Show the australian BALLOT copy of official ballot for rich ric county comity atall year I 1 1890 republican PUBLICAN KE TICKET for president william mckinley rc Kinley jr for vicc garret A Il othart for william J braan br ain fur vice president arthur ArthurS eNvall independent republican TICKET for ident william J bryan for vice president arthur sevall PEOPLES PARTY TICKET T for president william J pryan bryan for liodas chorni li omas E B watson STATE TICKET for electors of Pre president silent and vice vicc of the united states stales Cli charlca arles W residence ence and nce address E 2nd and south st salt like city utah R publican joseph A smith sinith Si residence and postoffice post office andresa aJ dresa logan cache county utah republican publican I 1 le J D page rage resi residence denee and postoffice post office address mt it pleasant san sim pole pete corn county tv utah republican john J daly residence and address U E S temple st salt L like lake ake city utah democrat independent republican henry IV La lawrence residence lit HI north korth main st silt salt lake city utah and anil post postoffice fico office ad addice addi diess cs 70 76 2nd and S st Salt Lake city utah democrat peoples party independent republican robert C lund residence resilience and anil post postoffice office address tit bt george washington hington county cout ity utah democrat crat Po kopea pea pirty party in independent republican for representative in the alio LV congress warren warron foster post fica office address 53 36 W anil 2nd S st and place of busin ess VC 76 IV 2nd and S st salt S ilac luke city atall Pe kepics Pen r patty it v lafayette holbrook idol brook residence and ice add address russ J st between ath aih and ath ats provo city atall co utah independent republican republican william 11 II killa king post postoffice office add address rc and place of resi residence deuce E S st and place of bu S main maill st salt lake city ut utah ab democrat legislative TICKET for state senator third district lucy A clark chirk residence ind arid I 1 ost office address Fir farmington utah republican aquilla ye beker residence and fico address Like town rich co utah democrat for member 0 the house of third district davil david S cool cook rei residence dence and fico lice address garden city rich i C co 0 utah democrat alfred 11 Ne hebeler beler resi residence derice and priston po stonie re addres ud dres randolph rich co utah republican COUNTY TICKET for county commissioners commissioner abury arbury E eastman residence an I 1 postoffice post office address woodruff 11 rich co utah republican peter Johnson Jo linson residence and postoffice post office adil address res randolph rich co ulah republican john jolin kennedy residence and address nd dress randolph rich co utah democrat william 11 II lee residence and postoffice post office address woodruff rich co utah democrat gcorge A pope residence and aud pos tollice adl nd iress ress garden city CAY rich co utah republican joseph weston residence reside and postoffice post office address Lak Lale town rich co utah democrat for county clerk oliver IV jacobson residence and ro ms toffic address R rich co butali republican williim william rex residence and post postil lico address aJ dress randolph rich co utah democrat for county treasurer john C gray resilience residence and postoffice poto post office rice a address ll dress RandD randolph lph rich mch co utah republican A k SIc Yc mckinnon Kinnon jr re and postoffice post office address randolph rich co utah democrat for count county recorder 4 mary try I 1 F shelby ic silence and postoffice post office addres laketown Lake town rich co utah democrat mary ilary A south residence and post effice address randolph rio rich t co mati republican for county assessor ks sessor rugene eugene kimball Ki Kiin inbaU biU residence and postoffice post office address me rich co atall democrat samuel residence dence and post foica address laketown Lake town rich co utah Re republican for county A attorney At tt orney lorney ekiel lee residence and lio pot griffice office aldress address woodruff rich 0 utah democrat joshua IV W residence and fico ail ad iress La lakato keto it rich co utah republican for county surveyor george 11 II galbraith residence and pot po office adar s ss woodruff rich co utah republican joseph 11 II neville residence dence and postoffice post liot office fr rich co