Show roh P 4 I j- j h F i f J i ir r rte t Martin Luther King Day Da ir s a Observed Observed On Campus t i Wit f c. c The following is a request of the Students Association Executive Council 51 4 4 On Monday January our nation observes Martin Luther King Jr and Civil Rights Day D ay To com com- commemorate this day at Salt Lake Community College and to honor this making history-making leader whose hard earned earnd victories changed changed the course of race rac relations in in this country county we wet as student leaders request that each faculty member teaching a 1030 am a.m. class read the following excerpt at the beginning of your class The excerpt i is taken from Ma Martin n Luther Kings King's acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize which he received in 1964 Thank you for your co I believe that even amid today's l morter x a d w whining i g bullets there is still- still Hope nope for for fora a a brighter tomorrow I believe that wounded justice lying prostrate on on the flowing blood-flowing streets of our nations can be lifted from this dust of shame to reign supreme among the children of men I have the audacity to believe that that peoples everywhere can have have- r r. r i r t Y r i r o. o r aLpo r r I. j r 1 y i three m meals als a day for their bodies education n and culture for the their r minds and dignity equality and fr freedom freedom- edom for their spirits I believe that what self-centered self men men have hav tom torn down other-centered other can build up I still believe that one day mankind will bow will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed and nonviolent non violent redemptive goodwill will proclaim the rule of the land This This' fiath can give us courage to o face the uncertainties of the future It lt will give our tired feet fee new strength as we continue our ou forward rd stride toward the city of freedom When our days become dreary with th low clouds L v r f 5 o anc and our nights become darker t than thana an ana a thousand midnights we will know we are living in the creative turmoil of a genuine civilization struggling to be born The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more more precious than diamonds or silver or orr gold go Id Idt 0 t i s 1 j 0 t i t tt t v a. v 1 P. P iI t 3 |