Show mrs mr Wine TV Inlow lows soothing syrup for ch lldon the gums bation balsis pain cures curca colic AN OPEN LETTER to MOTHERS WE arn ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO TOE THE EXCLUSIVE USE op OF TIIE THE WORD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA 11 AS OUR oua MARK I 1 DR SAMUEL PITCHER of ff massachusetts was the originator of ERS CASTORIA the same that has borne and does now y on every bear the facsimile fac simile signature of wrapper this is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which lias his been used in the homes of the mothers of america erica for over jhb thirty ty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is ore kind you have always bought y on the a and az cz has a s the signature ofa 0 tt wrapper no one jias has authority from me to USO use my nanze name except the centaur company of which clias chas ar H 17 fletcher etcher is president i march 8 ail Z tp 4 0 do not be deceived do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which even lie he does docs not know the kind you have always bought BEARS THE FACSIMILE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE OF insist on having the kind that never failed you i COMPANY TV mg q 2000 II 11 schilling s best besl baking powder goes a z third farther than any other gets to work quicker makes sweeter cake sch schilling i llin or s best besl tea makes good rood cake taste better b etter I 1 liner s best bakinow 0 po and tea are because acca nse they are ae money back what is the missing rn aa word not nt SAFE although V ji idt io s c best rf baking inn powder pon der and tea are safe get schillings ces besl baking powder or tea at your grocers take lake out the ticket brown bron ticket in every package of baking powder yellow ticket in tile ana tea senda send a ticket ich each word vord to address below beffie december aist until october reth I 1 two we v cords allo allowed cd for evet evcic y ticket after that only one word for every ticket if only one person finds the word that person gets gels t if several hild find it wai be equally divided among them every one sending a brown bron or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at tire the end of the contest tho those thoe e sending three or more inore in one envelope nil receive in an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising adv ettkin on it these theae ct cie babies and pocket calendars will be dil Terent fi our the ones olies offord ed in the last contest better cut these rules out ami address MONEY BACK SAN FRANCISCO GEO aeo ill II SCOTT JAS GLENDIN glendinning NING IT L S president t vice president and treas secretory Secret abom 0 aa S c t t N 11 importers ancl eia raea in acet r d X A J r bar ancl jhc heet EA irom steel C 1 flipe alpo AGENTS POK buffalo scale company detroit stove co atlas engine works john van homo steel rancel dodge wooden pulleys s coles air ti tight glit heaters california powder works worthington worthin ton steam rumps pumps celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere itt bubber ibber co engine oil dodge injectors Inject ors howe brown co drill tool steel leviathan I 1 Eel lel celtin belting tin ting H miners tools stoves etc and a general assortment of mill findings b STORE MAIN ST ff SOUTH SAI m AK CITY elias morris ana n sons company Gorn pany and HEADST headstones tn IN marble alid granite grani G ran ite e AT mantles antles grates G rates etc A I 1 arti OPPOSITE THE salt lake cita TEMPLE WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS CAN SAVE YOU TO aw write for iliac LATEST STYLE LIA H RE AILED AT T PRICES ONE PROFIT alf OF AT YOUR CF SHOE CO monroe st ial live stock commission I 1 ym would keep posted write for information prompt replica bulck returns Kc FRED A SEARS mccornick McCorn lck block SALT LAKE LAHE CITY CUIE E CURES igo I 1 PO ills 0 fur for unnatural 1 5 dy dischar irritation or uke rations dot aca lo 10 of buco UJ U 0 0 U n mom bombran bran pr I C ouri 1 0 la Pato loss nod and not estrill or nom sold hold by drucia lats V S A or sent deot in plain wrapper by proDa ii for lor M or 3 1 2 tk circular sent bent on raqueal bra write CLAIMANTS to N NATHAN ATILA FOR FOP IN P D t E E N M S C 10 r pi BM her BICK FOItO 1 ather B B will receive quick replies 11 ath N II 11 staff soth corps prosecuting claims since 1878 MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS OPIUM bak arfe all 1 C 1101 fr n it AN ald ILL 7 N DR G the oldest specialist in the im E na 0 N 0 W E DOLLAR TE eseed ED BE PAID WaNd ITIL YOU A R I 1 qi U E D DR R G W SHORES always seeking to help suffering alwaes trying to people that ho he gives value received for or every dollar paid him his has h is decided to give quackery fraud and imposition its ita death deat h blow and protect tile suffering lna classes from the ble me methods of quacks and charlatans every sufferer suffer ir r from MAN seminal weakness syphilis gonorrhoea stricture small amali or shrunken organs oreana prem premature a ture old au a and d nil 11 other di disena seca bhatti ir caused by lenomar ce excess or cr bonta kon izon K on no matter how severe youhao you ce n consult consul I 1 DR G NV SHORES the clan who mho hoa has given his life lifa to curina chronic dise also and be examined ad treated and cared without paying him one dollar until the cure cura la is effected tho the doctor reserves tho the right however to any incurable cas if h he corat cure you he dont donl want your lioner such lucli nd an offer was wag never before mad by a pit aih aclan ana dr G W V shores abhor to la only able to malco mako it he ha positively cures curea these diseases dont wabie aure another cent on questionable doctors docton but bat consult tile the old doctor aal J be cured BUSINESS SACREDLY dr arg G W SHORES WRITE lock box 1585 salt lake city utah NEW DISCOVERY it n ini la 11 ll 11 0 b bend dir for book of lif ati nil ditl re lir LH 1111 jiin issos rs sos NON iila all i W N NU U salt ako lako l no 41 1897 hen Answer luZ 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