Show TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS john S jones and ellett ellen jones liia his wife ill did by certain deed of tri dated alo ard day lit of fein Feb iuar 1311 and recorded on I 1 ire ith if day fit or of february nal in B latiok k U D pages I 1 I 1 to IN inclusive 0 of if tile the in 10 ton OfIl Loof of tin the recorder of doddi of for rich county in the ter i atory now state of utah convey to william H J dale dal as I 1 rustic I 1 alin ito follow mi ina described do rau real I 1 estate into situate i tu ato in said rich kich county ton to wit N it the atit th one halt half of of tho the Sout liin tt t quarter uart or and the southwest quarter of south quarter if section tun to and the not northwest I 1 quarter for of ilia northeast of Section fifteen 0 in in tovo kowm n hip bill kloven 11 north of rano range SON scion oil 7 I 1 east of idelt lako meridian united states bervey 21 r v P y con in rill all ono one hundred arid and sixty acres be tire same more or lota according accord my if to government burve inc including ludin with till tit alio said land all tiro tho water rights rik ats vohl lacu L owned by tho said john b i ind and ellen jonos at the date data of said S dood of ti or which vuro are lie acquired i red toy by abe it a s said 1 I id john jot I 1 j S aud anti mien llen 1 june jones s a adu anju j used sod in connection with ili abo said land anh bich was anido in to secure to to fit the order of the lombard investment company compan pany hitoi the payment of aliu baid bolm S and ellen jons oue one certain promissory pro missori dole of even date with aid iced deed of trust tru st for tile vrin cipa in of six alx lx llund liun died iod am dollars duo due and payable february I 1 alti v matli till interest inlo rost thereon f from din the date thereof until maturity at tile rate of esix six 6 pur cent tier per annum payable aerni annually alinur ily and an illk interest thereon tb orton after maturity at the a rate of iwaho aj 11 per cent per annum aemi aerni annuls unit and it is provided in ilk taid said dred dold of trust that in case of default in tile tho lynt or of said promissory note kotc or tho the intent into iest ther cou tile tho trustee hhall upon tile apall cation of the iho legal of baid noto sell and dis voso of sail sai 1 promises prom isis arid and all tile llo right title bonc titan anil equity of if redemption of if the said john S and ellyn jon jonap heir heirs and assigns therein at public ILU auction ci tion lit at tho the place in ili tile tho manner 1 and I I 1 tor for the purposes in ill said deed ice d ot of trust slated utter after first giving thirty w d days n notice t as pa particularly r ticul arly provi provided dod for in sald said alid deed of lee trust r u anto r reference to which is 13 hereby made for ferrod groa ter certainty and Wb eicas default dufault lias has been mado in ill tit thu payment Y of pat said principal note of six flaud flaudry rd VII 11 larg an and alid in tile the an pai nicut of if it a coupon int rest prost note of klouar lloU liol larr ar title due february 1 I ls isile anil and said principal prin cival note and coupon interest note are still past due and unpaid now ther there etoie foi a notice is ii hereby riven given that L I 1 tho the oed trustee ds as aforesaid at the re of the legal coldor of said note and it linor liner ablest and by virtue of tiro tho po power or anti and authority in it me lue vested by the said deed of trust truit t vo will ill on in thursday the ml bilk lay duy of if october ma at ilia hour of it 10 0 clock in it ilia forenoon of said paid till day sell tho the above described property arid and all tho right title bolint and equity of redemption of the ti to said john S and allt eun to jones their heirs beira anti and assigns therein lit at public arct auction ion for tho the highest and hobt best price anco tile the aade will braug brici in cash at the county ty court gifoli o at randolph in tho the county of rich state of utah for tile purpose of pa my log said note and interest coupon and au all cos costs s and expenses of if executing tins tills trust WILLIAM II 11 DALE trustee Trust cu first publication sept 1 TRUSTEES sall SALE WHERE IS jedadiah Jed odiah algrant Mf irant and lucy rant irani his wife did by their certain deed of I 1 rust nikl dated tho the esth addy of 01 march 1691 und recorded ton on tho the do day dai of march larch will in I 1 ook hook D panes pages to 18 inclusive of tho the records in I 1 III collico of tho ilia recorder of boedo I 1 of if rich county in n the territory U utah tali con coney ay to william will lam 11 alil ll date il as trustee tru ilia iho following real ustate situate cuate in said rich county to wit south half of northwest quarter and donth sonth halt balf of northeast quarter of section nino 9 township 0 I 1 11 ul north of bauge seven all 7 E east at st of 0 figret salt luke lako meridian containing in all acres bo a the t he same flame more or lens leas according accor dinc to baruir Saru ir ii luduiK aith the th said inn alfini all chri ho water rights which were owned by the said al M arid lucy grant at the doof said id deed of trust or winch which subsequently aly acquired by the said jedediah M and er land luci i grant fi and ii used col in coline connect ct ion with