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Show V : 'j- y i t - . ; X - V ' .. t ; V ' 1 1 14. 1 . . . I MR. AND MRS. DARRELL FENTON (Clota Rae Martin) Wedding Reception Honors Young Couple After Temple Marriage play were girl friends of the bride from the BYU, SherVy Hale, Dorothy Dor-othy Nelson, Lily Alden, Fem Iawa and Mrs. Ray Fenton and Mrs. Don Fenton. Young gift bearers were Deb-by Deb-by and Boyd Fenton, Trudy and Connie Stevens. Attractive young ladies who served were Sheila Jacobs, Lena Gene Gurney, Shernie Fenton, Kay Ohristensen, Beverly Anderson, Ander-son, Gill Warburton. The young couple have established estab-lished a home in Orem. Both will continue in 'their positions, she as cashier with the Skaggs Drug Co. in Provo and Darrell with the United Concrete Pipe Corp. On Friday the newlyweds and the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McNees will leave for Huntington, Oregon, where they will attend additional parties honoring Mr. and Mrs. Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. McNees and Georgia Ann will drive on to Albany, Al-bany, Oregon, where they will visit and help celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. McNees' Mc-Nees' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. McNees. One of the very fine social affairs af-fairs of the early fall was the reception tendered by Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Martin of Huntington, Hunting-ton, Ore., honoring their daughter daugh-ter Cleta Rae and Darrell Fenton, Fen-ton, who were married Friday in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. George McNees and the late Thomas Fenton. The affair was held in the Pleasant Grove Second-Fourth Ward Recreation Hall, where colorful col-orful autumn leaves and brilliant early fall flowers made the room colorful for the occasion. The very attractive bride greeted greet-ed relatives and friends in a ballerina bal-lerina length fluorescent gown; full skirt and fitted bodice, short sleeved, all enhanced with baby pearls. The sheer fluorescent shoulder length veil fell from a small fluorescent hat also of baby pearls She carried a beautiful orchid circled with ro it-buds and stephonitis Maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Colleen Martin of Pendleton, Oregon, gowned in a copper taffeta sheathe. Bridesmaids Brides-maids Nola Bubb an 1 Pat Mc-II Mc-II rath and junior bridesmaid Georgia Ann McNees donned apricot-colored sheath? and held leaf shaped hand bouquets of chrytan' hemures. Both mothers wore afternoon gowns. Mrs. Martin chose dusty rose and Mrs. McNees brown lace and satin. Both pinned on whit gardenias. Sam Fenton assumed best mar duties for his brother. Nola Bubb sang "Temple by the River." Judy Nelson played organ music during the receiving hours. Greeting guests at the door were the groom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenton and his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ash. Beth Franrpton was at the guest book. Arranging the lovely gift dis- |