Show As Summer Heats Up We j Need to Drink More Water 1 The Human Side SideBy By Connie King PA Redwood Health Center In the warm summer months it itis itis itis is important to drink enough water Water Vater helps regulate body temperature by distributing heat and cooling the body via ration We Ve can live for weeks without food but without water we would die in just a few days Water is the basis of all body fluids including digestive juices blood joint lubricant lubricant cant lymph and perspiration The body loses and needs to re replace replace replace re- re place under average circumstances circumstances circum circum- stances two to three quarts of water every day If you ire lre exercising exercising exercising ing or doing physical work in the heat the loss can be much more We get some water from the foods we eat especially fruits and vegetables most of which are 85 percent to 96 percent water Some water is produced as a product by-product of metabolism Six to eight glasses of liquid including juices milk and soups are usually needed to make makeup up the balance Alcoholic and beverages beverages beverages bever bever- ages have a diuretic effect on the body Diuretics increase urine production production production pro pro- depleting the body of needed fluid Sport drinks like Gatorade aregood are aregood aregood good if you have been out in the heat and feeling weak These drinks contain contain contain con con- tain minerals that will make you feel better but contain too many calories for frequent use The best source of needed fluids fluids fluids flu flu- ids is generally plain old water Some waters have mineral deposits that alter the taste but are not harmful For this reason many people people people peo peo- dri drink bottled water Others drink bottled water because they think its it's healthier and more pure In fact about 25 percent of bottled water in the US U.S. is just processed tap water from municipal municipal municipal pal systems Some bottled waters are high in sodium and most lack the tooth-protecting tooth fluoride ad added ed to most tap water In 1991 a government government government govern govern- ment report found that bottled water may contain levels of potentially harm harmful fu I con contaminants tami nants that are not al allowed allowed allowed al- al lowed in public drinking water If you have questions about drinking water safety a good place to start is the Safe Drinking Water Hotline You can also send for the free booklet Is your Drinking Water Vater Safe from the EPA Office of Drinking Water WH M Street Street SW S.W. Washington DC D.C. If you have medical problems or questions do not hesitate to stop by byone byone byone one of the Health Centers At South City Campus the Health Center is located in and is open from 9 am a.m. to noon all class lass days Redwood Redwood Red Red- wood Campus Health Center is lo located located located lo- lo on the Lower Level of the College College College Col Col- lege Center and is open t from om 9 am a.m. to 3 pm p.m. Monday and Thursdays It Itis Itis Itis is open from 9 am a.m. to 1 pm p.m. Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day Wednesday and Friday |