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Show !' " i t..-''-' ' ; i i ! i ! : I . . . - v : i . - i t I i ! . i 1 1 1:1 I ) : if I V. '-h I II ... . . At-: . ; J : : J . ' : ' .. 5 -- .. r : :-: i MR. AND MRS. BILL TRIMBLE Jacqueline Jacobs Becomes Bride of Bill Trimble in Home Ceremony In a beautifully arranged home setting Jacqueline Jacobs on Thursday Thurs-day afternoon became 'the bride of Bill Noel Trimble with Bishop Harvey Har-vey E. Smith officiating. The brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Jaoobs, left nothing undone un-done to make the affair one to be remembered. - Mr. and Mrs. Noel Trimble are parents of the groom. The home decorations and background back-ground breathed the very spirit of love and romance in a theme of Valentine decorations. The bride was attired in a gown of pure silk bombazzine, modeled with filled bodice, long pointed sleeves and full skirt that ended in a Cathedral train. Her elbow length veil fell from a crown of pearls and orange blossoms. She carried a small white bible, studded with pearls and decorated with stephonitis . and ribbon streamers. Her attendants, in similar g"pwns of pink and white and holding nosegays of pink and: white feather carnations were Miss Charlyn Thome, maid of honor, Miss Carol Sue Trimble, the bridegroom's sister, sis-ter, Miss Jeanette Royie, Miss Kathleen Royle, Miss Charmane Ivers'on, and Miss Julia Ann War-nick. War-nick. Pretty little flower girls Sandra San-dra Trimble and April Arm Weich-mann, Weich-mann, wore pink. Young HarLey Jacobs was ring bearer. The bride's mother wore a sheath of pink satin and lace while Mrs. Trimble chose a sheath of embroidered taffeta. Jay Johnson stood as best man for the groom, while Jerold Jacobs, Ja-cobs, Paul Anderson and Dan Buckner ushered. At the openhouse which followed follow-ed in the Timpanogos Stake House the same lovely Valentine theme carried over, a large satin heart and baskets of pink and white blooms. Friends and relatives were greeted fi'oan 8 to 10. Music during the evening was provided by Hal Haycock at the organ and special numbers by the Manllo-ettes, "Always," Sweethearts" Sweet-hearts" and "Because." Warren Kirk, accompanied by Mrs. Kirk sang "Wonderful One" and "Until" and accordion numbers were given giv-en by Mark Woodworth. Music was in charge of Mrs. Ronald Price and the dining area in charg'e of Mrs. August Weich-monn. Weich-monn. Here the tables were centered cen-tered with pink and white tapers in rtovel holders. Pouring were Mrs. Owen Ash and Mrs. Larry Miller while formally for-mally clad young ladies who served were Lorraine Herring, Ann Mathews, Math-ews, Alta Mae Whiteley, and Joan Haycock. Mrs. Arthur Woodward and Mrs. Delia Fullerton arranged the gift display assisted by Margaret Jepp-son Jepp-son and Thelma Freeman. Gift bearers were Nyla Wadley, Sidney Price, and Sheila Jacobs. Greeting guests at the door were Mr. and Mrs. Kay Jacobs, Mrs. C. M. Buckner and Dan Buckner and Miss Katherine Price handled the guest register. Honored guests were Mrs. H. W. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. George Peay. |