Show or OP till sir SKIN N the intense itching and anit imir artil lins incident inel to eclo eca mi teller aalt ITI tl glicr other diseases disease odthe of alic skin is instantly stanlly ir affia ly by applying s bic F ina ackin kin ointment many very bad ca cas ei 11 1 aie 1 C lie n cured by by it it is equally efficient for athing cifes and a efly cy for sore nipple di clini ripped eil lia iid chil flain f flimns lain bites and chronic ironic cl sore eyes sale by druggists at 25 23 ck rents tits per box bos try dr Ci ils Condi condition fion powders they v hat a livorse cecils when tell in bid bad condition tonic blood for I 1 fir sil lal hv IKE NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS we have come to tn the conc lus on that we cannot do business and keep a nil full etrick clock nf n gods on hand under the present credit system th therefore we bave leave del to discontinue giving ri vini credit frim this date any wis liing to turn in train grain ad draw its kaiue out in merchandise at nt t any timp time catt do SO sn all those are to us ileac call and bettle as asnin 0 o are in fit nord need of alio ti I 1 0 money thanking you for forpahl past fan enorse ors NN c remain yours truly broa VM mt homo floine appointments tit alie cifonie home missionaries aries of the bear lake stake i w ill please fill appo nt ments as fol follows loNs IV 11 II leo lec all anil A C call Lac town oct 5 woodruff nov 1 mea lowville nov 8 garden ct nov nor lo 10 N it ir hodges and J Ilea lea lowville oct ocl 5 Randol nov 1 argyle nov S woo I 1 ruff ill nov 15 13 win will rex hex and henry II 11 olTman offman argyle oct 25 roun kuun I 1 vaclev nov 1 Lake laketown town nov S Rai Kaml olph idolph nov 1 J IT STICK in ili behalf of stake presidency MAKI M AKI paris second wai ward d oct 25 2 paris first alvard nov 1 I bennington nov 8 fish filk haven nov 15 WM ivna BUDGE budar JAS jai 11 ilant HART WM L 1 RICH stake presidency dency DF DESERT SERT LAND ris FINAL AL PROOF notice tor for publication no U S land office o salt lako city utah I 1 october 22 l yc 1 notice tice is lioret given that clarl clarisan Cla in putnam of Woo drull rich co county lifts gilfil notice of intention to mako proof on it lr or datert land aldin noshi 1434 1 fort for alio ho N L I 1 i S E 1 i sec PC 22 pitr ali 0 N it II 6 E before DI 11 Beit ziny county cai carrk kot idich co utah at utah on tho uh ali adny da ot of De coniber isiha M she the fl to T provo kovs tho alio coni irrigation irn cation und and reclamation of f said sanI land liDl simpson I 1 C hi jolin M bolm M cornia all of ir utah BIRON dirix gloo Regi iier rint publication october 30 ISM NOTICE FOP foi PU no iiii united altes land ollice I 1 salt balt lake city october 1 1961 I 1 notice is herebi given that tho foll ming demcil lii ailed gotico of bia ln intent intention inn to make final proof tit in of its claira claim nail that saia rf r f tt ill bo nin lob foia nl Beaz icy county C carrk lit rk of rich co utah tit at 10 it II I 1 no ir 1 ill fr thos 1 1 i S W V ll 11 ii soc see 21 anil tit N 15 1 S N W I 1 t bee LM VIli tp 10 N it 7 13 ito ho names tho aes to I 1 prove rov ins ills continuous residence ution upon and ami cult nation of if gaid aid laul land viz jolin nv 1 hiking kin jolin john corless Corl thomas din dan beld all of utah and george galbraith bra 1 alth 0 of I 1 woodruff utah 0 first publication october 9 ibia R S spencer SPENCE A P T 0 R NIU 1 Y A it T L LAW A ay PELI ER IDAHO 3 A 10 anat AN at al A A ak A aal A 0 4 GILT YOUR MOMS IS annu 4 SALT LAKE HERALD 1 biggest sri tightest Bria niest best I 1 4 DAI DAILY LY 1000 10 00 per annum or yer per month alm only per wr er ear or ac tor for 6 mon months ils subscribe through local agent k or send direct to r tin ginnai ii co y salt lake city utah WW av WW WWW af W ar IV V VV V V VO V 0 U r tf r J zu za 7 why should you trade with us ans because we carry john deere plows and harrows racine Spring Wag ons and buggies woods mowers EVI Min EV Sinnie niell binders thomas rakes bain and old hickory wagons and a full line oi of everything you need and we will take grain iu in pan payment for same saine which vou oil can call readily see sec is to your advantage send us its your orders evanston imp co evanston wyo dr E C L lee v Is prepared to do all kinds of denial Dentri 17 work crown and Prid bridge geVork work a specialty teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN FAIN WOODRUFF UTAH T x H E UINTA 1111 HOTEL evanston wyo S meat and comfortable rooms good homo home cooking pio on premises try the violab aa len en yon are in ili evansa ii lind you will recel he e the best of C lachapelle pool arch mckinnon cainnon cin non mm G 1 I 1 i amm gt g sy T all kinds of ani done on short notice and awon work n specialty inventor ana sole maker of the lie celebrated mckinnon Hay stacker faient RANDOLPH UTAH TIE THE H HOTEL 0 T E L manxi WILLIAM BOWEN plop EVANSTON gig als kept strictly fiest lae coin motions and iro headquarters lor for al ill I 1 travel traveling Tri I 1 it g men tile liar bar is sup plied etli the linest finest arandi of liquors anil and ci cigers girs ars rates reasonable Kea THE UNRUH STU JOHN prop first class accommodation for transient and other chests hai grain and stabling ill ii connection tion terms reasonable