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Show - ' T I 7 - , - L; ' I , ' - 1 y K t S .v I !' i ?!. I t j " ll V ' : U 1 ' ' ' Ml V - - ; Wedding Reception Honors Young Couple After Ceremony In Temple Dancing, gift viewing and refreshments re-freshments completed the evening's even-ing's festivies. The table in the serving toom was covered with white satin cloth and centered with a gorgeous yellow and green wedding cake, topped by a miniature bride and groom. Here Mrs. Gordon Atkinson Atkin-son presided. She was assisted by formally clad young ladies who served. Kay Mart, Marilyn Thorne and Diane Warnick. Mrs. E. R. Allen, Mrs. Harold Hardman, Mrs. Ray Devereax, and Mrs. Leland Beers, arranged the gift display, assisted by. Yvonne Yvon-ne and Jean Bell. Accompanying the young couple to the temple and witnessing the impressive ceremony were the bride's parents and the groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Pied Tanner. Elder Robert Burton officiated. of-ficiated. The groom who is here on a furlough from the TJ. S. army will leave next week for California, where he will be assigned to overseas over-seas duty, in the far East, while his bride will continue her studies at the Pleasant Grove High School. Impressive simplicity and easy hospitality were all over in evidence evid-ence at the Second ward recreation recreat-ion hall Wednesday evening, Oct. 14, when Mr. and Mrs. Reed O. Walker entertained relatives and friends at a wedding reception, honoring their daughter Leah May and Mr. Bert Tanner. The young couple were married on Tuesday, Oct. 13, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. In the receiving line, before an arch of lighted candelbra entwined with ivy and flanked by potted ferns were the bridal couple, their parents Mr. and Mrs. Reed O. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Tanner of Payson; the bride's attendants at-tendants Miss Gwen Devereaux, maid of honor and bridesmaids, Miss Ruby Kester, Miss Shirley Roberts and the bride's sister Miss Ardith Walker. Mr. Delos Tanner assumed best man duties for his brother. The youthful bride was charmingly charm-ingly lovely in white lace, and net over satin, simply styled with fitted fit-ted bodice, buttoned at the back and long sleeves. Her sheer fingertip fin-gertip veil fell from an off the face bonnet of lace and satin. She carried red rose buds and baby chrysanthemums. Miss Devereax was gowned in ceruse net over taftta; the bride's maids different shades of green, and held heart shaped nosegays of Pom Pom Chrysanthemums. Mrs. . Wesley Jense performed hostess i duties. .Mrs. Laurence Smith handled the g'uest registration. registra-tion. Verdun Walker and Ronald Walker were ushers. " Dan W. Peterson emceed the program and cleverly introduced the numbers; prayer, Glen Chris-ianson Chris-ianson of Payson; a piano duet, Nola by Rosalie Richards and Col-lleen Col-lleen Marrott; a reading Barbara Nelson; Accordion solo, Lady of Spain, Delbert Hugard; Toast ' to the bride, Donna O. Ash and toast to the groom, L. Ray Hill; "Al-ways" "Al-ways" sang by a ladies trio, Mrs. Malcolm Christianson, Mrs. Bruce Fugal and Mrs. Blaine Nelson. They were accompanied' by G-eniel Fugal. |