Show lucile is the happiest girup girl a so many mothers nowadays talk about giving their children fruit juices as it if this were a new discovery As a matter of fact for over fifty years mothers have 1 I been bean accomplishing results far surpassing anything adyth I 1 ng yo you u can secure from homo ionic prepared fruit juices by using lining pure wholesome call forkla fig syrup which Is prepared under the most exacting laboratory supervision from ripe california rigs figs richest of all fruits in laxative and nourishing properties its marvelous to see how bilious weak feverish sallow constipated undernourished under tinder nourished children respond to its iest gentle influence how their breath clears up color flames in their cheeks checks and they become sturdy playful energetic again A western mother airs n 11 3 stoll valley P 0 ne braska says my little daughter roma lloma luclle lucile was constipated from babyhood I 1 became worried about tier and decided to give her some california fig syrup it stopped tier her constipation quick and the way it improved her color and ma made do her pick up made me realize how rundown run down she had been she Is so sturdy and well now and always in such good humor that neighbors say the happiest hap blest girl in the west 1 like all good things california fig syrup Is imitated but you can always get the genuine by looking for the name california on the carton |