Show SAN JUAN RECORD monticello UTAH Wien lod sours tots lots of folks olac who think they have hare indigestion have only an acid condition which could be corrected in fire or ten minutes an effective acad like phillips milk of magnesia soon boon restores digestion to normal phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals it prevents the distress so go apt to occur two hours after eating what a pleasant preparation to take I 1 and how good it Is for the system I 1 un ha like a burt burning ittig dose of which Is but temporary relief tit at best milk of magnesia neutral izes many times its volume in acid next time a hearty meal or too rich a diet has brought on the least discomfort try of magnesia fortuno fortune alun charts your you hinl cite rout y atod Instruct tio loni m pl 1 loo kotae t paid wt ra tt 8 laity 4 lake tb REMOLA wa W KAA off b 1 2 wa I 1 2 9 3 t c h ti ais better tar far to love and be poor than to be rich with an empty heart morris Y ul 4 imide P feen a mint is the answer cleansing action of smaller doses effective because you chew it at your druggists t the he safe e an and d scientific it if c lax laxative a t iv e V DIM IT FOR constipation no UR WORK strengthened by bi lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound mission tex 1 I bavo bave usei used a good dual doal of your medicine mc dicino and always find it gives es w wonderful d e ful up help I 1 was kling feeling 4 so ao weak and miserable that I 1 had to f lie down dowa very often and I 1 could hardly do my housework I 1 read i in the paper how lydia B pia kt hams vegetable 4 compound had helped other women I 1 who were in the same condition so bo I 1 said I 1 will w ill try it for myself I 1 am very much better now and I 1 recommend this medicine and will answer letters from women ash in ing about it alas J W 1015 5 miller avenue Mie mission sion texas pari BARKERS S HAIR BALSAM armav l af MU joi part CJ color ux d 13 d fadd 1114 tigh I 1 11 ZM W k n SHAMPOO ideal for use nse to in connection with lr balsam hair aft and fluffy 60 cent ts by mall mal or at t draz blit 16 ly r Y boar ud and P 11 nd rocci J I 1 1 la roar alo alo kil truly C f edrill it fallow 0 irh i alu W low andt i wath th tb 0 a t try NR MR of 0 r laer fa MR A ia 0 i W N U salt lake lak city no 28 1930 |