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Show Reception Does Honor To Mewlyweds i Now being introduced to Orem society as Mr. and Mrs. are JoAnn Jones and Kenneth Richens whose marriage and reception were events ev-ents of the past -week. The nuptials were solemnized at the Salt Lake LDS Temple by Elder Robert I. Burton and the reception re-ception was held at the Windsor Ward chapel, at which Mr. and Mis. E. G. (Tug) Jones, of 1665 North State Street in Orem were hosts. In attendance also were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Richens, parents of the bridegroom of Pleasant Grove. The bride wore a gown of white lace over satin fashioned by her mother with a full skirt, train, long sleeves, a small collar and buttons closingt the bodice front. Jrler veil was of white nylon net held to a crown of seed pearls. Her bouquet was of feathered carnations car-nations centering an orchid. Attendants at the reception included in-cluded Carol Jones, sister of the bride, maid of honor and Goldie Hainan, Carol Porter, Kay Johnson,, John-son,, Marilyn Monson, Colleen Christensen, bridesmaids. They were gowned in evening dresses of various pastel shades and held small bouquets of pink chrysanthemums. chrysan-themums. Owen Richardson acted as best man. Harley Gillman was master of ceremonies for the program of music and toasts given during the evening. Participating were Barbara Bar-bara Jarman, Bishop Boyd Fugal, Wilma Hales, Wanda Hooley, George Paul, Estelle Fenton, Mary Day and George T. Jones, grandfather grand-father of the bride. Dancing and refreshments concluded the evening. even-ing. - Mr. and Mrs. George R. Paul, Mrs. George T. Jones and Ronald Barrett assisted with receiving and Valerie West supervised the guest book. The bride is a senior at the Pleasant Grove High School and Mr. Richens is attending the University Un-iversity of Utah, majoring in engineering. |