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Show Miss Maxine Alma Kenney Became The Bride of Milton H. West Monday veil was secured by a crown of orange blossoms and seed pearls. Her bridal bouquet featured an orchid nestled in chrysanthemums. She was attended by maids of honor Miss Roxie West and Miss Virginia Kenney and other brides-caids brides-caids Miss Georgia Kenney, Juan-ita Juan-ita Buchanan, and Delorcs Reunion. Reu-nion. All gowned in lovely fall shades and holding chry.santh-muins. chry.santh-muins. Pretty little flower gills were Lana Thompson and LeVce Ash. Gene Tomlinson stood as best man. while Leo Carter, Max Thoine, Boyd Harper and Garth Walker usiiered. Following a honeymoon trip to Arizona, the couple will establish a home in Pleasant Grove. In an impressive ceremony, at the Salt Lake L.D.S. temple on Monday when Miss Maxine Alma Kenney became the bride of Milton Mil-ton H. West, with temple president presi-dent Paibcrt D. Young of rir-iating. The attractive bride is the daughter daug-hter of Mrs. Leta K. Barrows and Alma C. Kenney, both of Salt Lake City, while the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren M. West of Pleasant Grove. Following the temple marriage the bridal pair and their party wathered for a wedding breakfast at the Carlton Hotel. In the evening the newlyweds were honored at a wedding reception recep-tion at the Ladies Literary club. For the wedding the bride chose ivory satin, fashioned with sweetheart sweet-heart neckine, fitted bodice, long sleeves and full skirt, modeled cathedral length. Her fingertip |