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Show Weather . jTs j School Bulletin (Oh ft AA O 1) ' Bulletin Things plenty hot V m mm l( V f&'ff&'tt -t ffX The doors of South for Tojo as high V Tr1 17 T fll lh7 tfSl X If ar aIwaKys ? e n school grads mobilize V) WAVCWy? V I welcome back its grand for fight from college, j V IN I I I i ll Z?7 ltTJ 1L , IsSi Jv alumni body . . . Suc- industry or armed -y VS V V V fe V "ss; Happiness . j forces! x-jil!! Contentment to all! i VOL. XII; NO. 10. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1943. Price Five Cents |