Show LOCALS NOTICE Her hereafter cafter and including this issue the ROUNDUP ROUND UP will be published on S saturday your friend IZ tuft VA L 04 bicycle 1 1 I 1 can r ii 4 i 1 i 1 11 A J goodu depend for lightness swiftness and strength it Is unsurpassed you can learn all 1 blout 11 1 I by hamilton Ker kenwood lwood cycle co or S canal st alcaro uise TIBB dr miles or SPINAL WEAKNESS all druggists sell em for Ca caveats vents and trademarks trade marks obtained and nil all pat ent conducted for frits OUR OFFICE ISO IS OPPOSITE US PATENT OFFICE ind and etc N e can secure patent la leu time than laoc remote from washington Waa hinston send model dral drawing ing or photo with d description anve vc advise it i or not aco of age our aj u r fco nt not due du till ill patent il is secured secil red A PAMPHLET L holy to obtain patents with iti cost coic ot of same in the U S and nd oreida countries sent free ace address 0 so 1 OPP PATENT OFFICE washington D C 1 pain has bab no show with dr mile Mil esPain pain I 1 HB havet just ke itte cuell 1 T d A large assortment of B M nd sri ha UK i 1 also su sugar ar cured hams and bacon get our prices before r purchasing elsewhere mail orders receive prompt attell attention flo P fe EF hi PE R A Y TM 1 A CA corral at old booth crocker barn baril we have opened up the old booth crocker barri barn anil and established a hay market and feed stable we take orders ord for hay and when the rancher bi beings ings it in we have it sold for him thus sav saving i ng hunting and waiting for a buyer we h ha av e a good camp house corral where you can drive in out olit 01 0 the die storm also a first class restaurant orders promptly filu filled WALKER LUCAS props EVANSTON WYO SUBSCRIBE FOR the P ROUNDUP ROUND UP 1 per year cash ir Ad advance varce professional cards ED SOUTH J T KIETH 1 tonsorial catl artist 1 l XION A ate EVANSTON WYOMING RANDOLPH UTAH R S SPENCE THE UINTAH HOTEL AY arl LAW CT IDAHO evanston Evin wyo dr D r E lee W when hen in evanston call at T the uintah best house Is prepared to do all kinds ot of dental work in town crown and bridge work a specialty tooth tc ath extracted without pain WOODRUFF UTAH mrs C lachappelle prop LE ROY N FRENCH ATTORNEY AT 15 U iffie th habil hill I 1 will practice in all courts collections promptly attended to JOHN prop RANDOLPH UTAH first class accommodation for transient and other JAS H wallis guests A TT ilay hay grain and stabling in conned lUl and counsellor at law terig reasonable will practice in all utah and idaho courts prompt attention given to correspondence L L mckinnon PARIS IDAHO harness saddle I 1 THE maker KEARL HOUSE ca 11 repairing pairing done on abort DAM nothing but best material LAKE TOWN UTAH used in our wort work guests care and comfort guaranteed randolph Randol mali t good stabling in connection fw close to the beautiful bear lake JOS H NEVILLE mrs ANN KEARL prop contractor eind and builder J L ATKINSON WOODRUM WOODRUFF UTAH furnished furnish plans and specifications manufacturer und and dealer in furnishing and building J lumber siding T C arch mckinna flooring lath shingles Doors Windows BLACK SMITH and Moul dings to 96 ga YOU lff sov now Is the the time office neat the mill EVANSTON N wyo repairing done bring along ato your 01 cha wi glorso machinery ons and farm I 1 ing n aspeel a specialty al ty first come colne first sen r RANDOLPH geo webby STAGE LINE ia evanston wyo carpenter erv builder and it and randolph ll 11 contractor 0 lakato wn utah daily except sunday our work guaranteed guarantee to be ve ell and leave evanston lv anston at I 1 p in promptly don ff fethi Thi is the route to the railroad ura u ra A lu itale hale manager RANDOLPH |