Show SAN JUAN RECORD monticello UTAH THURSDAY JULY 21 1932 E 3 A N 3 UAN ra ibi every thursday at monticello san juan Cou county lity utah atall by J L oliver publisher and manager al AT moon aloon editor entered as second i class L lass matter mat ter at advertising advertising RA TES the pest off I 1 cc at mo monticello utah under act of march 3 display 2 25 15 centa tr per volu inu nii inah per issue W RATES dy by the month 80 cents three months so 50 readers 10 cents a line six monts I 1 00 T final inal proofs ten dollars one year water notices fifteen d ollars dollars EDITORIAL TIM I 1 16 E 6 rn B E ER R ass association 1932 einab 62 00 |