Show WHAT OTHERS iera THINK there has haa conle come p to roy my notice recently an interesting little little magazine published by a man in colorado 0 jug juat over the line from here who te iny way of hits tile the nin nail on the need h ead in ornille many or of hla his published arav artl des anti nd especially in those which he be himi himself elf creates out of his own storehouse of knowledge and the many TRUTHS he jives utterance to as he analyzes people and conditions tolar today in relating tue the ot of little magazine published i litja ly tor for tile the small charpe charge of ten ce cents ants he makes tills statement tp rive I 1 voice to such free thoughts and opinions as 14 it s editor believes will mill hist best promote the cause of truth justice and human brotherhood I 1 par trill I 1 ute lite to this author and his big efforts to I 1 enlighten people thru the paces biages ot of lilg its magazine macai lne and hereby quote from itt lt to gire ive you sit an idea of it contents the magazine mac azine Is railed called HUMANITY and the author and editor Is borto morto alexander RRT pox box arvada anada an ada colorado IT IS UP TO YOU ks As you think you travel and as you love you attract you are today just where your thoughts have inous brought lit you rou you will lie fie ta tomorrow where your take you you cannot escape the result of your thoughts but ou oil can endure nud and clearn learn can call weeps and lie be slad you will realize the vision not tile the idle wish ot of your heart ile he it base bage or beautiful fill or a mixture ot of both tor for you will always p towards that which you secretly most love into your hands bunds will lie placed the exact results of your thoughts you yon will receive that which you earn no more no less whatever your present environment may be you will fall remain or so an ale with your thou tits your vision your ideal you will lie be come fsr n small or as bibb as your dom lariat aspiration tn in another spot I 1 find this tt it la Is onla in failure that we find mir air REAL S SELVES and come to know our true blessedness that is to even son and dan of earth it is riven at last to so go alone into their garden of gethsemane and drink ot of the B liter bitter cup WHAT OF THE DAY Is anybody happier because beella e you passed his way does anyone remember that you spoke to him today tills this day is almost over and its toiling to ilin time is through Is there here t antime utter litter not a 1 kindly kind 1 word to you r hid did you waste the day or use it was as it well or poorly spent did you leave a trail of kindness or a f car of discontent As you close your eyes in slumber niber do you thal fod would say you have earned one ni more ore tomorrow lily iy ay the work you befi did today itcan call what he sa says about THE MESSAGE 0 OF IT THE CARPENTER what was the real Ines sige that thusus left to nigil mankind kind IN what hat was the basic fundamental und truth ile he sought to impart ile he said to man you have a wonderful personality develop it tie be yourself dont I 1 imagine ma g that your perfection lies iles in accuro elating or possessing external your perfection is inside ot of you yon it you vou could only realize that you would not want to be rich ordinary riches can call lie be stolen from a man real heal riches cn cannot not in the treasury home of 0 your soul there are infinitely precious things that may not lie he taken from you so go try to shape your lives so that external things will not harm you it is to lie noted that jesus jeans never said t that 1 i at I 1 alov e ri s h e 1 i keople copl e R are r e n nee e c las es ar arlly i 1 y 0 ill 0 or i wealthy v e a i t h people e op 1 e n necessarily e essa rily flat bad that would not have bare been true there is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the alic rich and that Is the poor the poor can call think of nothing else tor for that is the hie misery or of beinar abeln poor what jesus does sav 1 is that man re readies alies his perfection not h bat lie he lias has not even thru what ile he does but entirely thru what want he IS IR it is within yoland you and not outside of yon boti that you yoa will find what you really are and what you really want jesus tells its ills li aples to lie be themselves and not always to lie he worrying about other thin what do other things matter ann fall Is complete in himself when they zo so into the world the world will disagree with them 71 that ia t Is inevitable the world hates in i tint but that knot to troll blo them chev are to be calm anil and self centered it a man takes their cloak they are to give him their coat just to g how that material things are of tin no importance ir people alcuse them they theare not to answer lak back la k what does it sig signify ril the things people say of 0 a man do not alter a man tte he Is lie is ig vielle lii ali opinion is of 0 no value whatever kven if Pe people tille employ violence evidence they are not to he fie violent in turn firn that would ouid lie he to tall fall into the sinne same low level anil and ollove all they arent to interfere with other people or to judee judae them lit in bay any way personality Is a very serious A man cannot always lie be estimated aay ihy what lit lie does tte he may keep liepp the law and lie worthless tte lie may mayl break the law and lie fine ite ile may lie ile had bad I 1 f 4 without ever ang doing anything bad lye he may commit a bin against society and perfection alz yet t 0 re realize thru that aln in WJ true the following Is token taken from adoth er splendid endla 1 or eat called lea I 1 tiie 1 aquarian agal ap in santa barbara by lo 10 u fee and nd george brownell excerpts excer pta from tills antee nir articee artl artic cre te because it so BO elearly clearly defines the merits it if one would be illing billing to RULE THE STARS rather than be BY them 11 |