Show will I 1 in a mass of the crits of Ian held in the lie coarl hou e saturday october to 10 1 at 7 10 it 11 in fit for cor tile purpose of cin call lii alidal latea for the offic offices ish of justice cl thc jhc peace and ami constable foi precilo pre cino and ami for any other oilier inisi ne nes collie i fore tile intel iii 1 J I IV AV LL precinct arc kincl chairman ai 43 1 idill 1 I 01 r lliams we iles des re IC to t elt arat etude to tn all our frien lm to t 0 o kindly auw aided us ito toy by their help and Nym sympathy pathy dilli lul tile sickness an mil I 1 death of our beamed son soft peter earl may our lives lie ile that till it when our upon earth I 1 is fi nihed we may have the hie glorious liri c ot of ie joining our lovei loved ones in the celestial cole kiil kingdom Kins doni PETER MCKINNON AND oct 5 1896 NOTICE FOR FOK no SW states land onico office salt bait lake city utah 2 wi f notice is hereby given tuu the tb bolln named bettler lias has filed notice of inake linal proof in stivi ort of his bis claim unit und that said proof vill v ill be made before ed county clrk clork of rich col co utah nt at randolph U utah tab on oil 21 ibn viz fit 13 1 atney EY FOX 11 E no WA nm for I 1 alie lie S E L ki S W K soc 21 an anil ani I N K E h N W to i sec LIS tp to I 1 ina N K 7 E he bajes the following mit witnesses nesses to liia it continuous uco upon and c cultivation U if land bind viz jolin john W dykin john corle corlea horii as A thomas dan hicls nil all of randoph and george ial gal braith brai tl of bitah etab GROO regita Regi tr firt publication october 11 14 kyhi forin no it THE WISEMANS UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY this company transmits and delivers mc messages sageS only on oil conditions extremely favorable to and tor for the direct of if the ice eiver thereof errors can be guarded ar ii only by repeating the alie rne message sage to others arid following its invitation arid and the company will not hold itself liable for errors or loss by failure to do so repeat the message for we wc claim ente originality integrity ani ami merit at our store where boliere you should call for bargains bargain in ili goods good lit in this thi line this I 1 is in unrepeatable ble message and is delivered by request of sender under the conditions named at alove ove C R STOCK general beneral manager NEVER GREEN CREEN president NUMBER SENT UY RECD BY CHECK js S go d gr you ire are respectfully summoned lied to cull call at our new establishment we are now located at C cur U r new store which is iq two to doors alove above the old stand ou on front street toward the opera olera house we carry a large larga and coni complete stock of mens boys and ChU childrens drens Clot clothing liin as ivell arll as an all inin immense lense st stock 00 k of men meb s Overe overcoats overcoat oat and ulster ilsters Ul aso Fur furnishing 0 G goods fino fine shoes hats caps calls trunks and valises Vali ses at tile VERY LOWEST PRICES our mr kastor just return returned eil froni tit alie ea eastern stern market iiii where here tile alie best of purchases have been imado and they are 11 ti I 1 anuw open for public inspection yours respectfully i KASTOR JASTOR I 1 rhe Leu leading leuling linc clothier I othier evanston wyo GREAT A ua ul 4 0 alii 41 tf 1 ji N m S A R L I 1 eoj K AT 11 na aa in 0 saturday night f october 1896 diesa especially all il Y invited Invite re i beeman eeman cashin X I 1 CYR ivi el 11 J 4 a 1 dealers in iii Ilar hardware dware harness furniture carpets Cr crockery wall paper etc are unquestionably y the leaders otti both in variety and extent of stock and in in the low prines prices prevailing prevail ilio everybody ir rac co knows that ii when lien he be buys anything n of us lie he C gets ets just what is represented or lie he may return the b goods our terms are reason reasonable ible and we ive take wheat or 01 oats it at pl prices ices that ire are always at least as high as any other A few specialties are ofir own make harness and saddles lets bajes tic steel ranges Rai rabies ies I 1 story it dark clark organs n and pianos glidden barb bar wire avire mall mail orders promptly Atter attended ded to evanston wyo cook cool brothers in FOR BARGAINS call on us ye we have just opened up our splendid line of fall and winter goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES no credit no discounts nothing but the most goods for the least money come codie and see us and bring your money with you as we guarantee satisfaction to all positively no credit will be given after oct 15 1896 GARDEN CARDEN CITY AND WOODRUFF laki TOWA bih ni allt 1111 1 N M proprietor manufacturers of colden high patent sheaf F A U A A N aff T y V A high uinta patent sheaf straight patent ti T artic rT IC graham craham F L 0 tv FR S family pride J vc J J 3 ermade made and mill feeds of all kinds r lumlee U 0 Coin common nion lumber at mill 1000 per in ill delivered in ill vandolph 1200 less lass than 1000 fit 50 cellis extra lath at mill za per in delivered Ie livered in randolph andolph lZ q 00 0 e e sol PH ct |