Show r. r i Simon Says Goodbye Simon r Says r Y YBy Yr By k Thomas Editorial Editor this is the it-the Well Wen boys and girls Y last paper of the quarter It took a littie littie lit lit- tie while to get here though not as long as some of us may have hoped Many of you like myself will be graduating or moving on to a four- four year school and this time is filled emotions bitter with bittersweet because of looming finals and saying goodbyes yet sweet because this represents represents represents rep rep- resents the first step to a brighter future As I look back on my time here I Ido Ido Ido do so from a journalistic point of view I remember the recent scandals scandals scandals scan scan- dals such as surround President Budd smoking regulations the battle battle battle bat bat- tle over the term Native American and the still ongoing bickering over lesbian gay clubs in high school As Asa a future professional journalist I worry that the things weve we've taken the time to moan about over the course of the last two years are nothing but trivial and intellectually-degrading intellectually f Yet this is after all an a ax x wk learning ng experience The mistakes and fumbles we make today are ones that that will hopefully will not be repeated in the future making for a higher quality and well-rounded well press I dont don't want to get too caught up upi i in nostalgia b but t I would like to thank those students who went out of their way to contribute to the Horizon be it in a Letter to the Editor or in the simple form of a classified ad These kinds of student involvement are what a student newspaper is all about It doesn't work without you For those of you not moving on I ask that you get involved if not in inthe inthe inthe the newspaper then in something else There is more to a college education education education edu edu- cation than merely getting good grades and knocking out degree requirements There are countless college and community organizations organizations organizations that could benefit from you youl Finally when all is said and done I have enjoyed my time at immensely The instructors were qualified and helpful the activities and events were stimulating and rewarding and the year-round year efforts of the grounds crews lent a beauty to the campuses that is unsurpassed at atthe atthe atthe the community college Now there are new buildings and plans for new parking lots expansions that when completed will firmly establish as a bastion of higher learn learn- ing There is no need to feel inferior when asked where you go to school Just out at Community is not an excuse but something to be proud of To the friends Ive I've made I will miss and remember you always To the instructors Ive I've had I thank you And to anyone transferring to Westminster Ill I'll see you in the fall Oh yeah if any more sappy sickly sickly- sweet sugar oozes out of my word- word processor Im I'm going to stick it to myself Sorry Sony for the ooze May the Force be With You Simon says Peace |