SALT LAKE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE on oil june the alio silt lake tribune an ill ice the price of the tha semi week ato iv to per year the present st will lie maintained an levery every efrost vill tic le maje made to krep keel the seim weekly in tile fiant lout rank union pacific timo time lable tr trams ain sarri nerive ve and depart from evans ton I 1 s follo folk j s bolna EAST arri abrio c depart no ko 2 1 11 lin 1111 l in 11 a in ili U a in ill no ko 4 1 I 1125 11 25 it i til in 1130 11 sop 30 p in ill tiding arrive arriva depart no 1 1105 ll 11 05 ai a in 1110 11 10 a m no 3 I 1 ll 1 su u p in ll 11 5 it i ni J GRAFF agent P 0 1 0 mt and marls obtained and all pat ent for fecs OUR IS OPPOSITE U PATENT OFFICE and ue can secure IS I li S time th chaia la thuoc remote from send model draw dram ing or photo pl ioto with cl t 11 tion wo we adv advise if i paten tabia or not free frea of f chamec ch arec durac not due clue tilt till catcott f A PAMPHLET T I 1 low how to n patena with 0 C cost of in the he U S and ud foreign arciga co brics sanc fcc OPP FICE WASHING ON 2 J bril 1 0 4 dealers in general merchandise 33 a hon h X B as p DRUGS AO AND MEDICINES 3 paints oils and glassi glass and everything n used on a much aranell our goods are as good aa the best and our prices the lowest we ime pay the highest price for produce special attention given to mail orders mw nam SMA brick stor main street randolph nanJo lph utah a si ip ji mm manufacture A keep in stock a general assortment of lumber lath shingles Cs and rickets picket including chace chi ice birtis finishing bin g austie ticy T A G florrin flooring 0 5 beaded and V ceiling wo we make a specialty specia lt of Moul dings of which we carry a ful stock and large variety from 7 78 8 inch to ii 5 inch widths ji all kinds of scroll work and add turning done to order newels porch posts and balsters lusters Ba luters kept in stock also panel doors of ret regular ilar sizes any ally size made anade to order robert price proprietor PARISI imea W E 4 W im IL NT one hundred thousand flet fet of logs log 0 at once S SOUTH 0 A mill mil firato clagg clais shingles 2 per thou and delivered in randolph W R south hgr mgr randolph utah neph wn slut fay xi 74 daily except sunday leaves leave randolph Kan dolph utah at 5 1 a 11 in arriving at evanston 7 wyo at 10 t 30 0 leave evara evanston at 1 1 p in ili arriving at Rail Iandol doll lat at Cs 6 SO 30 fire fare 1 l 5 0 e ach dav ef is the route to tile raili railroad oad A lu hale mgr M r geo webb carpenter Car pentes buisker and contractor on our ork nork guaranteed to le be vell ell and promptly done RANDOLPH UTAH JOS h NEVILLE contractor and builder WOODRUFF UTAH plans dans and specifications furnished ED SOUTH 4 tonsorial Tons artist hair fair cutting Shain gand anil in laprat sta astle le RANDOLPH UTAH MCKINNON J SON harness and saddle makers I 1 repairing pairing Ite done on oil elfort notice nothing but bust best material matei ial used in our work randol randolph fill utah J L ATKINS 9 manufacturer aud and dealer in and building 13 u i I 1 d i ng lumber siding T C flooring lath shingles doors wi windows ado ws and Moul dings office near tile the mill EVANSTON wo T H R TYSON N HOUSE randolph Kan dolph utah it lg KS oldest and best hotel in town rates reasonable aji e t ilay hay grain and ancl stabling in connection I 1 careful attention al to guests J MRS S TYSON prop it 0 e V D DR 0 W WHORES SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh cari bolh h local anil ana internal positively cures catarra carrr asthma brunch its hoy hay rover or any comPI Cej ul the nose throat broi chial tube lubes 01 lung j pull full size aioo I 1 riot alze 11 dr 0 W bl bhora iotes ionic ana Paril P ahw lef C cleanses ean es a anil ad purifies ilie boud gives vigor vicor cus dyspepsia aej all nervous hillst price 1 per boettc ur dr 0 W A bottie 5 shore ores kidney and aliver I lvcy care CP curts cures all ilsc discs of the kli liti liver and ami 1130 ha price 1 per bowe dr 0 W shores cough cure cures all bouc hl colds anil bronchial affect luns C one dost dose will 1 croup keep a amil inh in houie hou arg T size lre boot es h ur dr 0 W shores mountain sae oil st sy hotst pain in one minute for Hendin he loo ht li neura ne uralla g I 1 a c cramps r 1 deiv n ps or co colic tic use 5 it externally eternally aej iw j a P prevents r S and in C cures es it gilld u te I 1 k e a it du price a bottle ur dr 0 W micro iepala n fulte dellmot ii I 1 In intestinal intestine worms ott oin and a ot eb the little round i re 10 where tiley biath und aad bre braih it never tails PC bottle 10 i S ur dr 1 Q I solve cures iti the skin eskin fie moves red wan pois J pimples from the face heals old sores in I 1 dys pr price lc e bic a box nelll D dr r U W abores antl anti hlll it 1 cure chronic constipation sick headache aej ni billo price 1 a coith li if our csc case Is I 1 complicates complicate i J write dr GW G shorn 1 salt all luke lake city with ulan for his his new symptom ia sn expert advice free lh these remedies prepared and gearion I 1 c ed cr by hr IN or ir 0 W mores co salt lake city utah U a ale and recommended by all druggists a 4 a medicine or sent direct on receipt of brict MC KINSON baas baos sole agents Band Randol 01 Pit iiii 1 |