Show Human rights celebration planned Lori Steadman Staff Writer A celebration of Human Rights is planned next week at beginning with the campus being closed on Monday January 15 the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr When classes resume on Tuesday the Presidents President's Human Rights Committee invites everyone to refreshments and anda a speech to be delivered by Reverend France A. A Davis pavis at the College Center 2nd Floor Foyer at 11 1115 15 am a.m. Davis pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church met Martin Luther King Jr and currently currently cur cur- teaches communications and ethnic studies at the University of Utah Last year Human Rights Day was not observed with school closure at Student petitions objecting to the lack of holiday circulated the campus and well-known well black leader Albert Henry president of the Utah Branch of the NAACP National Association Association Association As As- for the Advancement of Colored People declined an invitation invitation invitation tion to speak on campus Sharlee Simmons a member of the presidents president's committee commented commented commented com com- We as a committee thought it would be nice to commemorate Martin Luther King birthday and remember his contributions towards human rights Simmons stated For his dream he paid the highest price price price- his life Simmons works on cam campus pus as the publications coordinator in the Continuing Continuing Continuing Con Con- and Community Education office and serves on the Presidents President's Human Rights Committee as a volun volun- teer She said If it will help our students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents see human rights issues as something they should be concerned with and involved in it is well worth the extra effort According to Simmons the committee committee committee com com- consists of representatives from staff faculty and members from the comm community unity with Geoff Brugger dean of Continuing and Community Education as committee chairman II As As a committee we are not just concerned with ethnic minorities but are working on rights for the handicapped learning dis and all minorities Committee member Jack stated Speaking for myself I hope that Human Rights Day will continue to be celebrated at with the closure of school in honor of the day instead of only every other year as is presently done |