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Show Wedding Reception In Second Ward Does Honor To Recently Wed Couple The home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clar-ence A. Rasmussen was the scene of a very pretty wedding reception recept-ion Friday evening, Feb. 20, honoring hon-oring their daughter Mary and Blaine A. Nielsen, who were married mar-ried in the Salt Lake L.D.S. Temple Tem-ple on February 19. In the receiving line were the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rasmussen; Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Nielsen, parents of the groom; Maid of Honor was Miss Maurine Nielsen, sister of the groom. Miss Anne West was bride's maid. Best man was Thoral Rasmussen, brother of the bride. The bride was lovely in white satin with fingertip veil of net and lace, and carried a bridal bouquet of gardenias, roses and narcissus. Mother of the bride wore a blue dress and wore a corsage cor-sage of pink carnations, while the mother of the groom chose a grey dress and wore red carnations. carnat-ions. Miss Nelsen wore a pink formal for-mal and Miss West wore a blue formal, each with matching bouquets. bou-quets. Refreshments were directed by Mrs. Bcrnice Rasmussen, Mrs. Barbara Jex', and Mrs. Alene Fugal, sister-in-law and sisters of the bride, assisted by Mary At-wood, At-wood, Janel Fugal and Doris Crystal. Cry-stal. Arranging the gift display were Mrs. Ida Mae Christiansen, Mrs. Carol Rasmussen, and Miss Ileen Judd with Misses Donna Rasmussen, Rasmus-sen, Nadine and Christine Nielsen receiving gifts. Wesley Rasmussen and Bruce Fugal greeted friends and relatives relat-ives at the door while Marvin Jex and Malcolm Christiansen assisted as-sisted in making friends welcome. The newlyweds left after the recepton for a short honeymoon trip after which Mary expects to finish school and Blaine will return to his work in Cedar City. Accompanying the young couple through the temple were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rasmussen, Mrs. Mary Henrichsen, grandmother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Christiansen, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Henrichsen, aunt and uncle of the bride. |