Show 4 f h. h f. f x S Wi IN 1 4 f Y t 4 Ii 1 tt z U x o i a s Photo by byEd Ed the LI Je Students cluster to hear Rev France A. A Davis commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr on Jan 16 in the College Center Learn about people who are different Human Rights Day observed Jerre News vs Editor N a historic first observed observed observed ob ob- ob- ob IN I served Human Rights Day this year with the closure of the campus on Jan 15 and the celebration of Martin Luther King birthday on Jan 16 in the College Center Featured speaker Reverend France A. A Davis addressed a crowd of about discussing discussing discussing discuss discuss- ing Martin Luther King life and mission stressing the importance of learning as lias much as you can about people who are different In doing so he said people see how much they are arc alike and therefore are arc entitled to receive equal rights regardless regard regard- less of race sex or religion Davis who serves as pastor pastor pastor pas pas- tor of the Calvary Baptist Ch Church and as a U of U instructor instructor instructor in in- described the difficult difficult difficult dif dif- dif dif- passage of legislation that set aside the state holiday known as Human Rights Day Nationally the day is recognized as Martin Luther King Jr Day but in Utah the holiday is called Human Humah Rights Rights' Day The hame name is' is th the result of a com com- promise reached after bitter controversy over whether a single black American should be honored or rather what he stood for When asked what Dr King would be fighting for if he were still alive today Davis speculated that King would want to see that all people have equal access to the economics of America increased political involvement involvement involvement involve involve- ment and equal treatment under the constitution Following Davis' Davis address well-known well black leader Alberta Alberta Alberta Al Al- berta Henry was asked to speak Last year Henry declined to appear at Human Rights Day activities since the campus would not be closed in observance of the holiday Introducing herself herself herself her her- self she said Im the angry black lady that came out and exploded referring to last years year's controversy Im not angry today she said Im happy But Henry believes still has a long ways to go As Asit Asit Asit it stands now is only scheduled to observe Human Rights ts Day with campus closure every other year alternating al- al al l alternating alternating with Presidents President's ent's k yb s 11 4 i 4 Photo by Ed the Lite Rev France A. A Davis pastor of Calvary Calvary Calvary Cal Cal- vary Baptist Church and U of U In Instructor Instructor Instructor In- In of Rhetoric advises students to investigate other cultures Day She quoted President O. O D. D Carnahan as saying the college was working on making Human Rights Day Dayan an annual observance but Henry said not good enough Noting that only 11 out of 40 Utah school districts were closed in observance of the holiday Henry said she is considering bringing a civil suit against any federally funded institution that does not observe Human Rights Day This years year's observance was organized by the Presidents President's Human Rights Committee headed by Geoff Brugger Brugge dean of Continuing and Community unity Education See People on page 3 t p a KJ r i J M a J I s M sI t hF J I F S' S I Photo by Ed Ute LUe Over students alumni employees and their guests attended the second annual Homecoming Alumni Dinner Dance Jan 18 at the College Center Organized by the Student Activities and College Center offices offices offices of- of the event was a sell-out sell with over more attending than did last year People y continued from page 1 Sharlee Simmons a committee committee committee com com- member indicated she was very pleased with the turnout turnout turnout tur tur- for the Tuesday tion Simmons also noted that the committee had been successful in lobbying the college president to approve a position to handle human rights on campus This new position called Human Rights Advocate is presently in the process of being filled Committee member Jack who served as moderator at the celebration was impressed with the number of concerned students students stu stu- stu- stu den dents ts fa faculty cui ty an and d a administrators administrators ad ad- d- d that parti participated I was particularly impressed impressed impressed im im- im- im pressed with the questions that were asked commented It showed that the Utah education system has ignored to a great degree the history and foundations of the human rights movement movement movement move move- ment in our country This background is needed to understand why Human Rights Day is celebrated believes The seeds of human rights were planted with the civil rights movement I stated Now it is a tree that has grown and blossomed in inmany inmany inmany many different directions b but t it is important to know it began with Martin Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement I |