utah democrat for county sheriff Sheri fr christopher C kearl residence reside and fico address laketown Lake town rich co democrat daniel S marbeau Marb haU residence aud and po stoil eb Uan candolph dolph rich co utah R republic n t PRECINCT TICKET for justice or of the peace randolph coi nelius evans resilience residence ari and postoffice post office address ranlolph rich co utah republican john R south naj and ad iress ran rich co utah for Con constable table lt randolph andolph precinct thomas C johnston Jo linston residence reside atil and po tollice addres 4 Randol randolph co utah democrat I 1 rcuben residence and postoffice post office five address lZ randolph andOlph rich co utah 1 republican borni no 11 THE UNION TELEGRAPH COP COg PAY AgY tins this company transmits arid and delivers messages message e 5 only on conditions condition 3 extremely favorable boand to and f for r tile the direct benefit or if the receiver celver je thereof errors can call bo be guarded against only by repeating the me message age to others and followill follo following wirl it its invitation and tile the CUTI company IMIly will not bol boli I itself liable for errors or loss los by az failure to do so 0 repeat the message forve for we claim cutet lirie originality integrity and merit at our store where ou should call for bargi bargains ins lit in goods in this title line I 1 this is ii ill an unrepeatable message and is delivered by request of sender bender under tinder tile the conditions condition 3 named alo al C R STOCK general manager Z NEVER MEVER GREEN CREEN president NUMBER SENT BY H UI CD liy jy C 0 e you arc 11 0 respectfully summoned to call at our new liew establishment we are arc now nov v located it at 1 cur new store which is two doors I 1 above tile llie old stand ou on front street toward the opera ll house oue we carr carry 1 y a i lar large and coul complete stock of mens alens boys ind and children s clothing us as wll well as in all immense stock of mens men s overcoats and ilsters Ul idso falso furnishing FA 1 0 goods Clo odi fine fille shoes hats caps cap trunks ind and vali values les it at the VERY LOWEST PRICES our mr kastor just returned from the eastern market where the bet best of purchases have been made and they ire are now open opell tor for public inspection yours youl s respectfully i 1 KASTOR the leading clotin ei evanston V stoll wyo we a 1 il j IN OUR W E r M F jl Ls NEW GOODS daily lit in a few days wo we will have the MOST COMPLETE TE line of B X R J is cates grun i f alto toa cwm T efm U af fo jl ever ver spon spen in the comity and at lowest po possible ible prices we invite you to call whether you intend to buy or piot not pj 7 j h 0 O hil U I 1 K lul 1 I 1 T 6 1 C ik L dealers in Ilar hardware dware furniture carpets crockery wall paper etc are unquestionably the leaders both 1 ill ln variety acty and extent of stock ind anil in ill the low iri prices Os prevailing everybody ir h fic cop co knows that when lie he buys anything of us lie he n gets gets just what is cepres represented edited or lie he may return the alie 0 goods cods our terms ire are reasonable and we tale take wheat or oats oat at prices that are always at least a as high a as adiv any I 1 other oilier A few specialties are our own make harness and saddles majel tic steel ran ranges g e story A dark clar organs and alid pianos piano glidden barb wire mail orders promptly Atter attended ded to evanston wyo book re tho dealers in SES KRil F FOP olt BARGAINS call on oil us we have just opened up our splendid line of fall and Alli winter titer goods at GI GREATLY EArLY REDUCED PRICES no credit no discounts nothing but the most goods for the least money aloney coine and see us and bring 7 youl ow money olley with you as ag we guarantee satisfaction to all positively no credit will lie be c fiven ineil after oct 15 1896 CARDEN if 9 CITY AND WOODRUFF W go hh ant ulu J I 1 N M proprietor stor manufacturers of m A K hi V high patent golden colden high sheaf F A N KIT alo y uinta sheaf straight patent TT rqn graham craham F L 0 U sj family pride f A ai a 5 germade made and mill KISH feeds of all kinds in 61 P H 1 att 0 O ora A ta ak Coi common ninon lumber at mill 1000 per in ill delivered in ill Rail randolph dolph 1200 less than 1000 feet 50 cents otra extra o tra lath at mill lill por per ill delivered in ill randolph ia JO these prices for cash only 0 T 1 11 f 1 I ll 11 P A sea |