Show Will iLL RENEW MEETINGS THREAT Tomorrow light l Set as Date for Reopening I. I W. W W. W Meetings Murphy and Morgan Morgan Morgan Mor Mor- gan Arraigned Corey Beaten f INo No Intention of of- I 1 1 l Arresting lg g Steele e I It it 1 Is preposterous to presume I that I 1 or oi anyone amone else In nuth authority I would woul attempt to arrest Axel U. U I Steele for Cor or his Ills connection with the theriot riot which resulted d Tuesday night when I. I IY Y W. YV W. W speakers Insulted the flag flah and Uc used l obscene language said saM Sheriff Andrew Smith Jr last night Is hi a n. deputy sheriff sherif I o of Salt I Lake ako county count and he ho acted I I I with full tun authority when w hn hr started I I out to arrest the speaker wl o was waR wasI I defaming the laS flag and who spoke of or I him personally In th the vilest lIest I language that It Is 15 possible to use uso It is clear to me mc that the speaker was disobeying the lawsTo lawsTo laws To ascertain all nil tho the facts In connection connection con oon- with the riot I talked with Ith i Steele today todar personally I talked I with with others and and I 1 am convinced that Steele acted rightly Steele Is properly deputized as a I deputy sheri sheriff of ot Salt Lake county count He Be Is not a special deputy sheriff sheriff- an office which really does docs not ex cx- cx tnt 1st lIe He receives lila his pay pa patrom from the I eX-I Utah Copper company compan which Is pert perl per proper J I 11 1 have haVo talked with the chief of o I j police and man ninny many others who agree t i that Steele was as doing his duty I T t tIT T IT T was WiS announced last night by Sam am Scarlet and II R. 1 J. J Horton local lead leaders em of the I. I IW IV V. W W. that attempts will be made mado to renew V street meetings Saturday night Then they admitted admitted admitted admit admit- ted there thore will be largo large reinforce reinforce- t f f 41 T V ITT UT J 1 MiJ HJ AU u. u IQ U m I I H. H V LU I J It is known by the police that since Wednesday night more moro than thau members of the tho I. I V W. W. W from Butte Butto and other cities of the tho intermountain west have ha como con into Salt SaIt Lako Lake to assist in forcing forcing- authorities to permit permit per per- mit street meetings on which a a. a quietus was pJ placed after tho the riot jot of Tuesday night Practically every member o of the 1 po police 0 olice o- o lice lIco department app appeared at h u Qui r tors tern at 7 1 o'clock last night for Cor I. I W. W AV V duty duly Agitators were not found foun on time the j streets s and amid patrolmen n and detectives remained In Inactive e cU at headquarters rs almost until midnight ht The They will iiI re report report report re- re port for duty at 7 o'clock tonight ht and at the same hour ll ever every night In the Continued on Pas Page 9 5 9 Column S. S I I I II I. W. W NN W. W THREATEN TO MEET AGAIN Continued from Page 1 1 1 future until tile the police are arc convinced that the tho I I. I W. W W. W v. v will make no further attempts to hold street meetings s James I F. F Morgan organ an and Tom Murphy charged with assault with intent to commit murder In connection with the Tuesday night riot In which four were woun 01 were arraigned before borore CIt City Judge N. N H. H Tanner yesterday forenoon fore fore- noon They pleaded not guilty bonds I wore were fixed at 1000 each and In de default Ile- Ile fault of ot bonds the they were remanded to the tho custody of the sheriff They were represented b by Attorney William Dalton Dai- Dai ton who has volunteered his services Lafayette Corey the tho young youn man who assisted Axel II H Steele Tuesday night after Murphy discharged a Q revolver Into his back complained to tho the police yesterday of or having ha been attacked by three members of or tho I. I W. W W. W late ate Wednesday night na Ray flay Raymer Ramer and M. M r. r Hanson Kanson both I 2 24 and members of 01 tho the I. I W. W V. V W. W 9 were ere arrested near the Du Nor Nerd saloon E. E Second South shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon by Patr Patrolman A. A E E. Lund It is alleged the they threatened to kill Steele Charges ma may bo be lodged ed against them toda today When a commute from tho the I. I W. W W. W called on County Attorn Attorney e I I. I E B. Willey yesterday esterday morning and asked for tOr a complaint o. o against Steele for tOr inciting riot the attorney Informed tho the committee committee com com- that tho the whole subject of or riots l IH covered ered by tho the city ordinance and referred them to tho city prosecutor The committee then wanted the county attorney to Issue a complaint against Steele for carrying a n. concealed weapon To this the attorney replied that It would be Impossible to do so because Steele Is an officer of ot tho tile laWand law lawand and has the rl right ht to carry weapons The committee loft left Those who called upon tho tile county attorney wore R. R J 1 J. J Horton Sam San Scarlet Scarlet Scarlet Scar Scar- let of or tho I. I W. W Ws W.'s and George Myers a a. b bystander during the tho riot who claimed he ho could Identify Steele as the tho Instigator of or the tho trouble The same committee called on tho the county count attorney no nc ney Wednesday afternoon but tho the at attorney attorney at- at torne torney was out Leaving the tile county attorney the committee appeared before City Prosecutor Prosecutor Pros Pros- W. W H. H Folland and a asked ked for a aC i C complaint om ai n t a against ga I n st S Steele t eel e. e Attorney Folland says as a's the they were werA unable to an all any evidence c pertaining to In Inciting Inciting In- In citing cHinS riot against Steele or that Steele did not perform his duty as an officer of the law Ian Folland added that there will bo be no complaint against Steele as DoS asfar asfar far as tho the city Is Js concerned unless I evidence against him can be bo produced This ho he characterized as a remote possibility |