nit h the sa said lit W aich I 1 sq slid i 1 I convoy conveyance a n cc w was as in made ade in I 1 trust ru qt to secure if to the nedr r if ahn lombard lui investment estin ont company tho payment of tho said INI and lic grandq one certain bromle promissory orio note of evol even adato lato aith sard deed of trust for or the principal surn sum of if six hundred IM 1101 dollars due 4 and I 1 payable li IW ls Mith aith interest thereon front froin the date thereof until mat tinty at the rate ofle of MX fc tier cent per annum payable sell annually ann nally and thereon after maturity ty at the lie rate rale of tN olve 12 per cent per annum somi annually arid and I 1 herons li orcas it is 19 provided in said deed of trust that in case of default in t llin h pas ment or of said noto not or the interest thornon the fco o shall upon pon tile tho application of tile the local legal holder of said note sell and dicoio of said prentices pren ibos anil and a all 11 tit the right t title tit benefit and equity of ledvin redemption 1 ion of the slid icle dial if 8 1 y i tnt their licurs and assien therein at public boc c a auction arc tic n bat at tho the place in the manner ani and feori f for alie burp purposes 0 es in in said raid ined of trust stated after art llast en thirty t dens notice as par ticul aily I 1 to for r ill ii said iced deed of trust re for ffrench once to ill lucli i jq beroby made for greater creator certainty anil and whereas def default lias haq ninde made in tho the payment in ent of if said inid principal noto note of seat and in the aai mant of six coupon interest notes of ilia duo october 1 11 ISM SIU april 1 1894 octoba Oct r 1 asu aral 1 leill october 11 i i and aal 1 IS ni respectively arid and sa said to I 1 principal note and cou coupon pon interest potes notes ato aio still past duo and unpaid now therefore notice is herc hereby by gi kien on if that oat 1 I if alie 10 lindAr signed trustee as aforesaid at I 1 the to request iti bof of the legal holder of said note and auder and by virtue of tile tho power and authority in mo by tile alio said deed of trust coill on thurs ilk di tile tho mh hi till day of october lau 1 11 1 I 1 at 1 t the hour of 10 0 clock in tire forenoon of 1 savl 1 11 da dis sell tile abo a 0 property and nd oil au tho the right title benefit and equity of redemption of jod bediali IL and and lucy likey grant their heirs and assigns therein at public auction for the highest ind and best price tile time will bring in 10 cash at tile the counte court on rt llou 0 lit at randolph in tile tho county of rich state of utah for tire pur purpose of paying saia edid dole and interest coup coupons oils and all costs and in d cs of eject I 1 ng this is I 1 trust rus WILLIAM off jt DALF DALE Tr totite tite first publication icat ion split sept I 1 lg imm TRUSTEES SALE WHERE if grant Gran grankind tind ind laici grant I 1 hi wife did bv their certain iced of if trust dated I 1 alir 7 ath lay of ilay ll 11 ind recorded on the mil lay div of may am in hook c rages pai f wo to v i ia 3 inclusive or 0 the records in the office of I 1 tun hn re c c r decd of rich county in ilia territory now tato of uenh cognev to NN William ll 11 dale as ai too tee the foll following ming described roal real estate Sitt situate lato in ill slid kiich left county to v wit it tile northwest quarter of section twenty y onci 0 a 21 in ill township elev eleven on 11 north of if 1 lianea in 9 0 SOT sin 0 on n 7 E it t of if aa halt it lako lake ile meridian aidian I 1 11 con taini all IW acres ho be tile the same more inure or less according to Govern mirt surn sun 0 io luding N ith I 1 lip lie said land eliud all the iho water rights vo inch w era own rd if ly by the said jedediah it and luck lucy grant rant at the 1 ho datlof said deed dead of trust or vo ili were acquired by the said aid Jede diall M anil and lucy ura grant D to a and D 1 I ti used od iu in connection with tho the said haul land which said conveyance conic was made in trust nut to to lombard C company lit any tile tho payment of the said jedadiah Jed odiah all it and n d lucy giants i ants one certain promissory note of if even title dito with till said deed doLd of trust for tho ilia prin cipul aum um of eighteen hundred ahl dollars eluo and payable may 1 with rost thero on n from t the in data thereof ahr acot until maturity itt it tile rate of nf six 6 tier per cent pr per annum payable somi anguilli annu illi and M etli interest thereon niter try ity tit lit the rate if twelve IL percent r cout per annum pa bl e jom hami biannually an and lic arit whereas 1 e r 0 b 1 it 13 provided in said dood of if truit that at in oil case 0 of default in tile the pit payment of haild said note or tile aliu talc ini rest orest thereon I 1 tin I 1 trusted shall upon the application of tile legal holder of said note sell eff and dispose of said buk prem nos arid and all tile right rit ht title benu benefit fit and abit of 1 of if tile sari said AI and lucy giant assigns thoro ilik a t public auction at tile place in the inai laauser juer an and 1 I for tho acs ics in said deed after firtl mu thirty days notice licul ticul arly idol lor for in jid deed decd of trust re rc forence to i inch is id heiob made fur greater certainty and NN berous dc fault lias has hoon been mado made iu