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Show I 1 . -" I . ;y .: - I- ' 1 A. -:L .. - i f- ' x : I ' i , ' r - MRS. WILBUR EUGENE WILKINS, JR. Newlyweds Honored at Reception After Wedding Tuesday Evening The beautiful spacious garden at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Grant Y. Anderson lent a charming and romantic setting for the marriage of Miss Helen Patricia Anderson and Wilbur Eugene Wilkins, Jr., on October 9. The attractive bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson; Ander-son; her benedict is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilkins of Salt Lake City. Dr. Wayne B. Hales, an uncle of the bride, officiated. Only immediae family members, relatives and close friends witnessed witness-ed the impressive ceremony. Only immediate family members, riage ceremony the bridal party entered the spacious living room of the home, where an openhouse reception re-ception was held. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was singularly beautiful beauti-ful in white Chantilly lace and tulle over 'satin. The fitted bodice of lace with long pointed sleeves and scalloped neckline, was enhanced en-hanced by sequins, baby pearls, and fine applique. The full skirt was inset with panels of applique and Chantilly lace. Her veil of gos-samere gos-samere tulle fell from a lace tiara of tulle enhanced with sequins and pearls. She carried a white bible topped by two white orchids. The bride's sister, Mrs. Sam Sorenson Sor-enson of New York was matron of honor. Other attendants were a sister-in-law, Mrs. Grant W. Anderson An-derson of Monterey, Calif., Mrs. Lynn Richards, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Don B. Larson, Mrs. Kay R. Whitmore, Mrs. David L. Barber, Bar-ber, Mrs. Charles Lehmberg, and Mrs. Robert Halstrom. Lirtle Susan Su-san Anderson was flower girl and Larry Anderson ring bearer. The attendants wore identical gowns with fitted bodice of rust velvet and full skirts of burnt orange chrystalline and small crowns of matching velvet. They held small wicker baskets of fruit and chrysanthemums. Kay R. Whitmore assumed best man duties while Lynn Riches, Don H. Humphrey, Clarence Johnson, Charles Stillman, Dr. Grant W. Anderson and Paul Anderson ushered. ush-ered. The bride's mother donned a gown of mauve lace, cocktail length while Mrs. Wilken chose an original ori-ginal sheath dress of mink brown. Both pinned on corsages of gardenias gar-denias and talisman roses. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Hales greeted guests at the door. The table in the serving room was covered with a cloth of Italian cutwork and centered with a beautiful beau-tiful wedding cake, flanked by tall candles and circled by autumn flowers. Here Mrs. Wesley Shields presided, assisted in serving by Lorraine Herring, Jewell Olpin, Gayle Thome, Geniel Simper and Arlene Jorgensen. The gift display was arranged by Mrs. George Cannon, Mz-s. J. Vern Hales and JoAnn Morris. Following the reception the newlyweds left for a honeymoon through Yellowstone Park, Glacier Park, Western Canada, New England Eng-land and New York City and on to Fort Belvoir, Virginia, where Mr. Wilkins will report for U.S. Army duty. For her going away outfit, the new Mrs. Wilkins chose a knit suit of angel blue, black velour hat and matching' black accessories. Prenuptial parties honoring the ' popular bride was a wedding dinner din-ner given by her parents at the Chicken Roost in Springville; and other showers and parties with hostesses Mrs. Robert Halstrom, Mrs. Charles Lehmberg, Mrs. Wesley Wes-ley Shields; Mrs. Don B. Larson, Miss Ruth Noall, Mrs, Kay Whitmore, Whit-more, Miss tToan Morris and Mrs. Wayne B. Hales. |