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Show YVV ' :1 1 1" ' ... 1 1' : . - 1 Wedding Vows Exchanged By Young Couple At Home of Bride's Parents Ford West, aunt of the radiant bride, were gracious hostesses for the remainder of the evening. Those who srved were the following follow-ing girls: June Peterson, Colleen Fenton, Coleen Blackhurst, Chryl Oscarson, Sharon Park, Donna Evans, Ev-ans, of Lehi, and Marilyn Schow, cousin of the groom, of Salt Lake City. Gift bearers were attired in evening formals and evening dress. They were Kent Gray, Kathy Smith, Gayle and Sally Pace. The gift room was in charge of Ruth Cobbley, Naomi Walker, Pearl Fowlke, Afton Fryer, and Afton Pace, members of the Modernette Club. A gorgeous display of hte bride's trousseau was outstanding. Arrangement of this display was done by Mrs. R. Dean Peterson, Mrs. Ford West, and Mrs Mary Shoemaker. The table favors were made by Mrs. Lyean Johnson and Mrs. B. Cobbley. A very successful program was enjoyed at 10 p.m. Acting as master mas-ter of ceremonies was Karl Banks. Lynell Cooper sang two beautiful solos, requested by the bride and groom. A piano solo was played by Betty Page. Two dances were given by Roland Butler and partner part-ner of Salt Lake City, formerly of Pleasant Grove. A humorous reading read-ing was given by Miss Renae Johnson. Toast to the bride and groom was graciously given by Miss Estelle Fenton. A ballet number was given by Edith Thayne and partner. Two accordion duets were played by talented Frank and Jerry Fraugh-ton Fraugh-ton of American Fork and completed com-pleted the program. The new Mrs. Beck has always resided in Pleasant Grove and is a popular member of the younger set. She graduated from the Pleas- Wedding vows were .exchanged between Dixie West and Clive L. Beck in a solemn candlight ceremony cere-mony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. West,. Pleasant Grove. A double-ring double-ring ceremony was performed at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Bishop Harry S. Richards officiated before the nearest of kin. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was attended by Mrs. Berdean Jarman as matron of honor. Kaye West, brother of the bride, performed the duties of best man. The bride chose as her bridesmaids the following: LaRue Westover, Lorraine Brown, Lynell Cooper, Geniel Winslow, and Mary Beck, sister of the bridegroom. Lorraine Cobbley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Cobbley and Kathy Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clark, were flower girls. Berdean Ber-dean Jarman and Udell Westover were ushers. The lovely bride wore a gown of white imported chantilly lace with billowing skirts of nylon tulle over autumn pink taffeta. The moulded bodice was high-lighted with a winged collar embroidered with seed pearls and rhinestones. Her misty veil fell from a daintily scalloped crown sewn with see'd pearls and rhinestones. She car-riell car-riell a beautiful bouquet of talisman talis-man roses enriched with stepha-notes. stepha-notes. A pink crystal necklace, given by her father to her mother at her wedding was her only jewelry. The matron of honor and bridesmaids wore identical gowns of crisp orchid organdy and carried car-ried baskets filled with orchid and bronze chrysanthemums. Mrs. West chose a gown of purple pur-ple velvet bodice with orchid tulle over taffeta for her daughter's wed"ding. The bridegroom's mother wore an autumn, rose-crepe gown embroidered em-broidered in rhinestones and pearls. The home was attractively and appropriately decorated for the occasion. The wedding party stood , against banks of yellow gladiolas with bronze throats accented with orchid chrysanthemums. The mantle man-tle displayed a miniature bride and groom surrounded by gladiolas gladiol-as and mums. Wedding bells hung from streamers of ribbon about the room. The reception immediately following fol-lowing the ceremony was held at the newly constructed Stake Tabernacle. Tab-ernacle. Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Harper Har-per and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Baxter Bax-ter greeted more than 800 guests at the door. Miss Renae Johnson graciously handled the guest book. The receiving line stood before a profusion of beautiful flowers shaped into the form of a double heart. Yellow gladiolas tinted with bronze and lavendar chrysanthemums chrysanthe-mums were predominant. Beautiful candelbra was on either side. Tall baskets of gladiolas and fall flowers flow-ers in various shades were used about the large hall, complimenting compliment-ing the beautiful indoor plants that were used. The north end of the hall represented repres-ented a garden. Golden pillars were used with potted ferns on either side of a huge arch, covered with trailing yellow blooms and ferns. Directly from the arch was a three-tiered wedding cake on a table covered with yellow satin over which a filmy hand-crocheted tablecloth was used. Guests were served at small tables covered with lavendar organdy. The center of each table was decorated with a beautiful heart covered with bronze ribbon and dwarf chrysanthemums. While the guests assembled, organ or-gan music was played by Miss Ann Clark, after which she and Mrs. ant Grove High School and attended attend-ed college at USAC, Logan. She was affiliated with the Theta U Epsilon sorority. She was most recently employed by Hill s Air Force Base in Ogden. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon L. Beck of Orem. He was also graduated from Pleasant Grove High School. He recently returned from Korea where he has been serving with the armed forces. - Tire bride chose for her going-away going-away an original suit of black sheer wool with gray carcul trim and matching accessories. The newlyweds are now enjoying a delightful honeymoon in California after which they will be home at 9S2 East Second South, Pleasant Grove. |