Show tast and alwa lawas s spi as it a Ime Mooil pull I 1 tier fier the roost most aarts on feord ora made aud and the greatest greate bt roles cla are non on by I 1 hoods 3 I 1 kt sure mire to set IIo olK sarsaparilla 0 only hoods hoods pills cure all ller 11 cr ills bill hiis li 11 11 M nicholson who lives at the orner of curran and anderson ats atlanta ga had a cancer for years it fi first r st appeared on his lip and resembled a fever blister but spread rapidly and sool i began to destroy the flesh ilis his father and uncle had died from cancer and he be sought the best medical aid in different cities but it seemed scented impossible to check the di disease casc several operations were performed but tile the cancer always returned this continued lor for years until the partition in his nose and his entire upper lip were eaten away all treatment having futile he looked upon death as the only relief some one rt recommended I 1 n P he says a and nd a few v bottles afford led bcd some relief thus encouraged I 1 continued it and jmj it it was not long before J the progress 0 of the disease seemed checked I 1 persevered in its use and remarkable as it may seem I 1 am in cm c completely m p lately cul clied ed am and fee feel like kc I 1 have new ei v life is the most remarkable remedy in the world and everyone will agree that the cure was a wonderful woud erful one A real blood rr remedy ime cancer is in tile the blood and it is folly to expect an operation to cure it G guaranteed purely vegetable is a real remedy for every disease of the blood books a mailed ailed co free swift atlanta specific address S SS ry ga a 0 edge t K BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING has a strip of stitched in one edge it both hares flares and binds the 0 skirt and holds it away from the feet the nevest newest of the S H M bindings if your dealer will not supply you we will samples labels and mate materials nals mailed free home dressmaking IN made easy a 2 new 72 page book by miss emmam hooper 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elala at a bo box emple mailed free address dr bosanko mad hed co rula pa MRS ns SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEEr mimo sale by all L artst CRES L ELSE best uati 04 doe in tim old tat BY TRAIN OR BOAT which W b I 1 ch 0 f th eb e hutc it at e 3 on bet acted as aa a to incan can of 0 10 0 o matter whichever it la is akoi lect elect that shtil for HOA bell sickness tit dl orders of 0 the stomach liver or bowels t by rough I 1 locomotion co anal bili bi d loud fowl or aind wl for n q slomar h ditt bitter ili 18 tile nose most ii eul blei tic you allu take with will y you 0 u II 11 in for A ald k u ney ncy cowl halml and id asid tron bif it the only gem in the world which cannot be counterfeited is the opal its delicate tints defy imitation risos curi cura for is 13 the only cough medicine ii ei ed in my house D 0 A albright lb right ai eflin burg ra pa dsa 11 95 counce th re illum 1 more ore cal in ich s section or of the country y cliftn n n all ther other put 1 slid 1 tit the ibe lust few 5 cars was waa to bt kor fr ft arr preat tit many all M ars arb doctori doc tri po p o bounced it a i in local c at e dekea beate e and local it wU curable rable science hns has proven to be a constitutional dieas aid therefore treatment H falls alls I 1 lire by t r J ceeney co toledo ahio IR 1 tile on only I 1 ir constitutional c cure I 1 ire on oil the market it Is 18 taken internally lu in loses irom to 10 droan crops to a 11 ful ul it sets on oil the 1 lie blood axil mucous our yur faces fares of the system 1 I 1 hoy hey of furone dollars for it letts to cure send scud lor for circulars aud adages s F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 sold by arit halls family i ills ilis nrc fire the best beat ae fita TS all alin il a stopped free by dr biln Ill ln s great nerve restorer I to no fit it e daye use Marvelon beuris treatise ani and shoo ta W trial bottle free to fit caes ca eq bend to dr kline arch st at philadelphia pa gladness comes with a better understanding of the I 1 transient tra nature of the many physical ills which vanish before proper prope ref efforts gentle efforts pleasant eff orts rightly directed there is comfort in the knowledge that so EO many forms of sickness sickness are ar e not due to any actual disease but simply to a constipated condition of the system which t the a pleasant family laxative laxa tire syrup of pigs figs promptly removes that is why it is the only remedy with million families and andis is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who to value good health its beneficial bene cial effects are due to the fact that it is tho the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the tha organs on which it acts it is therefore ther eforo all important in order to get its beneficial effects to note when you purchase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured b by Y the cally california fig syrup co only and sold by all reputable druggists if in the enjoyment of good health and the system is regular laxatives or other remedies are then not needed if afflicted with any actual disease one may bo be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative one should have the best and with the tha well informed everywhere syrup of figs digs stands highest and is most largely feed and gives most general satisfaction MAILED mill rn FREE core to T any y addreen our special price list of HOUSEHOLD COOPS ETC this circus circular or is bissu issued 4 tor for the benefit ol of our c country customers who cannot avail 0 of f our dally sales fend os s your all dress you will find both IN ILL FINCK CO market street sin Frano lEco cal SURE CURE FOR PILES kod and blind 4 ft PR R BO BOS S SAN AN KOS KO I 1 S W PILE LE REMEDY ap A pollyp poll 11 fp burr 1 11 fret arlo V r OIL pit HO SAMkO LN ko ahll P N P N IT no S F N U no 0 a V Y it I 1 11 this year in valuable 4 articles to ers of MID B lackwell Is if censino ram va gu tobacco I you will fini find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag and two I 1 coupons coupon 9 inside each 4 ounce 6 th tho 0 best bag Buya bag 0 aviado and see how to get your share k X greatest highest quantity Quan titu quality price the largest piece of strictly high grade tobacco ever sold for affie price not affie larrye size of the piece alone that has made baale ax the most brand on the market for 10 QU SIZE PRICE |