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Show Mrs. William Green Returns from Son's Wedding in Wisconsin Mrs. Wm. L. Green has returned from Milwaukee, Wis., where on Sept. 26, she attended the wedding of her son Jerry A. Lunt and Miss Edith Deckhut, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickhut. Nuptial vows were spoken by the young couple on Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. in the Lutheran Church. A reception followed at the Steward Ste-ward Old Heidelberg Cafe, where music "and dancing was enjoyed. The young couple plan to come west and make their home in Og-den. Og-den. Both are high school graduates. grad-uates. ' Corporal Jerry A. Lunt who recently re-cently received his discharge from the U. S. army at Rapid City, So. Dakota, has spent four years in the army where he has attended medical school. He is the son of Mrs. Wm. L. Green and the late A. L Lunt of Nephi. |