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Show A ( . : ' ) itU:iii Hhnfci I n -i ft:,; V'rVv : - 1 " . ,-'- ' 1 r-1 - ' ?" , ; '. - - - h ' 'A ; -A """I- """ ' - ; - '"J ' - v. - I ' i jl 4-" : 7 f ' I i..V. . , . - . . ., . -ft iiS!tiijVf' t , , 5 MR. AND MRS. THERALD C. BECKSTRA.ND Wedding Reception Honors New Mr. and Mrs. Therald C. Beckstrand Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Hard-man Hard-man on Friday evening, January 30, entertained at an elegantly arranged ar-ranged wedding reception honoring honor-ing their daughter Joan and Therald Ther-ald C. Beckstrand. The attractive young couple received relatives and friends before be-fore a background featuring a St. Valentine theme. The large window before which the bridal party stood was decorated with streamers of red and white, centered cen-tered by a large red and silver heart. This scene was enhanced by a tall basket of carnations and gleaming candlebra. In the lineup with the bride and groom were the bride's parents, the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifton Beckstrand, maid of honor, Miss Marcia Wadley, and Miss Marilyn Barrett, Mrs. Walter Adamson, Mrs. Reese Merrill, Miss Edith Kyle, bridesmaids, and Miss Betty Beers, junior bridesmaid. Harold Beckstrand, a cousin of the groom, served as best man. For her wedding the bride chose a nylon net' and lace over white satin, fashioned with fitted bodice, long lace sleeves, and a three tier nylon overskirt. The fingertip nylon ny-lon veil, fell from a dainty nylon and satin cap, clamped by seed pearls r.nd orange blossoms. She caried three large white orchids circled by Vanda orchids. Her attendants were all attractively attract-ively gowned in pastel formals and held matching heart shaped bouquets bou-quets of" Vanda orchids. Both mothers wore . afternoon dresses with corsages of orchids. Welcoming guests at the door were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadley and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wadley. Mrs. Wayne Peay, was busy with the guest book. Paul Christofferson, emceed the program: two Hawaiian numbers, ladies trio from Salt Lake City; two burlesque numbers Ellen Pet erson, June Dickey, Ruth Shoell, Doris Johnson accompanied by May Nelson, two piano duets, Shcrelyn and Gayle Cox, Salt Lake City, a vocal solo "Because" Mrs. Karl Knoell, accompanied by Hal Haycock. i Following the program the evening- festivities included dancing, viewing the beautiful gift display, and trouseau of the bride, and enjoying en-joying refreshments. Mrs. Leland Beers, was hostess in the serving room, where a beautiful beau-tiful three tier all white wedding cake, lighted tapers and Vanda orchids were arranged. Assisting Mrs. Beers were the following formally for-mally gowned young ladies who served: Misses Sandra Cullimore, Mary Atwood, Doris Crystal and Joyce Robinson. Mrs. Earl Barrett, presided over the gift display. Assisting were Mrs. Thomas Simper, Mrs. Carl Knoell, Mrs. Harold Mecham. Gift bearers were Deane Mecham, Laura and Mary Wadley, Veloy and Axdith Walker. The poular young couple were married Wednesday, Jan. 28, in Hie Salt Lake LDS temple, with Matlhc.v Cowley of the Council of Twelve officating. Witnessing the ceremony were the parents of the young couple, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wadley, Mrs. Carl Knoell, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Venay B. Lab-rum Lab-rum of Meadow. Following the temple ceremony, the wedding party were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Beckstrand at a wedding breakfast at Temple Square Hotel. Part of this week the newly-weds newly-weds have been visiting with the groom's parents at Meadow. On Monday, Mr. Beckstrand will leave for Oakland, California, to enter the armed forces of his country, while his bride will currently cur-rently make her home here. |