in ilia payment kin ont of said principal note of ayk and in tile of tour four coupon interest notes of each duo november 1 I inta ahw mily liny 1 11 1191 SI noichi her ber 1 ibl 11 aud and may alay 1 cwi iwi andraid and said principal note and coupon notes are still past due and unpaid now ther clote notice is hereby given ivea that L I 1 tile alio trustee tru steu as af orchid nt it the r of tile the loal legal holder of said note arid and under r and by virtue of like power aut aud authority in mo ine ested by the said lived of trust will on tire tho bill day of october itt at tile tho hour of IU in tho the forenoon of said day sal the above do described properly tty and all tile right title benefit and and equity of redemption of the baid 31 and lucy grant their heirs nud aud assigns therein lit ill public auction for tile alie highest higbe and best price the battle NN will ill brini bring in cashat cash at tile t he county court huus o at randolph in ill ill thu county ot if rich state of utah for the 1 bubo of pacing said note DOW and interest coni lionia 0 1 so and till all costs and expenses of executing this trust II 11 DALF DALE trustee first sept 1 I abw 1 I SALE VS grant and lucy grant his vo ire ind did by their certain teed deed tit of it fiust list dated tile the ath daiy diy ot august isell and recordation ou tho ath day dayot of Vu low iu in book D pages 27 to inclusive ot of tile the rec tiLds lit in tile office of tile recorder ot of deeds of rich lich cu county in tile territory mow state of utah ALI convoy convey to nai alliani idale H as trustee tile following described re real estate situate in said rich kich county ton tomb to N mb it 1 ilia I lio northeast quarter ot I 1 section twenty one 1 21 I Tu vonAl I 1 p el 11 1 N north orth range gaono seven 7 lit li 1111 1 7 t of the adit liko lake meridian Men diun in rill all one cue hundred and sixty acres bo be like same more or or less accord according lak to 10 GOM dillard survey mci vo alli till ilia said land nil all tile tho water nater rights which nola MIO owned by tile haul baid Jeci jedediah odiah M ind and lucy irant araut lit at tho the ditto of said deed of trust or 10 OU acquired by tho the fraid M and lucy 6 brant rant arid and used in cuu con uee tion nith w ith tile land winch which said evin conveyance evanco was made iu in trust to secure to the ho order of tile llie lumbard lombard company tile tho ila of the said jedediah Jode Jede diah diali al 31 arid lucy grunt brunt s one certain promis cory note or f even date data willi till ynid aid deed of trust for tile the principal bum or of twelve hundred I 1 ll dollars due aud and payable 1 IM etim 5 vo till interest thereon from thu the dato date thereof nut unta it maturity at tho aliu rato rate of six bix 1 I per ier cent per antuni payable t aini an duall arid with ther shercon con utter after maturity ut the rato rate of twelve 02 12 per cent per annum payable so i anti and said deed of trust whereas it la provided iu in that in case cabo 0 of ild deft default tait in the payment of said promissory note or tile tho interest thereon the trustee shall upon tire application of the letral legai bolde noto note son sell and dispose 1111 obe of said promis unit und all tho ilia right title benefit and equity of of tho jedediah U and lucy grant grout their heirs and morelia thero iu at public auction at the place laco in tile thu manner and for the purposes iu in said lived deed of trust stated alter after first atis g kivine thirty arty w 0 dab days notice not ni part particularly provi provided dud for in said aard deed call of trust reference to M blen is hereby made for greater certainty certainly aud and whereas default has baa been made iu in ilia tiny iny ment of said pill noto note of anti and in tire payi nent of full four coupon interest nit arest notes of rick ab each cadi line dna february 1 liidi august 1 abili february 1 WG and august 11 1 I 1 ci respect nely unit and said note dote iud and coupon interest nolea dotes are still baill past duo and it 1 unpaid 1 aid now therefore acuti I 1 fulico c li hereby gi kiich oil that 1 I ilia undersigned undersigner under signed trustee as aforesaid at the request quest ot of thu the legal holder of said DOW aud and under lad by N art no lie of the bovo povo power or and authority in ilia 1110 I 1 ested by I 1 lie said deril derd tit of bradt vo ill on I 1 fours duy day tile bill ath day of october at the hour ot of 10 0 clock lu I 1 alio lie forenoon of said dd do yell ban the above described pr and all the right title benefit anti and equity of redemption oft of the he kin id jed deih at and lucy grant ill their heirs and therein at public auction tor for t the lie highest and best binco race the same will bring in cash tit at tho the front fron t do door or of tire counte court ourt house at rau dolgia du liili in the county of kich aich state of 0 utah tor for tho the purpose of pacing said note and interest coul coupons i und and lill all costs costil annd expenses of 1 ing t aliis ll 11 is I 1 rust WILLIAM 11 II DALE trustee bubl publication sept 1 IW LOOI LOOK OUT UN 0 o R U T for our new ad 0 enfil ni r n 1 BIN r eeman e m u 0 r n cashin IN ju k I 1 ez k itai dealers tn in hardware biarne s furniture cal carpets pets crockery wall paper etc A are re |