Brlgham City. The Ilansen Furniture Furni-ture and Music company's store was , broken Into by burglars. Entrance was gained by climbing a lean-to at the back of the building and pryln -, open a second-story window. Mr. - ' Hansen waa unable to tell Just what goods were missing. The cash draw err and a desk drawer had been pried open, but the thieves obtained - no money. A stock of automobile tlrea in the Imsement, property of the lion- . sen Motor Car company, was taken from the racks ad strewn on the floor but it waa impossible for the firm to ascertain If any were taken.: .The drawers were pried open with tool found In the building. T ' , Price. The Carbon county achoola will close on Friday, May 6, this decision de-cision having been token because of a shortage of funda. A major pat of the touching force will be offered contracts to return to the Carbon schools. Contests in the four divf. sions of the district are being staged. At this time the winners In the divisional divi-sional meets : will assemble at Price. Tue art ana project wora now on display dis-play at the four divisional headquar- ' ters show the painstaking care' with which thia part of the schoolwork hna beea 'accbmpHshed. ' ' ' ., Salt Lake. City .Decoration dny will mark the first official public appearance ap-pearance of the newly organized fireman's fire-man's hand. The decree of excellence reached In the short period of tima since Its fcrmutir n hna surprise:! pro-reslonal pro-reslonal mvshl'.ns who liave attended rolienrsala. William D:enor Is baa L , mnste. Diener acquired his mus'cal " education while In t?to urmy. Cn Jan-nary Jan-nary 12 the idea w;.s proposei at the Central stntim and urn with enthn-slnstic enthn-slnstic response. Chfcf W. H. Bywat-er Bywat-er gave the boya every encourage- ment ind waa made president of the organization. West Jordai .Andrew Mllos, 29, was lodged In the county Jail for violation vio-lation of the liquor laws. He was r-'eased r-'eased in $300 bond. MIIob was arredt-d arredt-d hy deputy sheriffs ut the Bateman 'arm, near West Jordan, where he la nild to have been operating a still. The still, of fifty-gallon capacity; 1700 gallons of mash and a small, lunntity of "moonshine" whisky were tclzed by the deputies. Provo. Anthrax is reported to the ttate agricultural department from t'rovo, where a cow belonging to Win. fray died of the disease. A number of other animals have died from a slmll-! ii r disease In that vicinity and ttteps have been tuken to stump but the malady. Salt IJike City. Salt Luke's municipal muni-cipal golf links at Nlbley park, for-tn- V"wwi nm V'Tdinrv prio- f- -that as CalIr's park, and la pioneer days as Calder's farm, will, In th ourse of a few more years, become famous as one of the most beautifni best equipped and most attractive golf courses in the west, is the opinion of Dr". M. II. Stewart, city commission- er of parks and public playgrounds, who spoke with enthuslusm of the natural advantages of the locality, of the work now under way, and of .th iilans foi the immediate future. IiOgnn. The city commission baa authorized erection of a new bridge. ; Ogden. Andrew Allen, county rouol sent, announces- that the road nt the Rlverdale crossing has been repaired, which connects the. two Mts of pave , ment across the Union Pacific rail- -road trucks. American Fork. May 5th hus been . set as the closing of the school term ' of the Alpine district and will mark the termination of successful school year. Lue to lack of funds, the schools are closing two weeks prior to the regular time. , Ogden. As lonx as the street car-company car-company is too poor to pay for its share of paving three Mocks of Hr- , rison avenue, ths property owners In, ' that district wUl pay the company's hard. |