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Show Leonard Carter Weds Provo Young Lady Last Week Established in their home in the Lloyd Gray apartments on West Center are newly weds Leonard Leon-ard and Loretta C. Carter, who were married January 20 at the home of the bride's grandmother Mrs. Vilate Rhodebeck in Provo. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Carter of Provo while here benedict is the ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Carter of Pleasant Grove. Following the marriage vows, the young couple and their party greeted relatives and friends at a reception in Sunset Ward house in Provo, where the bride was attended at-tended by Mrs. Wayne" Park, matron mat-ron of honor and Marilyn Miller, Norm Carlton, Joyce Carter and Lorna Jackson, bridesmaids. Local numbers appearing on the program, were a vocal duet, Jean-ette Jean-ette Shannon and Francine Mc-Causland, Mc-Causland, accompanied by Sharon Noble; a dance number Ida Beth and Sharon Newman, and Marilyn Fraughton, accompanied by Sandra San-dra Anderson. Other numbers were music, Fred Johnson; accordion solo, Beth Olson; reading, Sylvia Vincent and Connie Carter. Clifford Hales of Pleasant Grove gave a toast to the groom while Beulah Barget toasted the bride. The new Mrs. Carter is employed employ-ed at the telephone office in Provo . - - and Mr. Carter is employed at the United Concrete Pipe Corporation, Pleasant Grove. |