Show GLENWOOD COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING mr and mrs powell Job joanson of glenwood celebrated their golden wedding un on october 8 at their cozy little home in glenwood numerous appropriate gifts were presented the happy pair and congratulations came from near and far the sup sur shone beautifully making the honored couple feel that even nature was interested in the one ofie great event erent of their lives five of their children a number 0 of their grand children and great grand e hildren children were present mr and mrs mra johnson are the parents of 11 children 8 of whom nire are 2 now living 45 grand children and 37 great grand children powell johndon was waa born in denmark rk march 28 WIO 1810 and emigrated to salt lake in 1854 where he here resided Bided for 30 years while a resident of that city he met and married melissa straton a pioneer of 49 in 1883 1893 they moved d to glenwood where they thay have resided ever since binie mr and mrs johnton johnson are loved and respected by all who know them and the tokens of respert and love contributed on the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding are typical of the folt for them by the people of 0 the community in which they reside aswald C hansel was TIIS hanged at the mate t prison ft ait alem ore on the ath tor for the murder of fraak 3 taylor an attorn attorney Ly ol of At Aia torla whom he ilpo for batin drafted a 0 davor tor for mrs hauel when liitt abat executive clemency lemen py daivd taya the 4 dob attempted emde ta in his bis cell bedine a arlot artery with a piece of 0 ua tin |