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Show i H . ;v - i ui (k v 4 1: x . """5. . ' J .-.V V '-. - - ' ' , s ,1 v 'ix ' . . . i. ...; . - MR. AND MRS. HA.ROLD JACKLIN (ROSALIE RICHARDS) Reception Honors Newlyweds After Salt Lake Temple Ceremony Last Week In an impressive late afternoon ceremony in ithe Salt Lake LDS Temple, Rosalie Richards became the bride of Harold Jacklin on Thursday afternoon, October 24, with Elder Adam S. Bennion of tile Council of Twelve, officiating. Witnessing the sacred rites were the bride's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Harry S. Richards, the groom's mother, Mrs. May Jacklin, her grandparents, Patriarch and Mrs. D. B. Thome, and M:1 .and Mrs. William Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Nyles Jacklin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Radmall, Estelle Fenbcn and Elsie Stecker. On Friday evening at the Tim-panogos Tim-panogos Stake House Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Richards -welcomed friends and relatives at a nicely arranged Open House reception honoring the just-weds. In a color scheme of red and gold before a background of gorgeous gor-geous autumn shades, chrysanthemums chrysanthe-mums and marigolds, the bride and groom and their party greeted relatives and friends. In the lineup were the bride and groom, their parents, the bride's attendants, matron of honor, hon-or, her sister, Mrs. William Anderson, Ander-son, and Mrs. James Richards, Mrs. Jerry Roundy, Mrs. Paul Radmall, and Misses Beverly Fair, Karen Belliston and Jane Richards, junior bridesmaid. William Anders, vn performed per-formed best man duties. James Richards, assisted by Paul Radmall and Eldon Jacklin ushered. Patriarch and Mrs. David B. Thorne, grandpa-rents of the groom were especially honoired. For her wedding the bride donned don-ned an exquisite g'own of imported im-ported English lace, modeled with full skirt enhanced with tulle ruffles, ruf-fles, fitted bodice, long sleeves and sabrina neckline. Her sheer veil of illusion was held by a band studded with seed pearls. She carried car-ried a gorgeous white orchid circled cir-cled with stephonitis and tied with white satin streamers. Matron of honor wore deep gold crystelette, while other attendants wore similar gowns of sultry autumn aut-umn red, bouffant style and all held autumn leaf shaped bouquets of gold chrysanthemums and net. Both mothers wore gowns of autumn aut-umn red and pinned on white orchids. or-chids. Greeting griests at the door were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse K. Thorne and Mr .and Mrs. Gerald Belliston. Miss Patricia" Morgan registered g'uests. In the serving area which was marked off with white pillars and ferns, Miss Estelle Fenton assumed as-sumed hostess duties. Here the table was covered with an imported im-ported lace cloth, over red satin, and was centered with a lovely three-tiered wedding cake, flanked by white candles in crystal holders. hold-ers. Mrs. Lucille Hillman presided. pre-sided. Refreshments were catered by the Fourth Ward Relief Society. Young ladies who served were members of the new bride's junior jun-ior gleaner class and included Mary Lee Judd, Charlotte Gardner, Shar-olyn Shar-olyn Iverson, Sandra Gaines, Kay Mart, Judy and Karen Robinson, Kathy Belliston. Gift display was arranged by June Dickey, Mary Behling, Shir-lie Shir-lie Jacklin, Vervene Smith. Gift bearers were Sharon Fenton, Georgia Geor-gia Ann McNees and Judy Brim-ley. Brim-ley. All during the receiving hours, eight to ten, Hal Haycock played background organ music. After the breaking up of the receiving line and following the cake cutting ceremony, Mrs. Paul Radmall sang a solo and Estelle Fenton toasted the bride and groom and William Anderson played play-ed organ music. During the evening guests were entertained by a vocal duet by Audrey Hooley and Ellen Peterson, accompanied by Lorraine Ruff ell; a vocal soloby Ronald Hall accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Hall and a number by !Dale Holdaway, Vineyard. The young newlyweds are at home at the Steel Apartments on Center Street and both have returned re-turned to their work, Rosalie to her teaching position at Orem and Harold to his studies at the BYU. The new Mrs. Jacklin is a 1957 graduate of the BYU, a talented musician, having served in both ward and stake capacities, as well as in her schcol work. Her benedict bene-dict has fulfilled a mission for the LDS Church in Great Britain and is this year continuing his college work at the Brigham Young University. Uni-versity. I |