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Show Lehi Girl Weds Tuesday, Dec. 23; Reception Honors Couple In Lehi the BYU and also held a position at Geneva Steel Co. Her benedict has fulfilled a mission mis-sion for his church, and is a 1952 graduate of the BYU and in connection con-nection with his teaching is working work-ing towards his Masters degree. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Peterson Peter-son of Lehi announce the marriage marr-iage of their daughter Mada Jilene and Lincoln J. Card, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Y. Card of Card-ston, Card-ston, Canada. Nuptial vows were spoken by the couple in the Salt Lake LDS temple on Tuesday, Dec. 23. Temple Tem-ple president Robert Young officiated. offic-iated. Following the ceremony the bridegrooms' parents entertained at a wedding breakfast at the Lion House in Salt Lake City. On Saturday evening, Dec. 27, tthe brides' parents honored the newlyweds at a .beautifully plan- aad rocopticr. at the Lehi Fourth ward recreation hall. After honeymooning in Utah for a week, the popular young couple left to establish their home in Cardston, Canada, where Mr. Card is teaching school. The new Mrs. Card is a graduate grad-uate of Lehi high school and was popular in music and church circles, cir-cles, and for three year attended |