Show NOTICE FOR publication no consolidated land office at salt lako lake city utah 11 r 13 IW 1197 4 notice la Is hereby given that the f following 1 named settlor settler has felled notice of his intention to make final woof proof in support ot of hla claim and that said proof will bill bo mado made before alio county clerk of kich co utah at randolph andolph fi utah on october n 1 1197 viz I 1 PETER H E no for or the W 14 N E ia X and E F V N WH A sec 33 tp 10 N R 7 E me he names TE i tho 0 following lowine ol to provo prove his is continuous upon ancl cultivate culli iou of 0 taid said lurid land liz li jolin diaries charles lohn dohn joseph donn and william 11 all allot of rich co U utah tali also notice 1 is liorest civen that the follow ing ing named settler hai filed given notice of his intention to in faiia a ke fin final al proof in support of it ina is cli claim I 1 in and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of rich co utah at randolph utah on october 21 1697 riz rit I 1 HIGGINS H E r so no lor for the a 8 IV U 8 W U see bee 21 and dw W N IN Y and S E U N NW J V Y sec 28 tv tp 20 N it I 1 E llie ho names the following witnesses to prove drove to la continuous residence upon mid find cultivation of 01 said ad laud land viz arum hi rum J norris of randolph utah barney fox of woodruff gotzh ut utah JOB A quia of woodruff ld utah and norris orria at of Rana randolph Ziph utah gabo register brinit publication Septem september bor 17 MT NO rice FICE tide the annual lire meeting eting of the randolph woodruff canal company aill be held at randolph in rich county court house iloie on monday october 1807 1897 at 1 p in for the purpose of hearing the anon annual al report or of the secretary and treasurer and such ot ofer or business as may come before the meeting A C CALL CALI president 0 IV jacor on secy your 1 friend 11 7 A L bicycle yh f 11 11 I 1 C T A you can v upon W affy fo for r lightness swiftness and d strength it is unsurpassed you yen can learo learn all about Is I 1 by hamilton kenwood cycle co S canal st chicago a rl A ar A ina N I 1 k I 1 I 1 Z L W W 0 WE CAN sell you a CLOAK as cheap as can be bought in chicago or new york dont send money out of the county when you can buy as cheap at home call and exam 01 me ine our styles and get our PRICES it cuk 11 MIJ NN N 0 1 d 0 Ss is kv k erss rr SS M 5 WHAT OF IT suppose that congress should haie bane passed a bill and the bill should hai a e happened to be a ten dollar bill and there any gold reserve what of it suppose that all tile the gold should be drawn out of the treasury and hid ani away ay in old socks all over the country waiting for a premium on gold and th gold should wear out th the c heels beels dinall the socks would the men who owned the socks bo be as well heeled as they were before they socked all the gold away suppose that gold should go to a premium of 50 cents on the dollar and you owed a chinaman a dollar for washing and you have any sort 0 of f a dollar do you suppose y oud get your wasl iee was hec n IN do we know anything about politics politico not K ot much just enough to let loin cm alone we DO know about one thing though and CLOTH it FAN be bein begin in with the fact that we keep keel only the BEST CLOTHING then coa consider sider your needs and we will guarantee the prices our line lie is complete and up to date in every particular we fit stout men slim men average men big nien men little men long arm men short arm men all men proof 17 an all inspect inspection ion of our stock WE BUY PRODUCE BED A KIN ail COX 3 aa mu am lak ton BA anti utah bolk M I 1 I 1 11 N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of colden high patent sheaf F A IN W Y uinta high patent sheaf straight patent FN L 0 graham craham family pride ok germade made and mill feeds of all kinds winchester RIFLES 1575 cash all sizes and models L jl J the largest line of Sp sporting goods in town at eastern ri prices vices BEEMAN IN CASHIN CASHI MER E R CO evanston wyoming coming |