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Show Parents Announce Engagement Of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Garland H. Clark announce the engagement and approaching ap-proaching marriage of their daughter daug-hter Shirleen, to G. Preston Taylor, Tay-lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Taylor of American Fork. The young couple will repeat nuptial vows in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on November 3. A reception recept-ion will honor the coung couple the same evening at the Pleasant Grove First Ward Chapel. Miss Clark is a griduate of the Pleasant Grove -iigr; .School where she was a member of the Pep club, the orchestra, Ladies Glee club, flag bearer for the band, and took part in the senior play. Mr. Taylor graduated from the Brigham Young University with a major in accounting. He was a member of Intercollegiate Kuights national fraternity. They plan to make a home in I America nFork where the tiros- pective groom is employed by Dixon-Taylor-Russell Co. |