Show F E A IM D YOUR HOME PAPER we anve now have the largest circulation in the history of this paper that is the reason you yon should have it in YOUR HOME thatis that is the reason why you should advertise in it j we do the BEST of jot job nerk ica eliat is why you sho should uld patronize it support your home paper BOOST for it get others to boost for it ICH co COUNTY newsy into avei 11 nil corner ner of jaich count f t CO COVERS COUNTY CO DB IVY I 1 subscription per let year ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME send senam ill your dollar and we will he be pleased 1 and so willylu will wil YOU lYOU evanston clumsier goo 00 evansen WYO V h are now making VERY LOW PRICES on RUBBER RO in one two and three ply j also building paper and all building bu il dih M al ilk I 1 S 1 RICH CO fleat MARKET DELm L at 6 SV JV alid jiing ad metts meats ash and nh green groce groceries 0 ica cream cones und and ant sundnes sundaes and summer Jr arts ts t A daily stage line to bf bear ar lake free w ail deliveries mail ail orders given prompt attention tio cash pa paid id for 11 1 hides 1 ides c kaurs furs ti mid an phone no 8 leed wm jacobson alar mgr t A mill utah rh sigh bian 0 I 1 rpm cd u it was a utah P physician hys ician who after devoting years of study suc ded in concentrating ingredients which never failed fail edt tb cure coughs b and colds Ch chamber aniber v s cold tablets are arc guaranteed guarante eI to cure all affections of the throat and lungs if you will go to the dealer W whose h 0 se name is atta cliO to tili this 4 advertisement cewill he will tell you that the proprietors of chambers Ch ambert cold tablets aut authorize their igenta all a over the united states state s and canada to sell this prescription on a positive guar guarantee anteo to cure a cold in twelve ho t any case ol of grippe however obstinate in two days or your purchase price pric e will be cheerfully refunded these tablets do not gripe 0 or nor do they leave any bad dont permit your case casa to develop into ann pneumonia onia or still consumption i ibn n we dont you to accept our word as fin ni al 0 ask our local agent or a ask sk your I 1 physician hys ician if he would not prescribe these tablet C them tc iiii own children ask any person who has ever used them they think 0 hal fiberS b col T n A notice of convention convention I 1 A county con million Is hereby in ut 11 st sat aug mot 2 PM 1 lor tile leullyn i t nt tend alie huntt coul 11 nt ut feitli of mil 11 nl li moll ve deion ion at Brig halli city to lo hokit kit in it 1 lent is one delegate delegat for fore every cry 16 votes or or major fra frulan ilan tit thereof e roof cast fort for I 1 to holl josfph hiell for Cong election lo 10 Is as ws I 1 votes cast Peleg mes it 11 venit lt ha 0 6 11 25 2 6 5 gardega 4 ity 6 02 4 round valley is 18 I 1 argyle 27 2 avol let chairman alenne take notice anil and call lilt primaries marle awo ily by order of ol li lean it J norrah jr joseph hodges hodac lh elise 1 abstracter imd A y pushu adey N CITY UTAH cot yo your ur flah t oh and gamo game from thos ashton at Spencer dros bros sto storo ro john Sno snowball r abstractor botary dutary public randol randolph ph bitah utah votice OF wit IOU I 1 u 6 ralli janec ut at suit stilt luke city U li hauf aug ard 3rd 1912 alve hat jamea t t 0 itou I 1 valley utah hv W P saut ith ma aimle home paiit entry ury serial aerial on 2 s so 0 I 1 kloud 6 1 I 9 i NE awl and lots 8 abild IS 13 see I 1 an all ni ki of NW 14 r 12 S r t 81 8 1 alaka laka meridian hai ailta 1 I 1 to biake final five y apar par 4 I 1 0 1611 ill calalin to tile loll 1011 inrid d anve ia I a fore tile alir cherl ou if alti ilie til r Ivl riet court utai mall on it alio 1 letl tia tl ulber 1912 C n mm iw v ia i 1 wai earley I yUt ji it earley of rund valley vish ulal V 11 webb of v I 1 tah tab joni hyten hydell 1 valley t jtb itch 11 D R register no ID dalta you yoa than aja noay ta in aenas wll if 11 to they rp U wu t T IHIE U INTA N n jiuu NTY argi AND wild e bear 10 river valley X v I 1 allegr ov FAIR FAIK association assied 1 flu limn WILL HOLD ITS first annual A r evanston sept 26 27 28 tilla belag the first euid only espos expos tion hofts klud kind in ili western wyo itell miton H armid to toll aud bd advert lao tile the products ot oc our still boll mid and range three days davs J of splendid entertainment of mud Coll pud eli afternoon home racing brocco hoisting Huat liiK doping cobitt st eto etc alln will wiam 41 04 live stock valry dairy flowers and plants Iliin tn boys loyland loy nand albl dlila mrk ork needle and fit foncy hey or lArt and 1 i culinary taxidermy blines and all en of all exhibits of every kind ilni to lie to too sown nt at the falt kumst be made to the secretary not hiiter than tho of sept on oil blunk forms furnished toy by y lot let everybody commence com menco to prepare somo articia for jorj the show for we must make the avont one that wo we al all I 1 will have occasion to bo proud of ancl stimulate us its to e ven oven do better next year I 1 ERNEST BREST 0 S 0 E 33 3 E aiji 1 1 ea J FOR blacksmithing in ili all at ranches branches horse shoeing bho hoeing eing specialty alty i il prices ices sume santo as othos offers J vo j q RANDOLPH UTAH ka A certificate of deposit put your surplus money i in in on interest For PooW sf 1 1110 as iff al iffie ireme I 1 te 1 l i aftin t you 11 f ft of nf it ort asaf safe lean 1 I in p UPI if R I 1 f ir hii ajl inn want it th at lv 41 evini avol th 1 s im fth f chii th I 1 11 ll ita g ap nim if if therein in call itina 1110 ifil 1 iA pdt ait to you olt ol 01 or candolph Han dolph e I cafa druit 1 dont fall ti call oclus and dia elul complete line of jewelry to t hand we ea v 4 give lotif ane ed ap wary best CUL GI as prices WU dinv inv anything lit KULL chetri ni this title naimon etholin akin co allot evanston Creen River wyoming tile Jow elors |