Show Celebrating Kindness and Equal Rights By Beth Corey Benedict-Corey Contributing Writer In celebrating the birthday and life of Matin Luther King Jr the nations celebrates the ideas and works of those who came before and after him People such as Martin Luther the name sake of our heroes Mahatma Mahat- Mahat ma Gandhi who promoted nonviolent nonviolent nonviolent lent revolution Reinhold and Henry David Thoreau These are a few of the people whose thoughts and actions inspired Matin Luther King Jr It is important not only to remember these people who paved the way long before the Civil Rights Movement but also who took actions in America to begin it People such as Linda Brown for educational facilities and Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus and inspiring the bus boycott in Montgomery Mont Mont- gomery with Matin Luther King Jr 1 In his speeches King emphasized emphasized emphasized I sized that the goal of the Civil 1 Rights Movement was not only I devoted to the rights of African Americans but all people He stat stat- ed in reference to a time when equal rights laws and practiced that it will be a day of man as man We should not forget that equal rights for African Americans women Native Americans Hispanic Hispan Hispan- ic Americans and other ethnic groups were not always in this better better better bet bet- ter stage we have today It takes years and years to change the thinking thinking thinking think think- ing of human kind It is an ongoing battle Tolerance and consideration of others is vital to the ongoing human rights struggle That is why we will celebrate these people by passing along their speeches treaties essays etc The week before January 18 and Martin Luther King Jr Day the Thayne Community Service Center the Multi-Cultural Multi Affairs Office and the Student Activities will be sponsoring the Kindness of Justice Challenge The Kindness of Justice Challenge Challenge Challenge Chal Chal- lenge was designed to motivate people people people peo peo- to perform random acts of kindness and to give memory to the works of Martin Luther King Jr Mother Teresa describes the idea of random acts of kindness in her book Meditations From a Simple path Be happy in the moment that's enough Each moment is all we need not more Be happy now and if you you show through your through Ugh your actions 7 n that you love others including those who arc are poorer than you you will give them happiness too It does not take Jake much- much it can be just giving a smile The world would be a much better place if everyone smiled more All week long from 15 11 of January Thayne Community Service Service Service Ser Ser- vice Center will be handing out quotations quo quo- by King Mahatma Gandhi Henry David Thoreau Mother Teresa Tere Tere- sa in the College Center On Jan 11 12 and 13 you can find Thayne members in the South Foyer On they will be located at the South West Foyer and on Jan 15 they will be in the Alcove area The tables will be available from 9 am to All week films about the Civil Rights Movement and the Kindness and Justice Challenge will be shown in the TV Lounge at Redwood Cam Cam- pus Lists of ideas for people who want to perform Random Acts of Kindness and post-its post for people to record and display what they did all week long will be available At the end of the week there will willbe willbe willbe be a birthday celebration for Martin Luther King Jr in the South Cafeteria ria at Redwood Campus There willbe will willbe willbe be a performer cake and punch Come pay tribute to those who fought and those who who- are s still II fighting fighting fighting fight fight- ing for equal rights |